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! http: introduce HttpData model replacing the byte array in `HttpB…
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…ody` and `MessageChunk`, closes #365

So far the HTTP model for message entities and chunks was based on "raw" byte arrays thereby violating the immutability "standard".
 With this change we introduce a dedicated model for HTTP binary data called `HttpData`, which also adds support for file-based (off-memory) data.

 We use the opportunity of this breaking change to refactor the `HttpEntity` model.
 `EmptyEntity` and `HttpBody` are gone and replaced with `HttpEntity.Empty` and `HttpEntity.NonEmpty`.
 Additionally `MessageChunk::bodyAsString` is gone. Use `` instead.
  • Loading branch information
sirthias committed Sep 10, 2013
1 parent f625b5a commit c6f49cc
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Showing 8 changed files with 431 additions and 98 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions project/Build.scala
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ object Build extends Build with DocSupport {
.settings(osgiSettings(exports = Seq("spray.http")): _*)
.settings(libraryDependencies ++=
compile(parboiled) ++
provided(akkaActor) ++

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218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions spray-http/src/main/scala/spray/http/HttpData.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
* Copyright (C) 2011-2013
* Based on code copyright (C) 2010-2011 by the BlueEyes Web Framework Team (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package spray.http

import{ FileInputStream, File }
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import scala.collection.immutable.VectorBuilder
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import akka.util.ByteString
import spray.util.UTF8

sealed abstract class HttpData {
def isEmpty: Boolean
def nonEmpty: Boolean = !isEmpty
def length: Long
def copyToArray(xs: Array[Byte], sourceOffset: Long = 0, targetOffset: Int = 0, span: Int = length.toInt): Unit
def toByteArray: Array[Byte]
def toByteString: ByteString
def +:(other: HttpData): HttpData
def asString: String = asString(UTF8)
def asString(charset: HttpCharset): String = asString(charset.nioCharset)
def asString(charset: java.nio.charset.Charset): String = new String(toByteArray, charset)

object HttpData {
def apply(string: String): HttpData =
apply(string, HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`)
def apply(string: String, charset: HttpCharset): HttpData =
if (string.isEmpty) Empty else new Bytes(ByteString(string getBytes charset.nioCharset))
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): HttpData =
if (bytes.isEmpty) Empty else new Bytes(ByteString(bytes))
def apply(bytes: ByteString): HttpData =
if (bytes.isEmpty) Empty else new Bytes(bytes)

* Creates an HttpData.FileBytes instance if the given file exists, is readable, non-empty
* and the given `length` parameter is non-zero. Otherwise the method returns HttpData.Empty.
* A negative `length` value signifies that the respective number of bytes at the end of the
* file is to be ommitted, i.e., a value of -10 will select all bytes starting at `offset`
* except for the last 10.
* If `length` is greater or equal to "file length - offset" all bytes in the file starting at
* `offset` are selected.
def apply(file: File, offset: Long = 0, length: Long = Long.MaxValue): HttpData = {
val fileLength = file.length
if (fileLength > 0) {
require(offset >= 0 && offset < fileLength, s"offset $offset out of range $fileLength")
if (file.canRead)
if (length > 0) new FileBytes(file.getAbsolutePath, offset, math.min(fileLength - offset, length))
else if (length < 0 && length > offset - fileLength) new FileBytes(file.getAbsolutePath, offset, fileLength - offset + length)
else Empty
else Empty
} else Empty

* Creates an HttpData.FileBytes instance if the given file exists, is readable, non-empty
* and the given `length` parameter is non-zero. Otherwise the method returns HttpData.Empty.
* A negative `length` value signifies that the respective number of bytes at the end of the
* file is to be ommitted, i.e., a value of -10 will select all bytes starting at `offset`
* except for the last 10.
* If `length` is greater or equal to "file length - offset" all bytes in the file starting at
* `offset` are selected.
def fromFile(fileName: String, offset: Long = 0, length: Long = Long.MaxValue) =
apply(new File(fileName), offset, length)

case object Empty extends HttpData {
def isEmpty = true
def length = 0L
def copyToArray(xs: Array[Byte], sourceOffset: Long, targetOffset: Int, span: Int) = ()
val toByteArray = Array.empty[Byte]
def toByteString = ByteString.empty
def +:(other: HttpData) = other
override def asString(charset: Charset) = ""

sealed abstract class NonEmpty extends HttpData {
def isEmpty = false
def +:(other: HttpData): NonEmpty =
other match {
case Empty this
case x: CompactNonEmpty Compound(x, this)
case Compound(head, tail: CompactNonEmpty) Compound(head, Compound(tail, this))
case x: Compound newBuilder.+=(x).+=(this).result().asInstanceOf[Compound]
def toByteArray = {
require(length <= Int.MaxValue, "Cannot create a byte array greater than 2GB")
val array = Array.ofDim[Byte](length.toInt)

