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Installation instructions (dev)

  • Create a new Python 3.6+ virtualenv and activate it
  • Run pip install -e .
  • Run minihai start
  • Point your Jupyhai-enabled Jupyter Notebook to use Minihai for execution:
    env VALOHAI_HOST= jupyter notebook


You can configure Minihai with environment variables or a YAML-based configuration file. Most configuration settings will be more conveniently set in a file. Set the MINIHAI_CONFIG environment variable, or start Minihai with the -c option to specify the path to the configuration file.


By default, Minihai operates without any access control at all. This is undesirable when the server is accessible by the world at large. For the time being, the only authentication scheme is a very simple mapping of usernames to unencrypted passwords, e.g.

  arthur: teatime
  bob: almighty
  ford: towel