- Haifa
- 3h ahead - https://www.eladkay.com/
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1314-0945
- Pro
The implementation of the Hysteresis Rectified Linear Unit (HeLU) activation function, presented in our paper "Hysteresis Activation Function for Efficient Inference" (ENSLP-IV - NeurIPS 2024)
A verifier for automated and interactive proofs about transition systems. This repository is a public mirror with stable development snapshots. Submit issues and PRs here.
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
A rosetta stone for metaprogramming in Coq, with different examples of tactics, plugins, etc implemented in different metaprogramming languages [maintainer=@yforster]
An open-source visual programming environment for battle-testing prompts to LLMs.
Inspect a command's effects before modifying your live system
Defines a common protocol for language servers.
A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
Carbon Language's main repository: documents, design, implementation, and related tools. (NOTE: Carbon Language is experimental; see README)
A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin
A statically-typed functional language with generics, typeclasses, sum types, pattern-matching, first-class functions, currying, algebraic effects, associated types, good diagnostics, etc.
Python type hints are Turing complete.
Find in DB the closest binary to a given binary
A Rust-embeddable Lisp, with support for interop with native Rust functions
Proving leftpad correct two-dozen different ways
Transcription of xkcd 2601 to runnable logo code
abusing github commit history for the lulz
A script to fetch and parse Technion UG courses information, to have it in an accessible format
A scheduling helper web application for Technion students
A more maintainable, easier to share version of the infamous http://mindprod.com/jgloss/unmain.html
Bukkit/Bungee plugins from the former Overcast/Lifeboat PC network, including PGM