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Merge remote branch 'origin/swank-break'
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technomancy committed Mar 29, 2010
2 parents 5cae5b2 + 456f2da commit 63d9545
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Showing 3 changed files with 217 additions and 56 deletions.
45 changes: 37 additions & 8 deletions src/swank/commands/basic.clj
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(if (= form rdr)
[value last-form]
(recur (read rdr false rdr)
(eval form)
(eval (with-env-locals form))

(defslimefn interactive-eval-region [string]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,20 +339,49 @@ that symbols accessible in the current namespace go first."
(defslimefn throw-to-toplevel []
(throw *debug-quit-exception*))

(defn invoke-restart [restart]
((nth restart 2)))

(defslimefn invoke-nth-restart-for-emacs [level n]
(if (= n 1)
(let [cause (.getCause *current-exception*)]
(invoke-debugger cause *debug-thread-id*)
(.getMessage cause))
(throw *debug-quit-exception*)))
((invoke-restart (*sldb-restarts* (nth (keys *sldb-restarts*) n)))))

(defslimefn throw-to-toplevel []
(if-let [restart (*sldb-restarts* :quit)]
(invoke-restart restart)))

(defslimefn sldb-continue []
(if-let [restart (*sldb-restarts* :continue)]
(invoke-restart restart)))

(defslimefn sldb-abort []
(if-let [restart (*sldb-restarts* :abort)]
(invoke-restart restart)))

(defslimefn backtrace [start end]
(doall (take (- end start) (drop start (exception-stacktrace *current-exception*)))))
(build-backtrace start end))

(defslimefn buffer-first-change [file-name] nil)

(defn locals-for-emacs [m]
(map #(list :name (name (first %)) :id 0 :value (str (second %))) m))

(defslimefn frame-catch-tags-for-emacs [n] nil)
(defslimefn frame-locals-for-emacs [n] nil)
(defslimefn frame-locals-for-emacs [n]
(if (and (zero? n) *current-env*)
(locals-for-emacs (local-non-functions *current-env*))))

(defslimefn frame-locals-and-catch-tags [n]
(list (frame-locals-for-emacs n)
(frame-catch-tags-for-emacs n)))

(defslimefn debugger-info-for-emacs [start end]
(build-debugger-info-for-emacs start end))

(defslimefn eval-string-in-frame [expr n]
(if (and (zero? n) *current-env*)
(with-bindings *current-env*
(eval expr))))

(defslimefn frame-source-location [n]
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/swank/commands/inspector.clj
Expand Up @@ -264,6 +264,14 @@
(binding [*current-connection* (first @*connections*)]
(defslimefn inspect-frame-var [frame index]
(if (and (zero? frame) *current-env*)
(let [locals (local-non-functions *current-env*)
object (locals (nth (keys locals) index))]
(inspect-object object)))))
(defslimefn inspector-nth-part [index]
(get @*inspectee-parts* index))
Expand Down
220 changes: 172 additions & 48 deletions src/swank/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,14 @@
;; Emacs packages
(def *current-package*)

;; current emacs eval id
(def *pending-continuations* '())

(def *sldb-stepping-p* nil)
(def *sldb-initial-frames* 10)
(def #^{:doc "The current level of recursive debugging."} *sldb-level* 0)
(def #^{:doc "The current restarts."} *sldb-restarts* 0)

(def #^{:doc "Include swank-clojure thread in stack trace for debugger."}
*debug-swank-clojure* false)

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;; Exceptions for debugging
(defonce *debug-quit-exception* (Exception. "Debug quit"))
(def #^Throwable *current-exception*)
(defonce *debug-continue-exception* (Exception. "Debug continue"))
(defonce *debug-abort-exception* (Exception. "Debug abort"))

(def #^Throwable *current-exception* nil)

;; Local environment
(def *current-env* nil)

(let [&env :unavailable]
(defmacro local-bindings
"Produces a map of the names of local bindings to their values."
(if-not (= &env :unavailable)
(let [symbols (keys &env)]
(zipmap (map (fn [sym] `(quote ~sym)) symbols) symbols)))))

(defn local-non-functions [m]
(select-keys m (filter #(or (coll? (m %)) (not (ifn? (m %)))) (keys m))))

;; Handle Evaluation
(defn send-to-emacs
Expand All @@ -54,6 +79,16 @@
(defn send-repl-results-to-emacs [val]
(send-to-emacs `(:write-string ~(str (pr-str val) "\n") :repl-result)))

(defn with-env-locals
"Evals a form with given locals. The locals should be a map of symbols to
(let [m (local-non-functions *current-env*)]
(if (first m)
`(let ~(vec (mapcat #(list % (m %)) (keys m)))

(defn eval-in-emacs-package [form]
(eval form)))
Expand All @@ -78,42 +113,118 @@
(defn- debug-quit-exception? [t]
(some #(identical? *debug-quit-exception* %) (exception-causes t)))

(defn debug-loop
"A loop that is intented to take over an eval thread when a debug is
encountered (an continue to perform the same thing). It will
continue until a *debug-quit* exception is encountered."
([] (try
(catch Throwable t
;; exit loop when not a debug quit
(when-not (debug-quit-exception? t)
(throw t))))))

(defn exception-stacktrace [#^Throwable t]
(defn- debug-continue-exception? [t]
(some #(identical? *debug-continue-exception* %) (exception-causes t)))

(defn- debug-abort-exception? [t]
(some #(identical? *debug-abort-exception* %) (exception-causes t)))

