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"Too bad you can't use window.setTimout and have it implement the jQuery Deferred interface."

We're all upset about that. So...

"Wait. What? Now you can?!?"

Right. Now you can. I searched the internet and couldn't find an existing one, to my surprise. I wrote it for you though.

It's almost as simple as my sample code in this post explaining the basics of Deferred with the addition of an actual setTimeout... Make a $.Deferred. Call the provided func in a setTimeout, using the provided delay and parameters. After the call to the provided func, call .resolve, and in a catch block, call .reject.

"How do you use it?"

Use it just like setTimeout setTimeout:

    console.log("I'm in the future. " + new Date());
}, 2000);

My new $.defer method:

    console.log("I'm in the future. " + new Date());
}, 2000);

It's the same. You can even pass parameters, just like setTimout. (I didn't bother implementing the overload that takes a string and eval's it, because who cares)

"So what's the big deal?"

  • It works the same way as your beloved setTimeout, only with the $.defer, you can chain callbacks on the end...
        console.log("I'm in the future. " + new Date());
    }, 2000)
        console.log("All done");
    and you get all the benefits of the rest of the callbacks - done/fail/then/always, etc.
  • You can use it anywhere that expects a promise - for example, you can use it as a participant in jQuery's $.when()!
  • Since there are callbacks, you have a way to get the return value of the function that you called.
        return "no you didn't";
    }, 2000)
        console.log(x); // x is "no you didn't" 
  • It's cancel-able. (with optional bool parameter to reject/not reject)
       console.log("Doing work...");
    }, 2000)
        console.log("Sorry to have to cancel this.");
        console.log("Won't get here.");
        console.log("This will happen");
  • You can use it without the function parameter to return a promise that will resolve in [delay] milliseconds
    return $.defer(100);

    The delay is optional too. The default delay of 0 (zero) will be used.

    return $.defer(function(){alert("ASYNC!");});


    return $.defer();


a deferred-ified/promisified window.setTimeout







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