✌️Hi there ✌️
Welcome to my page!
I'm Lorenz, a postgraduate student (struggling for a degree, bro) in BIT, currently living in Beijing, China. This name Lorenz is in memory of the great meteorologist Lorenz, who has discovered the Butterfly Effect.
🔭 I’m currently focusing on cloud computing, especially multimodal MoE inference and workload scheduling.
💬 Ask me about C++ and Python.
📫 How to reach me: (lorenz5622@gmail.com) via gmail.
🌀 Motto: The butterfly does not intend to trigger a tornado; it simply has no choice but to flap its wings.
📖 Today's Question:
Minimum Index of a Valid Split : https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-index-of-a-valid-split/