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#Apptivist #####Saving the world one click at a time! Apptivist is an interactive social news app for passionate activists to participate in current events. Apptivist creates a pipeline for direct action when readers are inspired by the news they read. No longer will a reader be limited to “like”, “share”, or “comment” on a story that interests them. Now, when users post an article on the Apptivist site, the article automatically links to real world activities — enabling readers to find related in-person events, charities seeking support, and pertinent contact information of local government representatives. The site also stores and tracks usage information so that users can visualize their impact.

####Tech Stack Python, Flask, Jinja, Marshmallow, SQLAlchemy, SQLite, JavaScript, d3, jQuery, HTML, CSS, AJAX, BootStrap

####API's API, API, Sunlight Congress RESTful API

####User Features:

Ability for the user to:

  • Post a news article to the site
  • View preview of article before posting
  • Tag articles with keywords from eight different categories
  • Read news articles posted by o†her users
  • In newsfeed, sorted by date posted
  • Can optionally be sorted by category too
  • Take one of three actions after reading an interesting article:
  • Look up related events
  • Find related charity projects
  • Contact their local govt representative
  • View user profiles with the following details:
  • Influence: A data tree representing their influence on the site: articles they have posted, and actions that other users have taken since reading those articles
  • Actions: A list of the user's actions made when interacting with the site
  • Articles: listing all articles the user has posted to the site

####Server-side Features:

Ability for the app to:

  • Display newsfeed either by date or by category tag, after querying database in SQLite
  • Preview article posts via AJAX post request. In browser, the javascript AJAX post sends the url to the server. The server parses the Open Graph Protocol header tags in the url for the article data to preview. Return the result to the browser so the user can preview their post.
  • Use the database associating Apptivist category tags to categories on Meetup and Global Giving sites.
  • Use the associated terms to send requests to Meetup API and Global Giving API. Results are returned in JSON, then rendered in browser for user
  • Based on the user's zipcode, send request to Sunlight Congress API for contact information on all the user's local government officials
  • Track and store user's actions on the site. Everytime a user clicks on an official Meetup, Global Giving, or Congress link, send the information of that event back to the server to be added to a database of user actions database
  • Nestle the tracked user data into a tree object to be rendered by d3 javascript into a collapsible graph on the user's profile page - the Influence tree!

##Install Apptivist

Clone or fork this repo:

Create and activate a virtual environment inside your project directory:

virtualenv env

source env/bin/activate

Install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get your own secret keys for,, and Sunlight Labs and save them to a file You should also set your own secret key for Flask.

Source your secret keys:


Run the app:


Navigate to localhost:5000/ to view the news Apptivist newsfeed!


No description, website, or topics provided.






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