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jQuery Gridy - A Grid Plugin -

jQuery Gridy is a plugin that generates a highly customizable grid using templates.


@version 1.0.0 @since 2011.06.03 @author Washington Botelho @documentation @twitter

Required Files

  • jquery.gridy.js
  • jquery.gridy.css
  • icons.png
  • loading.png
  • refresh.png

Default values

  // Ajax Options:

  always            : undefined                               // Function executed when the grid finish the request.
  cache             : undefined                               // Enables the ajax cache.
  contentType       : undefined                               // The content type of the ajax request.
  dataType          : 'json'                                  // The data type of the ajax request.
  done              : undefined                               // Function executed when the grid loads successfully.
  fail              : undefined                               // Function executed when occurs an error.
  jsonp             : undefined                               // Override the callback function name in a jsonp request.
  jsonpCallback     : undefined                               // Specify the callback function name for a JSONP request.
  page              : 1                                       // The number of the page to be displayed.
  params            : {}                                      // A hash of parameters to be added to the query string.
  paramsElements    : []                                      // Array of selectors of field to use the name and value as parameter.
  sortName          : ''                                      // Name of the default column sorted.
  sortOrder         : 'asc'                                   // Order of classification.
  type              : 'get'                                   // Type of the HTTP request.
  url               : '/gridy'                                // URL to request the data.

  // Callback Options:

  before            : undefined                               // Function executed before the grid call the request.
  filter            : undefined                               // Function executed when the data is returned from request.

  Content Options:

  columns           : []                                      // Array of objects that represents the columns with name, value, width and clazz.
  scroll            : false                                   // Enables the display of the grid with scroll.
  style             : 'table'                                 // Change between table and free style of template.
  width             : undefined                               // Width of the grid.

  // Design Options:

  evenOdd           : false                                   // Enables the even odd row style.
  resize            : true                                    // Apply the same width of the content to the other wrappers.
  separate          : true                                    // Change the style of the first line on grid.
  skin              : 'gridy'                                 // Name of the root class name style "CSS prefix".

  // Effect Options:

  clickFx           : false                                   // Enables rows selection with different style on click.
  hoverFx           : false                                   // Enables highlight rows on mouseover.

  // Find Options:

  find              : ''                                      // Name of the column where research will be done.
  finds             : []                                      // List of objects with the name and value representing the avaliable columns for search.
  findTarget        : undefined                               // Selector of the place where the "find" element will be appended.

  // Header Options:

  arrowDown         : 'gridy-arrow-down'                      // Class with background used as icon on the descending sort.
  arrowNone         : 'gridy-arrow-none'                      // Class with background used as icon when there is no sort by especific field.
  arrowUp           : 'gridy-arrow-up'                        // Class with background used as icon on the ascending sort.
  headers           : []                                      // Array of objects that represents each header columns of the grid with name, value, width and clazz.

  // Page Options:

  buttonBackTitle   : '‹ Back'                         // Title of the navigation button back.
  buttonMax         : 10                                      // Number of paging buttons visible.
  buttonNextTitle   : 'Next ›'                         // Title of the navigation button next.
  buttonOption      : true                                    // Shows the pagination buttons.
  buttonTitle       : 'Page'                                  // Text prepended in the button title with it number.

  // JSON Options:

  listPath          : 'list'                                  // The JSON root name.
  totalPath         : 'total'                                 // Path of the total element.
  template          : 'template'                              // The ID of the script template loaded.
  Loading Options   : 'gridy-loading'                         // Name of the class used as a loading icon.
  loadingOption     : true                                    // Enables the presentation of the loading message.
  loadingText       : 'Loading...'                            // Text that will appear during the loading.

  // Message Options:

  messageOption     : false                                   // Enables the display of messages about the grid.
  messageTimer      : 4000                                    // Time in milliseconds in which the messages will remain on the screen.

  // Other Options:

  debug             : false                                   // Shows details of the grid request.

  // Refresh Options:

  refreshIcon       : 'gridy-button-refresh'                  // Button to refresh the data of the grid.
  refreshOption     : true                                    // Enables the refresh button.
  refreshTarget     : undefined                               // Enables the refresh button.

  // Result Options:

  firstQuery        : true                                    // Choose if the grid will do a first query when loaded on page.
  noFirstQueryText  : 'No search was performed yet!'          // Message displayed when the first query is blocked.
  noResultText      : 'No item was found!'                    // Text shown when no result is found for the search.
  resultOption      : true                                    // Enables the presentation of details of the result.

  // Row Options:

  rows              : 10                                      // Number of rows displayed on each page.
  rowsNumber        : [5, 10, 25, 50, 100]                    // List with the numbers of lines that should be displayed.
  rowsTarget        : undefined                               // Selector of the place where the "rows" element will be appended.

  // Search Options:

  search            : ''                                      // Default term to be consulted.
    searchButtonLabel : 'search'                                // Value of the search button.
    searchButtonTitle : 'Start the search'                      // Title of the search button.
  searchFocus       : true                                    // Enables the automatic focus in the search field.
  searchOption      : true                                    // Enables the search field.
  searchTarget      : undefined                               // Selector of the place where the "search" element will be appended.
  searchText        : ''                                      // Text displayed in the search field.

  // Status Options:

  statusOption      : true                                    // Enables the status information text.
  statusText        : 'Displaying {from} - {to} of {total} items' // Enables the status information text.

Usage with default values

  $('#grid').gridy({ url: '/gridy' });
  <table id="grid"></table>
  <script id="template" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">

Public functions

  $('#grid').gridy('reload');                // Reload the grid with the current filter configuration.

  $('#grid').gridy('set', { scroll: true }); // Reload the grid setting new configurations.


  • Gabriel Benz
  • Makoto Hashimoto


The MIT License

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jQuery Gridy - A Grid Plugin






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