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A library to easily create basic GEDCOM-structures. Those structures can then also be used to create more complex structures if needed.

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GedcomCreator uses the GedcomStore library to create the GEDCOM structures. GedcomCreator provides some basic classes and methods to get started on setting up the structures. The library comes with classes for:

  • The header structure HEADER GedcomHeader
  • The submitter record SUBMITTER_RECORD GedcomSubmitter
  • The family record FAM_RECORD GedcomFamily
  • The individual record INDIVIDUAL_RECORD GedcomIndividual
  • The end-of-file line TRLR GedcomEOF

Those classes have methods implemented which will help with the most common situations in creating a GEDCOM structure. The GedcomIndividual class for example has methods to set the gender, birth date, death date, address etc. of an individual. Since the GedcomCreator depends on the GedcomStore library, each structure class needs a GedcomStore instance in the constructor.

The GedcomCreator is made for the GEDCOM specifications version 5.5 and 5.5.1. gedg files for both versions are included in the GedcomStore.


Here is a short example to get started with the GedcomCreator. All set/add-Methods also have a get- and remove-Method:

GedcomStore store = new GedcomStore();


try {
} catch (GedcomParseException e) {

GedcomIndividual indi = new GedcomIndividual(store, "1");
indi.setBirth(true, new Date());
indi.setDeath(true, new Date());
indi.addName("Name", new String[] {"Georg", "Walter"});
indi.addName("Married-Name", NameType.MARRIED, new String[] {"Georg", "Walter"});
indi.addAddress("street11", "street12", "city1", "post1", "country1", 
		new String[] {"phone11", "phone12"}, new String[] {"email11", "email12"}, 
		new String[] {"fax1"}, new String[] {"www1"});
indi.addSpouseLink("link to spouse ID");
indi.addChildLink("link to this individuals family");
indi.addNote("A Note");
indi.addNote("Another Note");
indi.setChangeDate(new Date());

GedcomStructureTextPrinter textPrinter = new GedcomStructureTextPrinter();



GedcomFamily fam = new GedcomFamily(store, "1");
fam.setMarried(true, new Date());
fam.setDivorced(true, null);
fam.addNote("A Family Note");
fam.setChangeDate(new Date());


The output of this example code is:

0 @1@ INDI
  1 SEX M
  1 BIRT Y
    2 DATE 09 FEB 2014
  1 DEAT Y
    2 DATE 09 FEB 2014
  1 OCCU occupation
  1 EDUC education
  1 NAME Georg, Walter /Name/
    2 GIVN Georg, Walter
    2 SURN Name
  1 NAME Georg, Walter /Married-Name/
    2 GIVN Georg, Walter
    2 SURN Married-Name
    2 TYPE married
  1 RESI
    2 ADDR street11, street12, post1, city1, country1
      3 ADR1 street11
      3 ADR2 street12
      3 CITY city1
      3 POST post1
      3 CTRY country1
    2 PHON phone11
    2 PHON phone12
    2 EMAIL email11
    2 EMAIL email12
    2 FAX fax1
    2 WWW www1
  1 FAMC @link to this individuals family@
  1 FAMS @link to spouse ID@
  1 CHAN
    2 DATE 09 FEB 2014
      3 TIME 12:10:01
  1 NOTE A Note
  1 NOTE Another Note

0 @1@ FAM
  1 HUSB @1@
  1 WIFE @2@
  1 CHIL @3@
  1 CHIL @4@
  1 MARR Y
    2 DATE 09 FEB 2014
  1 DIV
  1 CHAN
    2 DATE 09 FEB 2014
      3 TIME 12:10:01
  1 NOTE A Family Note

##Printing As shown in the example above, a GedcomCreator structure can be printed using any of the GedcomStructure* printers (GedcomStructureTextPrinter for example) located in the GedcomStore. The internal node of the GedcomCreator structure tree has to be passed to the printer for printing.

##Access to the complete GEDCOM structure The internal GEDCOM structure tree can be accessed for more advanced structure modifications. As the example above shows, each GedcomCreator structure has the getTree() method which returns the internal GEDCOM structure tree (a GedcomNode from the GedcomStore). See GedcomStore for more information.

#Family Relations (GedcomCreatorStructureStorage) The class GedcomCreatorStructureStorage serves three purposes:

  • As a easy place to collect all GedcomCreator structures (GedcomFamily, GedcomIndividual, ...)
  • To collect family relation informations (children/partners on an individual, families of a parent/child, ...)
  • To locate missing individuals or families which are linked but not present

Just add all GedcomCreator structures to a GedcomCreatorStructureStorage instance and call the buildFamilyRelations() to build the family relations and locate any missing structures. The following methods can then be used for family relations:

  • getChildrenOfIndividual: Returs all the children of the given individual
  • getFamiliesOfParent: Returns all the families the given individual is a parent of
  • getFamilyOfParents: Returns the family of which the two given individuals are the parents of
  • getMissingFamilies: Returns a list of all the family link ID's which are given in individuals but which are not found as family
  • getMissingIndividuals: Returns a list of all the individual link ID's which are given in families but which are not found as individual

Whenever new GedcomCreator structures are added/removed to a GedcomCreatorStructureStorage, the buildFamilyRelations() method has to be called again to update the family relations. However, if any of the get-method above is called and there are any changes, the buildFamilyRelations() method is called automatically before the get-method returns its result.

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Create simple GEDCOM-structures easily (and use them as a starting point to create more complex structures)







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