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bug #29104 [DI] fix dumping inlined services (nicolas-grekas)
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This PR was merged into the 3.4 branch.


[DI] fix dumping inlined services

| Q             | A
| ------------- | ---
| Branch?       | 3.4
| Bug fix?      | yes
| New feature?  | no
| BC breaks?    | no
| Deprecations? | no
| Tests pass?   | yes
| Fixed tickets | #28824 #29078
| License       | MIT
| Doc PR        | -

Same as #29103 but for 3.4.

This PR dump inline services using the call-stack to sort the code for instantiating them.
This makes easier to follow and matches the behavior one would expect (and has when using `ContainerBuiler` directly to create services.)


a97606d [DI] fix dumping inlined services
  • Loading branch information
nicolas-grekas committed Nov 6, 2018
2 parents 41eaba5 + a97606d commit 6006448
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Showing 12 changed files with 344 additions and 86 deletions.
121 changes: 63 additions & 58 deletions src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Dumper/PhpDumper.php
Expand Up @@ -306,9 +306,13 @@ private function analyzeCircularReferences(array $edges, &$checkedNodes, &$curre
if ($node->getValue() && ($edge->isLazy() || $edge->isWeak())) {
// no-op
} elseif (isset($currentPath[$id])) {
$currentId = $id;
foreach (array_reverse($currentPath) as $parentId) {
$this->circularReferences[$parentId][$id] = $id;
$id = $parentId;
$this->circularReferences[$parentId][$currentId] = $currentId;
if ($parentId === $id) {
$currentId = $parentId;
} elseif (!isset($checkedNodes[$id])) {
$checkedNodes[$id] = true;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,7 +595,7 @@ private function addService($id, Definition $definition, &$file = null)
$this->definitionVariables = new \SplObjectStorage();
$this->referenceVariables = array();
$this->variableCount = 0;
$this->definitionVariables[$definition] = $this->referenceVariables[$id] = new Variable('instance');
$this->referenceVariables[$id] = new Variable('instance');

$return = array();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -663,22 +667,7 @@ protected function {$methodName}($lazyInitialization)
$code .= sprintf(" @trigger_error(%s, E_USER_DEPRECATED);\n\n", $this->export($definition->getDeprecationMessage($id)));

$head = $tail = '';
$arguments = array($definition->getArguments(), $definition->getFactory());
$this->addInlineVariables($head, $tail, $id, $arguments, true);
$code .= '' !== $head ? $head."\n" : '';

if ($arguments = array_filter(array($definition->getProperties(), $definition->getMethodCalls(), $definition->getConfigurator()))) {
$this->addInlineVariables($tail, $tail, $id, $arguments, false);

$tail .= '' !== $tail ? "\n" : '';
$tail .= $this->addServiceProperties($definition);
$tail .= $this->addServiceMethodCalls($definition);
$tail .= $this->addServiceConfigurator($definition);

$code .= $this->addServiceInstance($id, $definition, '' === $tail)
.('' !== $tail ? "\n".$tail."\n return \$instance;\n" : '');
$code .= $this->addInlineService($id, $definition);

if ($asFile) {
$code = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return $line ? substr($line, 8) : $line; }, explode("\n", $code)));
Expand All @@ -692,35 +681,41 @@ protected function {$methodName}($lazyInitialization)
return $code;

private function addInlineVariables(&$head, &$tail, $id, array $arguments, $forConstructor)
private function addInlineVariables($id, Definition $definition, array $arguments, $forConstructor)
$hasSelfRef = false;
$code = '';

foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
if (\is_array($argument)) {
$hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineVariables($head, $tail, $id, $argument, $forConstructor) || $hasSelfRef;
$code .= $this->addInlineVariables($id, $definition, $argument, $forConstructor);
} elseif ($argument instanceof Reference) {
$hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineReference($head, $id, $this->container->normalizeId($argument), $forConstructor) || $hasSelfRef;
$code .= $this->addInlineReference($id, $definition, $this->container->normalizeId($argument), $forConstructor);
} elseif ($argument instanceof Definition) {
$hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineService($head, $tail, $id, $argument, $forConstructor) || $hasSelfRef;
$code .= $this->addInlineService($id, $definition, $argument, $forConstructor);

return $hasSelfRef;
return $code;

private function addInlineReference(&$code, $id, $targetId, $forConstructor)
private function addInlineReference($id, Definition $definition, $targetId, $forConstructor)
$hasSelfRef = isset($this->circularReferences[$id][$targetId]);
if ($id === $targetId) {
return $this->addInlineService($id, $definition, $definition, $forConstructor);

if ('service_container' === $targetId || isset($this->referenceVariables[$targetId])) {
return $hasSelfRef;
return '';

$hasSelfRef = isset($this->circularReferences[$id][$targetId]);
$forConstructor = $forConstructor && !isset($this->definitionVariables[$definition]);
list($callCount, $behavior) = $this->serviceCalls[$targetId];

if (2 > $callCount && (!$hasSelfRef || !$forConstructor)) {
return $hasSelfRef;
$code = $hasSelfRef && !$forConstructor ? $this->addInlineService($id, $definition, $definition, $forConstructor) : '';

if (isset($this->referenceVariables[$targetId]) || (2 > $callCount && (!$hasSelfRef || !$forConstructor))) {
return $code;

$name = $this->getNextVariableName();
Expand All @@ -730,7 +725,7 @@ private function addInlineReference(&$code, $id, $targetId, $forConstructor)
$code .= sprintf(" \$%s = %s;\n", $name, $this->getServiceCall($targetId, $reference));

if (!$hasSelfRef || !$forConstructor) {
return $hasSelfRef;
return $code;

