- 🌱 I’m a junior software engineering student (2022-2026) in Taiyuan University of Technology.
- 👯 I’m working on computer programming compertation and server development and kernel development, interested in C++、 Rust.
- 🤔 I am also looking for help from like-minded friends.
- 📫 How to reach me: email me :2934060590@qq.com
- ⚡ I won a bronze medal 🥉 in the ICPC (ACM) Invitational tournament.
- 思必驰/aispeech 📌2024.07-2024.09
- 工作岗位:研发实习生
- 工作部门:智能汽车事业部
- 工作方向:摸鱼打杂小透明/doge