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Angular Google Analytics

Google Analytics wrapper for Angular


Reference script and Universal GA snippet

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

<script src="ng-google-analytics.min.js"></script>

Check official docs for up-to-date snippet


angular.module 'yourApp', ['']

Extend gaConfig with any properties needed and it will all be submitted when creating the tracker

.config (gaConfig) ->
  gaConfig.trackingId = 'XX-XXXXXXXX-X'
  gaConfig.appId = 'your_app_ID'
  gaConfig.userId = 'current_user_ID'

Disable auto tracking of virtual pageviews:

.config (gaConfig) -> gaConfig.enableVirtualPageviews = false

Auto tracking of $http errors with gaInterceptor

.config ($httpProvider) -> $httpProvider.interceptors.push 'gaInterceptor'

Directive and binding

Defaults and shortcuts:

  • ga-event
  • ga-category: "button"
  • ga-action: "click" ( serves as trigger if ga-on isn't specified. )
  • ga-label: element's label, name or id attributes
  • ga-on: ga-action's attrs.value or "click" ( this is what fires events to GA, e.g: "hover" )

An example taking advantage of defaults:

<button id="sign-up" class="btn btn-primary" ga-event>Sign Up</button>

Full usage:

<button class="btn btn-primary"
        ga-event ga-category="button" ga-action="click"
        ga-label="sign-up" ga-on="click">Sign Up</button>

API gaService

trackEvent [eventData]

  • Object containing event data: category, action, label, value
  • Optional metadata Object as well
  • value must be a number, not required (check Universal Analytics docs)


eventData =
  category: 'button'
  action: 'click'
  label: 'Sign Up'
  value: 10

trackPageview page

  • page is a string, e.g.: location.href, default: (location.pathname + location.hash)

trackClick label, value

  • Shortcut to
  category: 'button'
  action: 'click'
  label: `label`
  value: `value`


  • v2.0.0: gaService.trackEvent now expects Object instead of Array for better validation of properties values and order before dispatching everything to GA. Refactors code and README in order to optimize usage for new Universal Analytics.


Inside src you can find this module source code, written in CoffeeScript. To build the .js and uglify it, install npm dev-dependencies and run grunt:

(sudo) npm i