sealed abstract class CompactNonEmpty extends NonEmpty { _: Product
override def toString = s"$productPrefix(<$length bytes>)"

case class Bytes private[HttpData] (bytes: ByteString) extends CompactNonEmpty {
def length = bytes.length
def copyToArray(xs: Array[Byte], sourceOffset: Long = 0, targetOffset: Int = 0, span: Int = length.toInt) = {
require(sourceOffset >= 0, "sourceOffset must be >= 0 but is " + sourceOffset)
if (sourceOffset < length)
bytes.iterator.drop(sourceOffset.toInt).copyToArray(xs, targetOffset, span)
def toByteString = bytes

case class FileBytes private[HttpData] (fileName: String, offset: Long = 0, length: Long) extends CompactNonEmpty {
def copyToArray(xs: Array[Byte], sourceOffset: Long = 0, targetOffset: Int = 0, span: Int = length.toInt) = {
require(sourceOffset >= 0, "sourceOffset must be >= 0 but is " + sourceOffset)
if (span > 0 && xs.length > 0 && sourceOffset < length) {
require(0 <= targetOffset && targetOffset < xs.length, s"start must be >= 0 and <= ${xs.length} but is $targetOffset")
val stream = new FileInputStream(fileName)
try {
stream.skip(offset + sourceOffset)
val targetEnd = math.min(xs.length, targetOffset + math.min(span, (length - sourceOffset).toInt))
@tailrec def load(ix: Int = targetOffset): Unit =
if (ix < targetEnd), ix, targetEnd - ix) match {
case -1 // file length changed since this FileBytes instance was created
case count load(ix + count)
} finally stream.close()
def toByteString = ByteString(toByteArray)

case class Compound private[HttpData] (head: CompactNonEmpty, tail: NonEmpty) extends NonEmpty {
val length = head.length + tail.length
def foreach(f: CompactNonEmpty Unit): Unit = {
@tailrec def rec(compound: Compound = this): Unit = {
compound.tail match {
case x: CompactNonEmpty f(x)
case x: Compound rec(x)
def copyToArray(xs: Array[Byte], sourceOffset: Long = 0, targetOffset: Int = 0, span: Int = length.toInt) = {
require(sourceOffset >= 0, "sourceOffset must be >= 0 but is " + sourceOffset)
if (span > 0 && xs.length > 0 && sourceOffset < length) {
require(0 <= targetOffset && targetOffset < xs.length, s"start must be >= 0 and <= ${xs.length} but is $targetOffset")
val targetEnd: Int = math.min(xs.length, targetOffset + math.min(span, (length - sourceOffset).toInt))
var sCursor: Long = 0
var tCursor: Int = targetOffset
foreach { current
val nextSCursor: Long = sCursor + current.length
if (tCursor < targetEnd && nextSCursor > sourceOffset) {
val sOffset = -math.min(sCursor - sourceOffset, 0)
sourceOffset = sOffset,
targetOffset = tCursor,
span = targetEnd - tCursor)
tCursor = math.min(tCursor + current.length - sOffset, Int.MaxValue).toInt
sCursor = nextSCursor
override def toString = head.toString + " +: " + tail
def toByteString = ByteString(toByteArray)

def newBuilder: Builder = new Builder

class Builder extends scala.collection.mutable.Builder[HttpData, HttpData] {
private val b = new VectorBuilder[CompactNonEmpty]
private var _byteCount = 0L

def byteCount: Long = _byteCount

def +=(x: CompactNonEmpty): this.type = {
b += x
_byteCount += x.length

def +=(elem: HttpData): this.type =
elem match {
case Empty this
case x: CompactNonEmpty this += x
case x: Compound
@tailrec def append(current: NonEmpty): this.type =
current match {
case x: CompactNonEmpty this += x
case Compound(head, tail) this += head; append(tail)

def clear(): Unit = b.clear()

def result(): HttpData =
b.result().foldRight(Empty: HttpData) {
case (x, Empty) x
case (x, tail: NonEmpty) Compound(x, tail)
102 changes: 44 additions & 58 deletions spray-http/src/main/scala/spray/http/HttpEntity.scala
Expand Up @@ -16,80 +16,66 @@

package spray.http

import java.util

* Models the entity (aka "body" or "content) of an HTTP message.
sealed trait HttpEntity {
def isEmpty: Boolean
def buffer: Array[Byte]
def flatMap(f: HttpBody HttpEntity): HttpEntity
def nonEmpty: Boolean = !isEmpty
def data: HttpData
def flatMap(f: HttpEntity.NonEmpty HttpEntity): HttpEntity
def orElse(other: HttpEntity): HttpEntity
def asString: String
def asString(defaultCharset: HttpCharset): String
def toOption: Option[HttpBody]

