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mootools In place editor with event delegation and data api support.

How to use

you could create an instance this way:


//make every div that is a form child node editable
var inplace = new InPlaceEditor($$('form > div'), {

						properties: {
							rows: 3,
							cols: 18
						validate: 'numeric',
						onChange: function (div, value, oldValue) {

							//do something

or this way, you can attach elements later


//make every div that is a form child node editable
var inplace = new InPlaceEditor({

						properties: {
							rows: 3,
							cols: 18
						validate: 'required',
						onChange: function (div, value, oldValue) {

							//do something
inplace.attach('form > div');

InPlaceEditor Options:

  • wrapper - (string, optional) HTML tag for the editor wrapper. default to span

  • buttons - (boolean, optional) display save and cancel buttons. default to true. if set to false, input is saved on blur or cancelled if the validation fails or the user press esc

  • toColor - (string, optional) when the mouse enter the element, change its background color to this value

  • fColor - (string, optional) when the mouse leave the element, change its background color to this value

  • newLine - (boolean, optional) insert a new line between the editor and cancel/save buttons

  • cancelMsg - (string, optional) value of the cancel button. default to cancel

  • okMsg - (string, optional) value of the OK button. default to SAVE

  • className - (string, optional) class name for the editor wrapper. default to inplace-edit.

  • property - (string, optional) element property to edit. possible values are text and html. default to text

  • element - (string, optional) editor HTML tag. possible values as input, textarea. default to textarea

  • properties - (object, optional) editor properties. for example for textarea, you may want to set the number of rows, cols, etc.

  • target - (mixed, optional) id or function that return an element. this element is automatically updated with the user input.

  • inputProperty - (text, optional) name of the target property that will contain user input

  • validate - (mixed, optional) (string) list of validators separated with space or function that validates user input, return true if the input is valid.

  • options - (array, optional) array of options. if set, the editor will display a instead of a text box. alternatively you can specify options using data attribute data-inplace-options of the element or the target value - (string, optional) if options are object then this is the name of the property used as value. default to 'value' text - (string, optional) if options are object then this is the name of the property used as text. default to 'text' InPlaceEditor.Delegation Options: relay - (string) selector for the nodes that will be edited InPlaceEditor Events: onChange fire when the element content has been edited. Arguments: element - (element) the element that has been edited value - (string) the new element content oldValue - (string) the previous element content Element Method: attach attach InPlaceEditor behaviors to elements Returns: this InPlaceEditor instance Arguments: elements - (mixed) elements. Element Method: detach remove InPlaceEditor behaviors from elements Returns: this InPlaceEditor instance Arguments: elements - (mixed) elements. Validation API Validators are available through InPlaceEditor.Validators. there are two built-in validators: required: accept anything but the empty string numeric: accept numeric input you can extend InPlaceEditor.Validators with your own validator InPlaceEditor.Validators.even = function (value) { return !isNaN(value) && value % 2 == 0 } and use it later with new InPlaceEditor({ ... validate: 'even required' // must pass both required and even validators }) or with data api <div data-validate="required even"> or you can still use the old fashioned style new InPlaceEditor({ ... validate: function (value) { if(isNaN(value)) return false; return value !== '' && value % 2 == 0 } }) Data API InPlaceEditor can be used with data api with the help of mootools Element.Data plugin. all the parameters are available through data-* attributes of either the element or the delegator. in order to enable usage via data api, you have to set data-toggle attribute to inplace-edit <div data-toggle="inplace-edit"> if you use event delegation then set data-toggle to inplace-edit-delegate on the delegator element <div data-toggle="inplace-edit-delegate" data-relay=".editable"> <div class="editable" data-options="['Select size', 1,5,10,20,50,100]" data-validate="numeric">Select size</div> <div class="editable">Type anything here</div> </div> validators are separated with space and options are passed as a json string like in this example <div data-validate="required myvalidator" data-options="[1,5,10,20,50,100]" data-ok-msg="Yes!" data-cancel-msg="I don't want it now"> if you use the data api, a single instance InPlaceEditor (or InPlaceEditor.Delegation) will handle edition of all elements in the page. that instance can be accessed via the element storage key data-inplace-edit


mootools In place editor with event delegation and data api support







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