I am a Computer Science student at UFC Russas, passionate about:
- 🌐 Web Development
- 🎮 Game Development
- 📡 IoT (Internet of Things)
- 🤖 AI Solutions
Currently, I’m working as a Front-End Developer on Medusa's Eye.
Here are some tools and technologies I’ve been working with lately:
- 🧩 I love solving complex problems and creating engaging user experiences.
- 📚 I’m always learning new technologies to expand my skillset.
- 🤖 Curiosity: I'm fascinated by the power of AI and aspire to build things I imagine using AI-driven solutions.
- 🎨 Fun Fact: I dream of creating a website featuring 3D elements that I model myself!
- 📧 Email: felipe.leite23@gmail.com
- 💼 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/felpliet
- 🌐 Portfolio: Soon!
- 🌱 Grow as a full-stack developer.
- 🛠️ Contribute to open-source projects.
- 💡 Explore innovative solutions in IoT.
Thanks for visiting! 🚀