$code .= sprintf(<<<'EOTXT'
Expand All @@ -745,46 +740,56 @@ private function addInlineReference(&$code, $id, $targetId, $forConstructor)

return false;
return $code;

private function addInlineService(&$head, &$tail, $id, Definition $definition, $forConstructor)
private function addInlineService($id, Definition $definition, Definition $inlineDef = null, $forConstructor = true)
if (isset($this->definitionVariables[$definition])) {
return false;
$isSimpleInstance = $isRootInstance = null === $inlineDef;

if (isset($this->definitionVariables[$inlineDef = $inlineDef ?: $definition])) {
return '';

$arguments = array($definition->getArguments(), $definition->getFactory());
$arguments = array($inlineDef->getArguments(), $inlineDef->getFactory());

if (2 > $this->inlinedDefinitions[$definition] && !$definition->getMethodCalls() && !$definition->getProperties() && !$definition->getConfigurator()) {
return $this->addInlineVariables($head, $tail, $id, $arguments, $forConstructor);
$code = $this->addInlineVariables($id, $definition, $arguments, $forConstructor);

$name = $this->getNextVariableName();
$this->definitionVariables[$definition] = new Variable($name);
if ($arguments = array_filter(array($inlineDef->getProperties(), $inlineDef->getMethodCalls(), $inlineDef->getConfigurator()))) {
$isSimpleInstance = false;
} elseif ($definition !== $inlineDef && 2 > $this->inlinedDefinitions[$inlineDef]) {
return $code;

$code = '';
if ($forConstructor) {
$hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineVariables($code, $tail, $id, $arguments, $forConstructor);
if (isset($this->definitionVariables[$inlineDef])) {
$isSimpleInstance = false;
} else {
$hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineVariables($code, $code, $id, $arguments, $forConstructor);
$code .= $this->addNewInstance($definition, '$'.$name, ' = ', $id);
$hasSelfRef && !$forConstructor ? $tail .= ('' !== $tail ? "\n" : '').$code : $head .= ('' !== $head ? "\n" : '').$code;
$name = $definition === $inlineDef ? 'instance' : $this->getNextVariableName();
$this->definitionVariables[$inlineDef] = new Variable($name);
$code .= '' !== $code ? "\n" : '';

$code = '';
$arguments = array($definition->getProperties(), $definition->getMethodCalls(), $definition->getConfigurator());
$hasSelfRef = $this->addInlineVariables($code, $code, $id, $arguments, false) || $hasSelfRef;
if ('instance' === $name) {
$code .= $this->addServiceInstance($id, $definition, $isSimpleInstance);
} else {
$code .= $this->addNewInstance($inlineDef, '$'.$name, ' = ', $id);

$code .= '' !== $code ? "\n" : '';
$code .= $this->addServiceProperties($definition, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceMethodCalls($definition, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceConfigurator($definition, $name);
if ('' !== $code) {
$hasSelfRef ? $tail .= ('' !== $tail ? "\n" : '').$code : $head .= $code;
if ('' !== $inline = $this->addInlineVariables($id, $definition, $arguments, false)) {
$code .= "\n".$inline."\n";
} elseif ($arguments && 'instance' === $name) {
$code .= "\n";

$code .= $this->addServiceProperties($inlineDef, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceMethodCalls($inlineDef, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceConfigurator($inlineDef, $name);

if ($isRootInstance && !$isSimpleInstance) {
$code .= "\n return \$instance;\n";

return $hasSelfRef;
return $code;

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -1388,6 +1388,8 @@ public function testAlmostCircular($visibility)

$foo6 = $container->get('foo6');
$this->assertEquals((object) array('bar6' => (object) array()), $foo6);

$this->assertInstanceOf(\stdClass::class, $container->get('root'));

public function provideAlmostCircular()
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -833,6 +833,8 @@ public function testAlmostCircular($visibility)

$foo6 = $container->get('foo6');
$this->assertEquals((object) array('bar6' => (object) array()), $foo6);

$this->assertInstanceOf(\stdClass::class, $container->get('root'));

public function provideAlmostCircular()
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@

* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Tests\Fixtures;

class FooForCircularWithAddCalls
public function call(\stdClass $argument)
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper\PhpDumper;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Tests\Fixtures\FooForCircularWithAddCalls;

$public = 'public' === $visibility;
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,4 +116,33 @@
->setProperty('bar6', new Reference('bar6'));

// provided by Christian Schiffler

->register('root', 'stdClass')
->setArguments([new Reference('level2'), new Reference('multiuse1')])

->register('level2', FooForCircularWithAddCalls::class)
->addMethodCall('call', [new Reference('level3')]);

$container->register('multiuse1', 'stdClass');

->register('level3', 'stdClass')
->addArgument(new Reference('level4'));

->register('level4', 'stdClass')
->setArguments([new Reference('multiuse1'), new Reference('level5')]);

->register('level5', 'stdClass')
->addArgument(new Reference('level6'));

->register('level6', FooForCircularWithAddCalls::class)
->addMethodCall('call', [new Reference('level5')]);

return $container;
Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator;
$this->services['foo_with_inline'] = $instance = new \Foo();

$a = new \Bar();

$a->pub = 'pub';
$a->setBaz(${($_ = isset($this->services['baz']) ? $this->services['baz'] : $this->load('getBazService.php')) && false ?: '_'});

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -264,7 +264,6 @@ protected function getFooWithInlineService()
$this->services['foo_with_inline'] = $instance = new \Foo();

$a = new \Bar();

$a->pub = 'pub';
$a->setBaz(${($_ = isset($this->services['baz']) ? $this->services['baz'] : $this->getBazService()) && false ?: '_'});

Expand Down

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