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iOS: Wave form scale now switches scales from 1 minute, 30 seconds, 1…
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…0 seconds and 1 second. Will need to add another scale at around 5 seconds later. Still a lot of minor bugs but at least the scale system is now working.

Related to issue #405.
  • Loading branch information
ycastonguay committed Jul 8, 2013
1 parent a00ea30 commit 022b890
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 41 deletions.
134 changes: 93 additions & 41 deletions MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormScaleView.cs
Expand Up @@ -75,19 +75,6 @@ public long AudioFileLength

private float _zoom = 1.0f;
public float Zoom
return _zoom;
_zoom = value;

public MPfmWaveFormScaleView(IntPtr handle)
: base (handle)
Expand All @@ -107,18 +94,13 @@ private void Initialize()

public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)
// Leave empty! Actual drawing is in DrawLayer
Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - DrawLayer");
var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
CoreGraphicsHelper.FillRect(context, Bounds, _colorGradient1);

if (_audioFile == null || _audioFileLength == 0)
Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - DrawLayer - AudioFile is null or AudioFileLength == 0");

Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - DrawLayer - Drawing scale...");
Console.WriteLine("===> WaveFormScaleView - DrawLayer - Drawing scale...");

// Check which scale to take depending on song length and wave form length
// The scale doesn't have to fit right at the end, it must only show 'major' positions
Expand All @@ -130,8 +112,8 @@ public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)
float totalMinutes = totalSeconds / 60f;

// Scale down total seconds/minutes
float totalSecondsScaled = totalSeconds * (100 / _zoom);
float totalMinutesScaled = totalMinutes * (100 / _zoom);
float totalSecondsScaled = totalSeconds * 100;
float totalMinutesScaled = totalMinutes * 100;

// If the song duration is short, use a smaller scale right away
var scaleType = WaveFormScaleType._1minute;
Expand All @@ -142,7 +124,7 @@ public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)
else if(totalMinutesScaled < 1)
scaleType = WaveFormScaleType._30seconds;

Console.WriteLine("WaveFormView - scaleType: {0} totalMinutes: {1} totalSeconds: {2} totalMinutesScaled: {3} totalSecondsScaled: {4}", scaleType.ToString(), totalMinutes, totalSeconds, totalMinutesScaled, totalSecondsScaled);
Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - scaleType: {0} totalMinutes: {1} totalSeconds: {2} totalMinutesScaled: {3} totalSecondsScaled: {4}", scaleType.ToString(), totalMinutes, totalSeconds, totalMinutesScaled, totalSecondsScaled);

// Draw scale borders
CoreGraphicsHelper.DrawLine(context, new List<PointF>(){ new PointF(0, _timeScaleHeight), new PointF(Bounds.Width, _timeScaleHeight) }, UIColor.DarkGray.CGColor, 1, false, false);
Expand All @@ -151,27 +133,74 @@ public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)

// TODO: Maybe reduce the number of ticks between major ticks if the width between ticks is too low.

float minuteWidth = 0;
float tickWidth = 0;
int tickCount = 0;
bool foundScale = false;
int majorTickCount = 0;
int minorTickCount = 0;
float lastMinuteSeconds = 0;
int lastMinuteTickCount = 0;
float scaleMultiplier = 1;
while (!foundScale)
case WaveFormScaleType._1minute:
minuteWidth = Bounds.Width / totalMinutes;
int majorTickCount = (int)Math.Floor(totalMinutes) + 1; // +1 because of minute 0

// Calculate how many minor/major ticks fit in the area showing "full" minutes
int minorTickCount = ((int)Math.Floor(totalMinutes)) * 10;

// Calculate how many minor ticks are in the last minute; minor tick scale = 6 seconds.
float lastMinuteSeconds = totalSeconds - ((float)Math.Floor(totalMinutes) * 60);
int lastMinuteTickCount = (int)Math.Floor(lastMinuteSeconds / 6f);
tickCount = minorTickCount + lastMinuteTickCount + 1; // +1 because of line at 0:00.000
Console.WriteLine("WaveFormView - Scale - majorTickCount: {0} minorTickCount: {1} lastMinuteSeconds: {2} lastMinuteTickCount: {3} tickCount: {4}", majorTickCount, minorTickCount, lastMinuteSeconds, lastMinuteTickCount, tickCount);
switch (scaleType)
case WaveFormScaleType._1minute:
scaleMultiplier = 1f;
case WaveFormScaleType._30seconds:
scaleMultiplier = 2f;
case WaveFormScaleType._10seconds:
scaleMultiplier = 6f;
case WaveFormScaleType._1second:
scaleMultiplier = 60f;

tickWidth = (Bounds.Width / totalMinutes / scaleMultiplier) / 10;
majorTickCount = (int)(Math.Floor(totalMinutes) * scaleMultiplier) + 1; // +1 because of minute 0
minorTickCount = (int)((Math.Floor(totalMinutes) * 10) * scaleMultiplier);

// Calculate how many minor ticks are in the last minute; minor tick scale = 6 seconds.
lastMinuteSeconds = totalSeconds - ((float)Math.Floor(totalMinutes / scaleMultiplier) * 60);
lastMinuteTickCount = (int)Math.Floor(lastMinuteSeconds / scaleMultiplier / 6f);
tickCount = minorTickCount + lastMinuteTickCount + 1; // +1 because of line at 0:00.000
Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - Scale type: {0} - scaleMultiplier: {1} majorTickCount: {2} minorTickCount: {3} lastMinuteSeconds: {4} lastMinuteTickCount: {5} tickCount: {6} tickWidth: {7}", scaleType.ToString(), scaleMultiplier, majorTickCount, minorTickCount, lastMinuteSeconds, lastMinuteTickCount, tickCount, tickWidth);

// Check if the right scale was found
if (tickWidth > 20f)
Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - tickWidth: {0} - tickWidth > 20; Moving scale down...", tickWidth);

switch (scaleType)
case WaveFormScaleType._1minute:
scaleType = WaveFormScaleType._30seconds;
case WaveFormScaleType._30seconds:
scaleType = WaveFormScaleType._10seconds;
case WaveFormScaleType._10seconds:
scaleType = WaveFormScaleType._1second;
else if (tickWidth < 5f)
Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - tickWidth: {0} - tickWidth < 5f; Moving scale up...", tickWidth);
Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - tickWidth: {0} - Found right scale; exiting loop...", tickWidth);

float tickX = 0;
int minute = 0;
int majorTickIndex = 0;
for(int a = 0; a < tickCount; a++)
bool isMajorTick = ((a % 10) == 0);
Expand All @@ -188,14 +217,37 @@ public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)
// Draw dashed traversal line for major ticks
CoreGraphicsHelper.DrawLine(context, new List<PointF>(){ new PointF(tickX, _timeScaleHeight), new PointF(tickX, Bounds.Height) }, UIColor.LightGray.CGColor, 1, false, true);

// Determine major scale text
int minutes = 0;
int seconds = 0;
case WaveFormScaleType._1minute:
minutes = majorTickIndex;
seconds = 0;
case WaveFormScaleType._30seconds:
minutes = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex / scaleMultiplier);
seconds = (majorTickIndex % scaleMultiplier == 0) ? 0 : 30;
case WaveFormScaleType._10seconds:
minutes = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex / scaleMultiplier);
seconds = ((int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex % scaleMultiplier)) * 10;
case WaveFormScaleType._1second:
minutes = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex / scaleMultiplier);
seconds = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex % scaleMultiplier);

// Draw text at every major tick (minute count)
CoreGraphicsHelper.DrawTextInRect(context, new RectangleF(tickX + 4, _timeScaleHeight - (_timeScaleHeight / 1.25f), minuteWidth, _timeScaleHeight / 2), minute.ToString() + ":00", "HelveticaNeue", 10f, UIColor.White.CGColor, UILineBreakMode.TailTruncation, UITextAlignment.Left);
string scaleMajorTitle = string.Format("{0}:{1:00}", minutes, seconds);
CoreGraphicsHelper.DrawTextInRect(context, new RectangleF(tickX + 4, _timeScaleHeight - (_timeScaleHeight / 1.25f), tickWidth * 10, _timeScaleHeight / 2), scaleMajorTitle, "HelveticaNeue", 10f, UIColor.White.CGColor, UILineBreakMode.TailTruncation, UITextAlignment.Left);

tickX += minuteWidth / 10;
tickX += tickWidth;


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