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File metadata and controls

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This project is powered by Makefiles and environment variables.

Most normal tasks can be run with a make recipe and the correct environment variables. For example:

  • BROWSER=firefox make dev
  • USE_SYSTEM_TIME=false make test

For ease, it's recommended to add a .env file in the repository root with all your values set in there. The make recipes should complain if an environment variable is not set when it should be.

A sample .env for local development and testing would be:


The environment variables are:

Variable Values Description
BROWSER chrome or firefox When running make dev, it will open this browser
LAMBDA_API_URL http://localhost:9000/lambda-url/request-handler/v1 or the production API https://<lambda_id> The endpoint for the extension to use when looking for scores or when voting
TABLE_NAME Discontent The name of the database table, should always be Discontent
LOG_LEVEL info, request_handler=trace, ... Logging levels for the lambda. See here for reference
RANDOMIZE_SCORES true or false Whether the lambda should get scores from the database or generate random ones for development
USE_LOCAL_DATABASE true or false Should the local lambda look at a local database or connect to the live production database
USE_SYSTEM_TIME true or false Normally true but set to false when testing. Used to produce reproducible tests
HEADLESS true or false Whether to run the end to end tests with headless browsers or not
CHROME_EXTENSION_ID Local extension ID, used during end to end tests
FIREFOX_EXTENSION_ID Local extension ID, used during end to end tests
ACCESS_KEY AWS key used for deploying the backend
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS key used for deploying the backend

Building the extension

You'll need: npm, make, web-ext

Recommended root .env file:


Run cd extension && make build in the root directory. The builds will be in:

  • <root>/extension/dist/packed/discontent-<browser>-<version>.zip