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[new] Adding a darcs backend
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Guillem Rieu committed Dec 18, 2012
1 parent 6dddc1d commit db84faa
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions src/repositories/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 OCamlPro *)
(* Copyright 2012 INRIA *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Public License version 3.0. *)
(* *)
(* OPAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)

(* Note: this module is heavily inspired by (and tries to stay close to) OpamGit *)

open OpamTypes
open OpamFilename.OP

let log fmt = OpamGlobals.log "Darcs" fmt

let darcs_fetch local_path remote_address =
OpamGlobals.msg "Fetching %s ...\n" (OpamFilename.Dir.to_string remote_address);
OpamFilename.in_dir local_path (fun () ->
(* Fetch the changes and save them to a temporary patch bundle *)
OpamSystem.command [ "darcs" ; "fetch"; "--all"; "--output=opam_update.bundle"]

let darcs_merge local_path =
OpamFilename.in_dir local_path (fun () ->
OpamSystem.command [ "darcs" ; "apply"; "opam_update.bundle" ]

(* Look for file pathes {packages,compilers}/* in a set of XML lines. *)
let files_of_xmlchanges lines =
let rex = Re_perl.compile_pat "((packages|compilers)((/[\\.\\w]+))+)" in
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> acc
| h :: t ->
let subs = Re.exec rex h in
let file = Re.get subs 1 in
aux (file :: acc) t
with Not_found ->
aux acc t
aux [] lines

(* Return the list of modified files of the darcs repository located
at [dirname].
There is no simple way to get a diff of files with differences between the
local and a remote repository, with darcs, as 'git diff --name-only'. We use
the following workaround:
1. Tag the current state of the repo 'opam_update'
2. Pull (fetch and apply) all new patches
3. Get the changes made to the repo since the 'opam_update' tag, in a XML format
4. Back to initial state: obliterate the 'opam_update' tag and all subsequent patches *)
let darcs_diff local_path =
OpamFilename.in_dir local_path (fun () ->
OpamSystem.commands [
[ "darcs" ; "tag" ; "" ; "opam_update" ] ;
[ "darcs" ; "pull"; "--all" ]
let xml_changes = OpamSystem.read_command_output
[ "darcs" ; "changes" ; "--xml-output" ; "--summary" ; "--from-tag=opam_update" ] in
let files = files_of_xmlchanges xml_changes in
OpamSystem.command [ "darcs" ; "obliterate" ; "--all" ; "--from-tag=opam_update" ];
OpamFilename.Set.of_list ( OpamFilename.of_string files)

let darcs_init address =
let repo = OpamFilename.Dir.to_string address in
OpamSystem.commands [
(* Initialize a new darcs repository, and set a default source repository.
The dummy tag prevents the patches from being actually fetched. We use
the 'fetch' command because there is no dedicated command with darcs to set
a remote repository, as 'git remote'. *)
[ "darcs" ; "initialize" ];
[ "darcs" ; "fetch" ; "--tags=ThisIsADummyTag#00"; "--set-default" ; repo ];

let check_updates local_path remote_address=
if OpamFilename.exists_dir (local_path / "_darcs") then begin
darcs_fetch local_path remote_address;
let files = darcs_diff local_path in
darcs_merge local_path;
Some files
end else

module B = struct

let updates r =
OpamPath.Repository.root r // "last-darcs-updates"

let check_file file =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let updates = (updates local_repo) in
if OpamFilename.Set.mem file updates then
Result file
else if OpamFilename.exists file then
Up_to_date file

let init ~address =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
darcs_init address;
OpamFile.Filenames.write (updates local_repo) (OpamFilename.Set.empty)

let download_archive ~address nv =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let archive = OpamPath.Repository.archive local_repo nv in
check_file archive

let download_file ?checksum nv filename =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let basename = OpamFilename.basename filename in
let file = OpamPath.Repository.tmp_dir local_repo nv // OpamFilename.Base.to_string basename in
check_file file

let rec download_dir nv ?dst remote_address =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let dir = match dst with
| None ->
let basename = OpamFilename.Base.to_string (OpamFilename.basename_dir remote_address) in
OpamPath.Repository.tmp_dir local_repo nv / basename
| Some d -> d in
match check_updates dir remote_address with
| None ->
OpamFilename.mkdir dir;
OpamFilename.in_dir dir (fun () -> darcs_init remote_address);
download_dir nv ?dst remote_address
| Some f ->
if OpamFilename.Set.empty = f then
Up_to_date dir
Result dir

let update ~address =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let local_dir = OpamPath.Repository.root local_repo in
match check_updates local_dir address with
| Some f -> OpamFile.Filenames.write (updates local_repo) f; f
| None ->
"The repository %s is not initialized correctly"
(OpamFilename.Dir.to_string local_dir)

let upload_dir ~address dirname =
let files = OpamFilename.list_files dirname in
OpamSystem.commands [
[ "darcs"; "add"; OpamFilename.Dir.to_string dirname; ];
[ "darcs"; "record"; "--all"; "-m"; "upload new files" ];
[ "darcs"; "push"; "--all"]
OpamFilename.Set.of_list files
with _ ->


let register () =
OpamRepository.register_backend `darcs (module B: OpamRepository.BACKEND)

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