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Bootstraps a Maven project. Because archetypes shouldn’t be so complicated.


Mvnizer is ideal to create a throwaway Maven project that adds junit as a dependency and sets up the Maven project structure.


Mvnizer can be installed as follows:

$ gem install mvnizer


Project Creation

Mvnizer is used as follows:

$ mvnizer new <coordinates>

The coordinates can have the following format:


with the values between angled brackets optional. type can only have one of the following three values: jar (default), war or pom. This command creates a project in the artifact folder, populating the proper values in the pom file.

Here are some examples of valid commands:

mvnizer new foo
mvnizer new foo:war
mvnizer new foo:1.0.0:war
mvnizer new com.example:foo
mvnizer new com.example:foo:war
mvnizer new com.example:foo:1.0.0:war

The version must be of the form major.minor.patch-classifier.


The following options can be used to add specific files to the project:

this creates a Dockerfile based on the Java 11 distroless base image. It assumes that the jar generated by the build can be executed using the java -jar command;
--main=[Main class name]
this creates a class with a main method that can be executed using the java -jar command. It also adds the maven-shade-plugin to the pom, with this class as the main class.
this adds logging dependencies to the project. The jar added are defined as the logging_deps of the configuration file. The default are:
logging_deps: [ "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36:jar",
                "ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.2.11:jar" ]

WAR Project

If the type of project generated is war, a servlet (ExampleServlet) is generated, along with a JSP file and an empty web.xml file.

When running the Jetty plugin, e.g.:

mvn org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin:9.4.12.v20180830:run-war

The example can then be accessed at http://localhost:8080/hello

Add Dependency

To add dependencies, you must be in the folder where the pom file you want to add the dependency to is.

To add a dependency, simply pass the coordinates of the dependency, and add scope if needed (if no scope is given, compile is assumed):

mvnizer add org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.1:jar
mvnizer add org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5-rc1:jar:test

The search features makes it easy to find the coordinates of the dependencies for you.

Dependency Search

You can search for dependencies in the Maven central repository with the command:

$ mvnizer search <text>


MIT License.

© Copyright 2012–2022 — Sébastien Le Callonnec