adding subplots nomenclature automatically add import
function use in main function
Conda on Google Colab CondaColab !pip install -q condacolab
import condacolab
condacolab.install() After the kernel restart, you can optionally add a new cell to check that everything is in place: import condacolab
condacolab.check() Once the installation is done, you can use !conda install {package_name}
# or, faster:
!mamba install {package_name} |
creating credentials and saving the credentials as .netrc file in google colab
additional downloading code with links in
alternative downloading code if
downloading code for
then run
gdal installation google colab
for the given input raster, input vector, output path
to create a new file with changed reslution
to cut to the area in the vector file as mask
to add georeferencing to any image file i.e. convert png/jpeg file to tiff file
google sheets Regular expression
Connect google drive
any image in array form visualization
Jax Array to image visualization
quick directory creation
Delete files in INPUT directory by checking common names from OUTPUT directory
ffmpeg video to images with a framerate
ffmpeg Frames to Video creation and merging two created sreams
Clean display output Colab
Clean display output Kaggle
create horizontal image array
Zip a folder or file
download in colab after zipping
Unzip a folder or file
Kaggle file download
transfer/copy file/folder from a pc to remote pc in Linux On Ubuntu or Debian: On macOS with Homebrew:
copy from
csv file creation
points inside a region of a dataset