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Initial version of verify account email on account creation.
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Add configuration parameters for optionally enabling account email validation step.
    Default 'false'.
    Configuration parameters for Nodemailer SMTP out-bound permissions.
Add 'validated' property to account.
    Limit creation of access tokens to validated accounts.
Add 'verifyEmail' Request type.
Add /api/v1/account/verify/email to accept GET request for validation.
Add /static/verificationEmail.html as template for sent email.
    Replacement parameters in template for metaverse name
  • Loading branch information
Misterblue committed Apr 16, 2021
1 parent 16b965b commit 418811f
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Showing 10 changed files with 235 additions and 9 deletions.
18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions package-lock.json

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"mongodb": "^3.6.3",
"morgan": "~1.9.1",
"multer": "^1.4.2",
"nodemailer": "^6.5.0",
"unique-names-generator": "^4.3.1",
"uuid": "^8.3.2",
"winston": "^3.3.3"
Expand All @@ -65,6 +66,7 @@
"@types/morgan": "^1.9.2",
"@types/multer": "^1.4.5",
"@types/node": "^14.14.22",
"@types/nodemailer": "^6.4.1",
"@types/uuid": "^8.3.0",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
"tslint": "^6.1.3",
Expand Down
42 changes: 38 additions & 4 deletions src/Entities/Accounts.ts
Expand Up @@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ import { ValidateResponse } from '@Route-Tools/EntityFieldDefn';
import { getEntityField, setEntityField, getEntityUpdateForField } from '@Route-Tools/GetterSetter';

import { createObject, getObject, getObjects, updateObjectFields, deleteOne, noCaseCollation, countObjects } from '@Tools/Db';
import { GenUUID, genRandomString, IsNullOrEmpty, IsNotNullOrEmpty } from '@Tools/Misc';
import { GenUUID, genRandomString, IsNullOrEmpty, IsNotNullOrEmpty, SendVerificationEmail } from '@Tools/Misc';
import { VKeyedCollection, SArray } from '@Tools/vTypes';
import { Logger } from '@Tools/Logging';
import { Requests } from './Requests';

export let accountCollection = 'accounts';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,15 +172,48 @@ export const Accounts = {
newAcct.friends = []
newAcct.connections = []
newAcct.whenCreated = new Date();
if (Config['metaverse-server']['enable-account-email-verification']) {
newAcct.accountEmailVerified = false;

// Remember the password
Accounts.storePassword(newAcct, pPassword);

return newAcct;
// When an account is created, do what is necessary to enable the account.
// This might include verifying the email address, etc.
enableAccount(pAccount: AccountEntity): void {
if (Config['metaverse-server']['enable-account-email-verification']) {
pAccount.accountEmailVerified = false;
const verifyCode = GenUUID();
// Create a pending request and wait for the user to check back
const request = Requests.createEmailVerificationRequest(, verifyCode);
void Requests.add(request);
void SendVerificationEmail(pAccount, verifyCode);
else {
// If not doing email verification, just turn on the account
// The 'enableAccount' function can start a process of account enablement.
// This function is called to actually turn on the account
doEnableAccount(pAccount: AccountEntity): void {
if (Config['metaverse-server']['enable-account-email-verification']) {
pAccount.accountEmailVerified = true;
const updates: VKeyedCollection = {
'accountEmailVerified': true
void Accounts.updateEntityFields(pAccount, updates);
else {
// If accounts are not verified by email, this value does not exist on the
// account and thus enablement is assumed to be 'true'.
delete pAccount.accountEmailVerified;
const updates: VKeyedCollection = {
'accountEmailVerified': null
void Accounts.updateEntityFields(pAccount, updates);
// TODO: add scope (admin) and filter criteria filtering
// It's push down to this routine so we could possibly use DB magic for the queries
async *enumerateAsync(pPager: CriteriaFilter,
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Entities/RequestEntity.ts
Expand Up @@ -35,5 +35,9 @@ export class RequestEntity {
public targetNodeId: string;
public requesterAccepted: boolean;
public targetAccepted: boolean;

// requestType == VERIFYEMAIL
// 'requestingAccountId' is the account being verified
public verificationCode: string; // the code we're waiting for

