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``zeam.form.ztk`` help you to integrate `zeam.form.base`_ with the
Zope Tool Kit. It provides:

- Form fields generation out of zope.schema fields, and zope.schema
  fields listed in a Zope interface,

- Widgets for those fields,

- Default action to Add, Edit a content, Cancel a current action by
  returning on the default view of a content.

Like `zeam.form.base`_ the focus is to have an API usable by the
developer, not a support of theorical use-cases that you don't need.

.. contents::


Let's create a form to edit a content. Here we have an interface for
our content::

  from zope import schema, interface

  class IClan(interface.Interface):

  class IPerson(interface.Interface):

     first_name = schema.TextLine(title=u"First Name")
     last_name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Last Name")
     age = schema.Int(title=u"Age", required=False)
     single = schema.Bool(title=u"Is single ?", default=True)

We assume that a Person is in a Clan. We can implement a Person::

  from persistence import Persistent

  class Person(Persistent):

      first_name = None
      last_name = None
      age = None
      single = True

Add form

You can add a new Person in a clan like this::

  import zeam.form.ztk as form

  class Add(form.Form):


      label = u"New person"
      fields = form.Fields(IPerson)
      actions =  form.Actions(
           form.AddAction("Add", factory=Person),
      actions['add'].fieldName = 'last_name'

Edit form

You can edit a Person like this::

  class Edit(form.Form):


      label = u"Change person details"
      fields = form.Fields(IPerson)
      actions =  form.Actions(

      ignoreContent = False


All the API of ``zeam.form.base`` is exported as well.


  Action which take an extra parameter, factory, to create an object
  stored on the content object. The created object is added with the
  help of ``INameChooser`` to get its identifier. The option
  ``fieldName`` will be used to lookup a value in the form data to
  give as potential identifier to ``INameChooser``. Afterwards the
  created object is edited (like EditAction does) with the form data.

  Action which use the form data to change values on the content
  object, designated by the form fields, after validation of the form

  Simple action which return on default view of the content without
  validating the form submission.


Currently supported fields:

- Date, Datetime: generate a text line input and parse/display the
  date using the locale,

- TextLine, Text, Boolean, URI, Email, and numbers (Int, Float ...),

- Password,

- Choice: generate a select or a radio boxes (widget mode ``radio``),

- Object,

- Collections: List, Set, Tuple in input and display mode:

  - Collection of choices: generate a widget with a list of checkboxes,

  - Collection of objects: generate a table to edit multiple objects,

  - Other collection: generate a widget with generic add an remove actions.

For more documentation, please report to the doctests included in the code.

.. _zeam.form.base: