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Releases: xdanieldzd/GXTConvert

GXTConvert v0.8

25 Jan 16:56
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Maintenance release; please consider using Scarlet instead of GXTConvert.

GXTConvert v0.7

05 Oct 20:22
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Maintenance release

GXTConvert v0.6

29 Mar 19:58
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Minor sanity checks and fixes

Added nicer unsupported GXT version message; disabled non-working (i.e. garbage-producing) v2 and v1 support, also reworked version detection/usage during conversion; fixed palette reading when GXT file size isn't exactly as expected, i.e. when manually extracted from other containers; increased version number

GXTConvert v0.5

22 Mar 00:22
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Reworked command line arguments

Command line argument parsing reworked, addressing the "drag-and-drop" use case from issue #1, among other things; program can now take directories and files as arguments or via drag-and-drop, while the output directory has become an optional switch

GXTConvert v0.4

21 Mar 21:02
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Various changes to project structure, texture info handling, indexed image and palette handling, new texture formats and types, etc.

GXTConvert v0.2

22 Feb 19:22
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Initial public release