(defn exception-stacktrace [t]
(map #(list %1 %2 '(:restartable nil))
(iterate inc 0)
(map str (.getStackTrace t))))

(def *debug-thread-id*)
(defn invoke-debugger [#^Throwable thrown id]
(thread-set-name "Swank Debugger Thread")
(binding [*current-exception* thrown
*debug-thread-id* id]
(let [level 1
message (list (or (.getMessage thrown) "No message.")
(str " [Thrown " (class thrown) "]")
options `(("ABORT" "Return to SLIME's top level.")
~@(when-let [cause (.getCause thrown)]
'(("CAUSE" "Throw cause of this exception"))))
error-stack (exception-stacktrace thrown)
continuations (list id)]
(send-to-emacs (list :debug (current-thread) level message
options error-stack continuations))
(send-to-emacs (list :debug-activate (current-thread) level true))
(send-to-emacs (list :debug-return (current-thread) level nil))))))
(defn debugger-condition-for-emacs []
(list (or (.getMessage *current-exception*) "No message.")
(str " [Thrown " (class *current-exception*) "]")

(defn make-restart [kw name description f]
[kw [name description f]])

(defn add-restart-if [condition restarts kw name description f]
(if condition
(conj restarts (make-restart kw name description f))

(declare sldb-debug)
(defn cause-restart-for [thrown depth]
(keyword (str "cause" depth))
(str "CAUSE" depth)
(str "Invoke debugger on cause "
(apply str (take depth (repeat " ")))
(.getMessage thrown)
" [Thrown " (class thrown) "]")
(partial sldb-debug nil thrown *pending-continuations*)))

(defn add-cause-restarts [restarts thrown]
(loop [restarts restarts
cause (.getCause thrown)
level 1]
(if cause
(conj restarts (cause-restart-for cause level))
(.getCause cause)
(inc level))

(defn calculate-restarts [thrown]
(let [restarts [(make-restart :quit "QUIT" "Quit to the SLIME top level"
(fn [] (throw *debug-quit-exception*)))]
restarts (add-restart-if
(pos? *sldb-level*)
:abort "ABORT" (str "ABORT to SLIME level " (dec *sldb-level*))
(fn [] (throw *debug-abort-exception*)))
restarts (add-restart-if
(.contains (.getMessage thrown) "BREAK")
:continue "CONTINUE" (str "Continue from breakpoint")
(fn [] (throw *debug-continue-exception*)))
restarts (add-cause-restarts restarts thrown)]
(into (array-map) restarts)))

(defn format-restarts-for-emacs []
(doall (map #(list (first (second %)) (second (second %))) *sldb-restarts*)))

(defn build-backtrace [start end]
(doall (take (- end start) (drop start (exception-stacktrace *current-exception*)))))

(defn build-debugger-info-for-emacs [start end]
(list (debugger-condition-for-emacs)
(build-backtrace start end)

(defn sldb-loop
"A loop that is intented to take over an eval thread when a debug is
encountered (an continue to perform the same thing). It will
continue until a *debug-quit* exception is encountered."
(list* :debug (current-thread) level
(build-debugger-info-for-emacs 0 *sldb-initial-frames*)))
([] (continuously
(send-to-emacs `(:debug-activate ~(current-thread) ~level nil))
(catch Throwable t
`(:debug-return ~(current-thread) ~*sldb-level* ~*sldb-stepping-p*))
(if-not (debug-continue-exception? t)
(throw t)))))

(defn invoke-debugger
[locals #^Throwable thrown id]
(binding [*current-env* locals
*current-exception* thrown
*sldb-restarts* (calculate-restarts thrown)
*sldb-level* (inc *sldb-level*)]
(sldb-loop *sldb-level*)))

(defn sldb-debug [locals thrown id]
(invoke-debugger nil thrown id)
(catch Throwable t
(when (and (pos? *sldb-level*)
(not (debug-abort-exception? t)))
(throw t)))))

(defmacro break
`(invoke-debugger (local-bindings) (Exception. "BREAK:") *pending-continuations*))

(defn doall-seq [coll]
(if (seq? coll)
Expand All @@ -122,7 +233,8 @@

(defn eval-for-emacs [form buffer-package id]
(binding [*current-package* buffer-package]
(binding [*current-package* buffer-package
*pending-continuations* (cons id *pending-continuations*)]
(if-let [f (slime-fn (first form))]
(let [form (cons f (rest form))
result (doall-seq (eval-in-emacs-package form))]
Expand All @@ -136,22 +248,34 @@
;; Thread.stop was called on us it may be set and will cause an
;; InterruptedException in one of the send-to-emacs calls below
(set! *e t)

;; (.printStackTrace t #^ *err*)
;; Throwing to top level, let emacs know we're aborting
(when (debug-quit-exception? t)
(send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id))
(throw t))

;; start sldb, don't bother here because you can't actually
;; recover with java
(invoke-debugger (if *debug-swank-clojure*
(.getCause t))
;; reply with abort
(send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id)))))

(debug-quit-exception? t)
(send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id))
(if-not (zero? *sldb-level*)
(throw t)))

(debug-abort-exception? t)
(send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id))
(if-not (zero? *sldb-level*)
(throw *debug-abort-exception*)))

(debug-continue-exception? t)
(throw t)

(set! *e t)
(if *debug-swank-clojure* t (.getCause t))
;; reply with abort
(send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id)))))))

(defn- add-active-thread [thread]
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