* Models an empty entity.
case object EmptyEntity extends HttpEntity {
def isEmpty: Boolean = true
val buffer = Array.empty[Byte]
def flatMap(f: HttpBody HttpEntity): HttpEntity = this
def orElse(other: HttpEntity): HttpEntity = other
def asString = ""
def asString(defaultCharset: HttpCharset) = ""
def toOption = None

* Models a non-empty entity. The buffer array is guaranteed to have a size greater than zero.
* CAUTION: Even though the byte array is directly exposed for performance reasons all instances of this class are
* assumed to be immutable! spray never modifies the buffer contents after an HttpBody instance has been created.
* If you modify the buffer contents by writing to the array things WILL BREAK!
case class HttpBody private (contentType: ContentType, buffer: Array[Byte]) extends HttpEntity {
def isEmpty: Boolean = false
def flatMap(f: HttpBody HttpEntity): HttpEntity = f(this)
def orElse(other: HttpEntity): HttpEntity = this
def asString = new String(buffer, contentType.charset.nioCharset)
def asString(defaultCharset: HttpCharset) =
new String(buffer, contentType.definedCharset.getOrElse(defaultCharset).nioCharset)
def toOption = Some(this)

override def toString =
"HttpEntity(" + contentType + ',' + (if (buffer.length > 500) asString.take(500) + "..." else asString) + ')'

override def hashCode = contentType.## * 31 + util.Arrays.hashCode(buffer)
override def equals(obj: Any) = obj match {
case x: HttpBody (this eq x) || contentType == x.contentType && util.Arrays.equals(buffer, x.buffer)
case _ false

object HttpBody {
private[http] def from(contentType: ContentType, buffer: Array[Byte]): HttpEntity =
if (buffer.length == 0) EmptyEntity else new HttpBody(contentType, buffer)
def toOption: Option[HttpEntity.NonEmpty]

object HttpEntity {
implicit def apply(string: String): HttpEntity =
apply(ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`, string)

implicit def apply(buffer: Array[Byte]): HttpEntity =
apply(ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream`, buffer)
implicit def apply(string: String): HttpEntity = apply(ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`, string)
implicit def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): HttpEntity = apply(HttpData(bytes))
implicit def apply(data: HttpData): HttpEntity = apply(ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream`, data)
def apply(contentType: ContentType, string: String): HttpEntity =
if (string.isEmpty) Empty else apply(contentType, HttpData(string, contentType.charset))
def apply(contentType: ContentType, bytes: Array[Byte]): HttpEntity = apply(contentType, HttpData(bytes))
def apply(contentType: ContentType, data: HttpData): HttpEntity =
data match {
case x: HttpData.NonEmpty new NonEmpty(contentType, x)
case _ Empty

implicit def flatten(optionalEntity: Option[HttpEntity]): HttpEntity =
optionalEntity match {
case Some(body) body
case None EmptyEntity
case None Empty

def apply(contentType: ContentType, string: String): HttpEntity =
if (string.isEmpty) EmptyEntity
else apply(contentType, string.getBytes(contentType.charset.nioCharset))
* Models an empty entity.
case object Empty extends HttpEntity {
def isEmpty = true
def data = HttpData.Empty
def flatMap(f: HttpEntity.NonEmpty HttpEntity): HttpEntity = this
def orElse(other: HttpEntity): HttpEntity = other
def asString = ""
def asString(defaultCharset: HttpCharset) = ""
def toOption = None

def apply(contentType: ContentType, buffer: Array[Byte]): HttpEntity = HttpBody.from(contentType, buffer)
* Models a non-empty entity. The buffer array is guaranteed to have a size greater than zero.
* CAUTION: Even though the byte array is directly exposed for performance reasons all instances of this class are
* assumed to be immutable! spray never modifies the buffer contents after an HttpEntity.NonEmpty instance has been created.
* If you modify the buffer contents by writing to the array things WILL BREAK!
case class NonEmpty private[HttpEntity] (contentType: ContentType, data: HttpData.NonEmpty) extends HttpEntity {
def isEmpty = false
def flatMap(f: HttpEntity.NonEmpty HttpEntity): HttpEntity = f(this)
def orElse(other: HttpEntity): HttpEntity = this
def asString = data.asString(contentType.charset)
def asString(defaultCharset: HttpCharset) = data.asString(contentType.definedCharset getOrElse defaultCharset)
def toOption = Some(this)
override def toString =
"HttpEntity(" + contentType + ',' + (if (data.length > 500) asString.take(500) + "..." else asString) + ')'

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