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c2k - cat 2 kinesis

Like netcat, but for Amazon Kinesis.


$>./c2k --help

Usage of ./c2k:
  -d string
        Delimiter to split on (defaults to newline) (short) (default "\n")
  -delimiter string
        Delimiter to split on (defaults to newline) (default "\n")
  -f    Firehose mode
  -i string
        Type of Shard Iterator to use. Valid choices: AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, TRIM_HORIZON (short) (default "TRIM_HORIZON")
  -iter string
        Type of Shard Iterator to use. Valid choices: AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, TRIM_HORIZON (default "TRIM_HORIZON")
  -l    Listen to stream instead of sending data (short)
        Listen to stream instead of sending data
  -p string
        AWS Profile name to use for authentication (short) (default "default")
  -partitionKey string
        Partition key (default "1")
  -pk string
        Partition key (short) (default "1")
  -profile string
        AWS Profile name to use for authentication (default "default")
  -r string
        AWS region, defaults to us-east-1 (short) (default "us-east-1")
  -region string
        AWS region, defaults to us-east-1 (default "us-east-1")
  -s string
        Stream name to put data (short)
  -sId string
        Shard ID for listen purposes (short) (default "ALL")
  -shardId string
        Shard ID for listen purposes (default "ALL")
  -sn string
        Sequence number to use for iterators that use a sequence number (short)
  -startingSeqNum string
        Sequence number to use for iterators that use a sequence number
  -streamName string
        Stream name to put data

c2k operates in two modes. The first mode sends data to Kinesis. The second mode listens or reads data from a Kinesis stream.


c2k also supports kinesis firehose. You use the -f flag to activate firehose mode.

c2k -s stream-name -f access.log

Sending data to kinesis

A common use case for c2k is sending each line of a file into Kinesis. Here is how you can do this with c2k:

c2k -s your-stream access.log error.log

This will put each line of access.log and error.log as a record into the Kinesis stream named your-stream. By default c2k will use the default crendentials in ~/.aws/credentials, but you can choose the profile with the -p option.

Listening for data

You can also listen for data in a Kinesis stream. By default c2k will listen to all shards in the stream, but you can specify a single shard id as well.

c2k -l -s your-stream -shardId 1

This will stream from shard id 1 of the stream named your-stream. c2k will write the data from the stream to standard out. By default, c2k will used the TRIM_HORIZON type of shard iterator.


cat 2 kinesis






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