12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/Entities/Requests.ts
Expand Up @@ -94,20 +94,30 @@ export const Requests = {
return aRequest;
// A 'handshake' request is special request between session NodeIds
// Note, this does not add the request to the database. Caller needs a "Request.add(...)".
createHandshakeRequest(pRequesterNodeId: string, pTargetNodeId: string): RequestEntity {
const newRequest = Requests.create();
newRequest.requestType = RequestType.HANDSHAKE;
newRequest.requesterNodeId = pRequesterNodeId;
newRequest.requesterAccepted = false;
newRequest.targetNodeId = pTargetNodeId;
newRequest.targetAccepted = false;

// A connection request lasts only for so long
const expirationMinutes = Config["metaverse-server"]["handshake-request-expiration-minutes"];
newRequest.expirationTime = new Date( + 1000 * 60 * expirationMinutes);

return newRequest;
// Note, this does not add the request to the database. Caller needs a "Request.add(...)".
createEmailVerificationRequest(pAccountId: string, pVerificationCode: string): RequestEntity {
const newRequest = Requests.create();
newRequest.requestType = RequestType.VERIFYEMAIL;
newRequest.requestingAccountId = pAccountId;
newRequest.verificationCode = pVerificationCode;
const expirationMinutes = Config["metaverse-server"]['email-verification-timeout-minutes'];
newRequest.expirationTime = new Date( + 1000 * 60 * expirationMinutes);
return newRequest;
add(pRequestEntity: RequestEntity) : Promise<RequestEntity> {
return createObject(requestCollection, pRequestEntity);
Expand Down
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions src/Tools/Misc.ts
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,18 @@
import http from 'http';
import https from 'https';
import os from 'os';
import path from 'path';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
import crypto from 'crypto';

import fsPromises from 'fs/promises';

import { createTransport } from 'nodemailer';

import { Logger } from '@Tools/Logging';
import { VKeyedCollection } from '@Tools/vTypes';
import { Config } from '@Base/config';
import { AccountEntity } from '@Entities/AccountEntity';

// Clamp the passed value between a high and low
export function Clamp(pVal: number, pLow: number, pHigh: number): number {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,3 +151,40 @@ export async function httpsRequest(pUrl: string): Promise<string> {

export async function SendVerificationEmail(pAccount: AccountEntity, pVerifyCode: string): Promise<void> {
try {
const verificationURL = Config.metaverse['metaverse-server-url']
+ `/api/v1/account/verify/email?a=${}&v=${pVerifyCode}`;
const metaverseName = Config.metaverse['metaverse-name'];
const shortMetaverseName = Config.metaverse['metaverse-nick-name'];

const verificationFile = path.join(__dirname, '../..', Config['metaverse-server']['email-verification-email-body']);
Logger.debug(`SendVerificationEmail: using verificationFile from ${verificationFile}`);
let emailBody = await fsPromises.readFile(verificationFile, 'utf-8');
emailBody = emailBody.replace('VERIFICATION_URL', verificationURL)
.replace('METAVERSE_NAME', metaverseName)
.replace('SHORT_METAVERSE_NAME', shortMetaverseName);

Logger.debug(`SendVerificationEmail: SMTPhost=${Config['nodemailer-transport-config'].host}`);
const transporter = createTransport(Config['nodemailer-transport-config']);
if (transporter) {
Logger.debug(`SendVerificationEmail: sending email verification for new account ${}/${pAccount.username}`);
const msg = {
from: Config['metaverse-server']['email-verification-from'],
subject: `${shortMetaverseName} account verification`,
html: emailBody
else {
Logger.error(`SendVerificationEmail: failed to recreate transporter`);
catch (e) {
Logger.error(`SendVerificationEmail: exception sending verification email. Acct=${}/${pAccount.username}. e=${e}`);
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/config.ts
Expand Up @@ -65,8 +65,27 @@ export let Config = {
'fix-domain-network-address': true,
// Whether allowing temp domain name creation
'allow-temp-domain-creation': false,

