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Gradle plugin to integrate Docker into your project. It uses Docker Compose to easily define application stack definitions.

This plugin uses Gradle to deliver great flexibility. That also allows you to integrate with services such as Docker Hub, Travis CI or Tutum, keeping all your options open.

Use this plugin if you want to easily do full stack application testing. Or, just pick a couple application's components to simplify integration testing. You can create completely funky setups, with e.g. network disturbing components.

Here follows a list of the current features to give you an idea. Note that modules refer to Gradle modules.

  1. Build, test, tag and push workflow for a Docker image from a Dockerfile. In case an image is the deliverable of your project.
  2. Not using feature 1, but instead define an application stack of other images, e.g. to test compatibility of certain versions.
  3. Any number of test modules.
  4. Test modules defining their own application stack, meaning you can use:
  5. Any number of application stack definitions, for different test suites.
  6. Test image modules that build and use a test image that can be linked to application components. This gives ultimate freedom in defining your tests: the contract is the exit code of the test image's process. Examples include selenium user interface tests.
  7. Test modules with tests defined in code. Integration with the Gradle Java plugin (giving Groovy and Scala for free) is automatic. The plugin makes the connection variables for the application component available to the tests.
  8. Image modules to build any image you would like to use in one or more application definitions. This allows you to define any stub, or inspector, or the funky stuff like chaos monkeys. Very useful are components with an API that can be used by test images or test code.
  9. Providing dependencies (such as artifacts downloaded from Nexus) to any docker build. This allows clean Dockerfiles and use of the Docker caching mechanism.
  10. Docker Compose modules, allowing multiple test modules to use the same application stack. Useful in case it is heavy to start, although it can lead to problems in case test modules are not orthogonal.
  11. Extending from image modules: modules that build an image can extend on another. So if an image is meant to be extended, you can test that.
  12. Compatibility with local (on Linux) or remote (Docker Machine, OSX) docker daemons.
  13. Gradle tasks that act as hooks to define your own logic.

The plugin executes commands to the Docker CLI and Docker Compose, meaning those are prerequisites. It also means out of the box support for the Linux socket, and any tweaking such as an --insecure-registry will be used automatically.


The best and most complete documentation are the test projects that you find in the source code. They are very easy to read and quickly give an idea of use cases and strategies. This documentation needs to be enhanced before a release 1.0.

For any of the use cases below, your projects gradle file should include the plugin:

// in your root project:
buildscript {
  repositories {
    // for releases and release candidates:
    // for snapshots:
    maven { url '' }
  dependencies {
    classpath group: 'org.stackwork.gradle', name: 'stackwork', version: 'x.x.x[-rc.x][-SNAPSHOT]'
// apply the plugin to every gradle project (i.e. subprojects that function as a docker module as well):
apply plugin: 'stackwork'

Building, tagging and pushing an image

For tagging, make sure your image has a name and a version:

// build.gradle
version = '1.1-SNAPSHOT'
stackwork {
  imageName = 'my-image'

Run by calling the Gradle pushImage task.

Run groovy unit tests against an image built in your project

To allow your tests access to the service's (i.e. running container) host and port, you need to make your tests depend on the runDockerCompose task and use the serviceInfo from the stackwork object populated by that task:

// build.gradle
tasks.test.doFirst { { serviceName, serviceInfo ->
    serviceInfo.each { infoKey, infoVal ->
      systemProperties["stackwork.$serviceName.$infoKey"] = infoVal
}.dependsOn tasks.runDockerCompose

Clean up after yourself, also in case of failing tests by:

tasks.runDockerCompose.finalizedBy tasks.cleanDockerCompose
tasks.stopDockerCompose.mustRunAfter tasks.test

Running without stopping containers

The plugin can be instructed to keep containers running after tests have been executed. To enable this behaviour include the following configuration block in your build script:

stackwork {
  stopContainers = false

This will ensure that StopDockerComposeTask and subsequents clean-up tasks won't run. The feature is especially useful when running on build services like Travis that, for security reasons, prevent containers from being stopped.


Gradle stackwork object (runtime data)

The plugin exports a property object 'stackwork' that you can use in your Gradle build file. The object is reachable via project.stackwork.[property]. For the following build tasks, these properties are

build task property
n.a. done always host
buildImage imageId
tagImage fullImageName
parseComposeTemplate composeFile
runDockerCompose services.SERVICE_NAME.port

Gradle task buildImage

The buildImage task executes a docker build command in the root of your project. You can have only a single Dockerfile, and the deliverable of the project is a single Docker image. The resulting image id is exposed to Gradle via the stackwork object.

Gradle task parseComposeTemplate

The parseComposeTemplate task parses the docker-compose.yml.template file in the projects src/test with all project properties. Possible usage is a template file containing

  image: ${stackwork.imageId}

The resulting file including its path is exposed to Gradle via the Docker object for depending tasks.

Dependency: buildImage

Gradle task runDockerCompose

The runDockerCompose task runs the generated docker compose file. It also exposes host and port for each service through the stackwork object in the form of a map.

Dependency: parseComposeTemplate

Gradle task stopDockerCompose

The stopDockerCompose task stops the docker compose services.

Dependency: runDockerCompose

Gradle task cleanDockerCompose

The cleanDockerCompose task cleans the stopped docker compose services.

Dependency: stopDockerCompose

Gradle task tagImage

The tagImage task tags the image built during buildImage with the project.version (as tag) and stackwork { imageName } (as name). The task will fail in case project.version or stackwork { imageName } doesn't exist. The full image name including tag is exposed to Gradle via the stackwork object. E.g. the build.gradle can contain:

version = '1.1-SNAPSHOT'
stackwork {
  imageName = 'my-image'

Dependency: buildImage

Gradle task pushImage

The pushImage task pushes the image tagged during tagImage. All logic for repositories, namespaces etc. comes from the stackwork { imageName }.

Dependency: tagImage

Get the plugin

The plugin is currently released to Bintray, while snapshots are pushed to JFrog under builds. See the top of this document for a build.gradle example of applying the plugin.