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JS Charting library for analytics using D3 and NVD3

Wherein attempts are made to keep charts reusable, store chart-specific labels in datafiles, and move all style to css stylesheets.

  • pv.charts.js is the JS file containing pv_drawX methods


  • d3.v3.js
  • pv.nv.d3.js (slightly customized version of nv.d3.js)
  • nv.d3.css

Drawing a chart requires 3 parts: the JS call, css definitions, and a json file containing the data.

for JS usually pass the pv_drawX method an object with options as key/value pairs: optionName: datatype, description

for css include the listed classes/ids and sometimes stylesheet

the json file is passed to JS draw method in {options} (usually as dataPath). In examples below _variable_ denotes what changes in

Bar Chart


pv_drawBar(opt); opt is object with variables:

containerId: string, id for containing div
dataPath: string, path to json file with data
color: array, string of colors to draw bars (optional, preferred uses css .barcolor), ex: ["#336600"]
margins: object defining distance between chart and containing <svg>, ex: {top:30, bottom:75, left:0, right:0}
showControls: boolean, show or hide NVD3 controls, default false
rotateLabels: number, how much to rotate x-axis labels, +/- : cw/ccw
for more options see pv.nv.d3.js file


#containerId { height: ____ ; width:  ____ ; }
#containerId .barcolor { fill: ______; }


	"title": "_Title Appears on the Chart_",
	"values" : [
			"label": "_String_",
			"value": _number_
			"label": "_still a String_",
			"value": _number_

Pie Chart

###JS pv_drawPie(opt); opt is object with variables:

donut: boolean, true=donut, false=pie; default true
donutRatio: number 0-1, thickness of donut; default 0.4
containerId : string, id for containing div, do not include "#"
dataPath: string, path to json file with data
margins: object defining distance between chart and containing <svg>, ex: {top:30, bottom:75, left:0, right:0}
showLegend: boolean, show or hide NVD3 controls; default true
showLabels: boolean, show or hide pie labels; default true
donutLabelsOutside: boolean, labels in pie or outside; default false
labelType: string, options (key|value|percent); default percent
labelColors: array of strings, labels of data, corresponding to css classes 
for more options see pv.nv.d3.js file


#containerId: { height: ___; width:  ___; }
#containerId .pie_labelColor1_ { fill: ______; }
#containerId .pie_labelColor2_ { fill: ______; } etc


    "title": "_string_",
          "label": "_string_",
          "value" : _number_
        } , 
          "label": "_string_",
          "value" : _number_

Datum Module

###JS pv_drawDatum(opt); opt is object with variables:

containerId: string, id for containing div
dataPath: string, path to json file with data


#containerId: { height: ___; width:  ___; }
.datum_fact & .datum_label { font-size: ___ ; font-family: ___ ; fill: ___ ; }


  "title": "_appears on chart",
  "label": "_optional_",
  "value": _number_

Line Chart

pv_drawLine(opt); opt is object with variables:

containerId: string, id for containing div
dataPath: string, path to json file with data



Map Chart (currently states only)

  • default chart: states are shaded in single color spectrum based on rank
  • quantum chart: states are shaded by "group" so that states with similar values have same shade
  • multiColor chart: states are shaded in single spectrum based on rank, but colored according to "category"

###JS pv_drawMap(opt); opt is object with variables:

dataPath = string, path to json file with data
containerId = string, id of div containing map
ttId = string, id of div containing tooltip
quantum = boolean, true means states are shaded by groups, "quanta" based on their value, which are defined in json data
multiColor = boolean, true means states color will be chosen according to a "category", defined in json data
title = string, the title to appear at the top of the map
indVar = string, the 'independent variable' of the map, shows up in tooltip text as "indVar: ##" 

###CSS see map.css file

###JSON Lines marked with * are not required every time

			"_CA_": {
				"state": "_California_",
				"value": _2000_,
				"rank": _1_,
			*	"quantum": _1_,
			*	"category": "_category1_"
			"_NY_": {
				"state": "_New York_",
				"value": _3000_,
				"rank": _2_
			*	"quantum": _2_,
			*	"category": "_category2_"

			"_TX_": {
				"state": "_Texas_",
				"value": _4000_,
				"rank": _3_
			*	"quantum": _2_,
			*	"category": "_category2_"
		"categoryColor": [
		*	["_category1_"],
		*	["_category2_"]
	*	"quanta": _2_


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