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A well tested, GitHub API client for Haskell using wreq as a backend.

The project uses Stackage to maintain build stability.

Currently supported endpoints


module Network.Octohat.Members

  • Add teams to an organization addTeamToOrganization

  • Delete teams from an organization deleteTeamFromOrganization

  • List all members from an organization membersForOrganization

  • List all members from a team, using the team id membersForTeam

  • List all teams from an organization teamsForOrganization

  • Add members to a team addMemberToTeam

  • Delete members from a team deleteMemberFromTeam

  • List Public Keys for a user publicKeysForUser


To install:

cabal sandbox init
cabal install --only-dep --enable-test -jN

where N = <the number of cores in your machine>

To build:

cabal build

Then run the test suite:

CAUTION: Use tokens of a test user, not your own account since the test suite clears state on Github before it runs (i.e., it will delete everything in your github account).

You need to set some environment variables.

Set SANDBOX_ORGANIZATION to an organization you don't care about, since the tests will delete all the teams within that organization

Set TEST_ACCOUNT_ONE to a test account member of the Owners teams in $SANDBOX_ORGANIZATION

Set TEST_ACCOUNT_TWO to another test account member of the Owners teams in $SANDBOX_ORGANIZATION

Set TEST_ACCOUNT_THREE to yet another test account member of the Owners teams in $SANDBOX_ORGANIZATION

Set GITHUB_TOKEN to an API token from $TEST_ACCOUNT_ONE. The token scopes should include full admin privileges and the ability to write public keys.

You can these variables either directly or put them in .GITHUB_SANDBOX. Either way they must be set to run the tests. Finally run the tests with:

cabal test


After you have built the binaries using cabal build you should have an executable file named .dist/build/abc/abc. This provides a rather basic interface to the GitHub API. The tool expects the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN to be set to a GitHub token with permissions to modify an organization. Some of the operations supported: (each subcommand has its own --help page)

dist/build/abc/abc --help

Some options

Usage: abc COMMAND
  GitHub client to manage teams. Please specify your token as GITHUB_TOKEN

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  list-teams               List teams in a organization
  members-in               List members in team and organization
  add-to-team              Add users to a team
  delete-user              Delete a user from a team


MIT, see the LICENSE file.


API wrapper for Github's API in Haskell with tests







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