Steps to build project:
- launch .sln file
- On Visual Studio, click Generate Solution Files or hit Ctrl + Shift + B in Release configuration
- Your game is ready, you can launch Server.exe in bin\Release\Server or Client.exe in bin\Release\Client
How to play:
If you are hosting the server, don't forget to open your ports on your machine. The port of the server is 12345. Since a Client is a different machine everytime, we cannot attribute a random port for the Client so Windows will automatically select an available port for you as Client.
When in Client, enter your Username and the Public IP address of the server, select a lobby made by one of your friends, or make yours. When the lobby is full, the host can hit button Play to launch the game.
There is a small twist in the game, you don't play against each other but together versus the game. You have 3 health points and the ball will go faster and faster. You earn 1 point for every bounce on one of your pannel.
Have fun !