// Email verification on account creation
'enable-account-email-verification': false,
'email-verification-timeout-minutes': 60, // minutes to wait for email verification
// default is in 'static' dir. If you put in 'config' dir, use 'config/verificationEmail.html'.
'email-verification-email-body': 'dist/static/verificationEmail.html', // file to send
'email-verification-from': '', // who the email is From
// SMTP mail parameters for out-bound email
// This is the structure that is passed to NodeMailer's SMTP transport.
// Check out the documentation at
// For SMTP outbound, setup your email account on your service and
// update SMTP-HOSTNAME, SMTP-USER, and SMTP-PASSWORD with your info.
'nodemailer-transport-config': {
'host': 'SMTP-HOSTNAME',
'port': 465, // 587 if secure=false
'secure': true,
'auth': {
'user': 'SMTP-USER',
'monitoring': {
'enable': true, // enable value monitoring
Expand Down
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions src/routes/api/v1/account/verify/email.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
// Copyright 2020 Vircadia Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

'use strict'

import { Router, RequestHandler, Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';
import { setupMetaverseAPI, finishMetaverseAPI } from '@Route-Tools/middleware';
import { Requests, RequestType } from '@Entities/Requests';

import { Accounts } from '@Entities/Accounts';

import { logger, Logger } from '@Tools/Logging';
import { IsNotNullOrEmpty } from '@Tools/Misc';

// metaverseServerApp.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

// The verify account request takes two query parameters:
// /api/v1/account/verify?a=ACCOUNT_ID&v=VERIFICATION_CODE
const procGetVerifyAccount: RequestHandler = async (req: Request, resp: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
logger.debug(`procGetVerifyAccount: `);
if (typeof(req.query.a) === 'string' && IsNotNullOrEmpty(req.query.a)
&& typeof(req.query.v) === 'string' && IsNotNullOrEmpty(req.query.v)) {
const accountId = req.query.a;
const verifyCode = req.query.v;
logger.debug(`procGetVerifyAccount: acctId=${accountId}, code=${verifyCode}`);
const request = await Requests.getWithRequesterOrTarget(accountId, RequestType.VERIFYEMAIL)
if (request) {
if (request.verificationCode === verifyCode) {
// A matching verification request
const aAccount = await Accounts.getAccountWithId(accountId);
if (aAccount) {
Accounts.doEnableAccount(aAccount);`procGetVerifyAccount: account ${accountId} verified and enabled`);
else {
// Odd that we can't find the account. The pending verification request is no more.
req.vRestResp.respondFailure('Not verified. Missing account');
Logger.error(`procGetVerifyAccount: account ${accountId} could not be found for verification`);
// The pending verification request has been used
await Requests.remove(request);
else {
req.vRestResp.respondFailure('Not verified');
Logger.error(`procGetVerifyAccount: verification code did not match for ${accountId}`);
else {
req.vRestResp.respondFailure('Not verified. No pending verification request');
Logger.error(`procGetVerifyAccount: attempt to verify account ${accountId} but no pending verification request`);
else {
req.vRestResp.respondFailure('Verification parameters not present');

export const name = '/api/v1/account/verify/email';

export const router = Router();

router.get( '/api/v1/account/verify/email', [ setupMetaverseAPI, // req.vRestResp, req.vAuthToken
finishMetaverseAPI ] );
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/routes/api/v1/users.ts
Expand Up @@ -90,14 +90,21 @@ const procPostUsers: RequestHandler = async (req: Request, resp: Response, next:
const newAcct = await Accounts.createAccount(userName, userPassword, userEmail);
if (newAcct) {
try {
// A special kludge to create the initial admin account
// If we're creating an account that has the name of the admin account
// then add the 'admin' role to it.
const adminAccountName = Config["metaverse-server"]["base-admin-account"] ?? 'wilma';
// If we're creating the admin account, assign it admin privilages
if (newAcct.username === adminAccountName) {
if (IsNullOrEmpty(newAcct.roles)) newAcct.roles = [];
SArray.add(newAcct.roles, Roles.ADMIN);`procPostUsers: setting new account ${adminAccountName} as admin`);
// Remember the address of the creator
newAcct.IPAddrOfCreator = req.vSenderKey;
// Enable the account (email verification, etc)
// Put it into the database
// Note that this puts everything that's in 'newAcct' into the DB
await Accounts.addAccount(newAcct);
catch (err) {
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/static/verificationEmail.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
You have created an account in the METAVERSE_NAME metaverse.

Please verify the account email by following this link:
<div style="text-align: center">
See you in the virtual world!

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