Ansible Collection to deploy and test Rancher stacks (RKE2, Rancher, Longhorn and Neuvector).
This Ansible collection will install in airgap environnement RKE2 (one controler and several workers, currently no HA):
Ansible Collection Rkub 1.0.5 include:
RKE2 1.31.4 - Security focused Kubernetes
Kube-vip 0.8.7 - Virtual IP and load balancer
Cert-manager 1.16.2 - Certificate manager
Rancher 2.9.2 - Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Management
Longhorn 1.7.2 - Unified storage layer
Neuvector 2.8.3 - Kubernetes Security Platform
This Project is mainly inspired from Clemenko/rke_airgap_install but Shell scripting brings limitations. So Let's rewrite it in Ansible which comes with below benefices:
Idempotency: can be relaunch multiple time.
User agnostic: can be launch by any user (with sudo rights).
OS agnositc: can be launch on any Linux systems (at least for the package build, for the install part, it depends on your participation πΈ)
Add-on from this Ansible collection:
Some flexibility about path with the possibility to build and install on a choosen path.
Admin user (by default 'kuberoot') on first controller node with some admin tools (k9s, helm and kubectl).
Import kubeconfig on Ansible controller host and add it to kubecm if present (to be able to admin rke2 cluster from localhost).
Nerdctl as complement of containerd to handle oci-archive.
Uninstall playbook to cleanup (and maybe reinstall if needed).
Ansible Collection Released, so possibilty to get back to older versions.
Quickstart script to triggers an RKE2 cluster in Digital Ocean and delete it once required.
Currently only install:
on Rocky8
airgap or online install
tarball or rpm method
Defined versions or versions from Stable channels
CNI: Canal or Cilium
Digital Ocean
Standalone or x Masters / x Workers
But the target would be to handle all the usecase below:
OS | Versions | Method | CNI | Providers | Cluster Arch | Extra Install |
Rocky8 | Defined in this collection | airgap tarball | Canal | Digital Ocean | Standalone | Kubevip |
Rocky9 | Stable channels | airgap rpm | Cilium | AWS | One Master, x Workers | Longhorn |
Custom | online tarball | Azure | 3 Masters, x Workers | Rancher | ||
online rpm | KVM | Neuvector |
Linux Host as a package builder (can be a VM or your WSL). Count 10G of free space in the build directory of your package builder.
An Ansible Controler, can be the same host for ansible and for building package, at your convenience...
A minimum of 2 hosts RHEL-like (2 vCPU and 8G of RAM) for the cluster RKE2 with 80G at least on target directory.
As prerequisities, you will need a Digital Ocean accompte and set your Token
and a Spaces key
in Digital Ocean's API tabs. You can use my referrals links below, it helps a lot:
Then perform those followings steps:
Clone the main branch of this project to a machine with an internet access:
git clone -b main
make prerequis
to install all prerequisites defined in meta directory. -
Export vars and Execute as below:
export DO_PAT="xxxxxxxxxx"
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxxxxxxxxx"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxx"
export WORKERS=2 # Default 0
export MASTERS=3 # Default 1
# Create RKE2 cluster
make quickstart
# Other components
make longhorn
make rancher
make neuvector
# Delete RKE2 cluster
make cleanup
NB: Quickstart is meant to deploy in DO a quick RKE2 cluster for testing purpose, and without taking into account airgap problematics. Airgap actions are adressed in below procedure.
- From an host with internet accces
Install this collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install mozebaltyk.rkub
Clone this repository:
git clone -b main
Install prerequisites:
cd Rkub && make prerequis
- Preparatory steps for a normal ansible controller:
Create some SSH keys and deploy it on target hosts.
Define an ansible.cfg
Define an inventory (example in
then use it...
- Build your package by running (works on Debian-like or Redhat-like and targets localhost). This step concern only an airgap install. If targeted servers have an internet access then skip and go to step 5:
ansible-playbook # All arguments below are not mandatory
-e "dir_build=$HOME/rkub" # Directory where to upload everything (count 10G)
-e "package_name=rkub.zst" # Name of the package, by default rkub.zst
-e "archive=true" # Archive tar.zst true or false (default value "true")
-e "stable=false" # Stable channels or take version as defined in Rkub collection (default value "false")
-e "method=tarball" # Method for install, value possible "tarball" or "rpm" (default value "tarball")
-e "el=9" # RHEL version (take default value from localhost if OS is different from RedHat-like take value "8")
-e "all=false" # Add all components kubevip,longhorn,rancher,neuvector (default value "false")
-e "kubevip=true longhorn=true rancher=true neuvector=true" # Add extras components to package (default value from var 'all')
-u admin -Kk # Other Ansible Arguments (like -vvv)
- Push your package to first controler:
ansible-playbook mozebaltyk.rkub.upload.yml # All arguments below are not mandatory
-e "package_path=/home/me/rkub.zst" # Will be prompt if not given in the command
-e "dir_target=/opt/rkub" # Directory where to sync and unarchive (by default /opt/rkub, count 30G available)
-u admin -Kk # Other Ansible Arguments (like -vvv)
- Deploy Hauler services:
ansible-playbook mozebaltyk.rkub.hauler.yml # All arguments below are not mandatory
-e "dir_target=/opt/rkub" # Directory where to find package untar with previous playbook
-u admin -Kk # Other Ansible Arguments (like -vvv)
- Start installation:
ansible-playbook mozebaltyk.rkub.install.yml # All arguments below are not mandatory
-e domain="" # By default take the host domain from master server
-e "method=tarball" # Method for install, value possible "tarball" or "rpm" (default value "tarball")
-e "airgap=true" # if servers have internet access then set airgap to false (default value "true")
-e "stable=false" # if airgap false then choose btw Stable channels or version from this collection. (default value "false")
-u admin -Kk # Other Ansible Arguments (like -vvv)
- Deploy Rancher:
ansible-playbook mozebaltyk.rkub.rancher.yml # All arguments below are not mandatory
-e domain="" # Domain use for ingress, by default take the host domain from master server
-e password="BootStrapAllTheThings" # Default password is "BootStrapAllTheThings"
-u admin -Kk # Other Ansible Arguments (like -vvv)
- Deploy Longhorn:
ansible-playbook mozebaltyk.rkub.longhorn.yml # All arguments below are not mandatory
-e domain="" # Domain use for ingress, by default take the host domain from master server
-e datapath="/data/longhorn" # Longhorn Path for PVC (default "/data/longhorn").
# The best is to have a dedicated LVM filesystem for this one.
-u admin -Kk # Other Ansible Arguments (like -vvv)
- Deploy Neuvector
ansible-playbook mozebaltyk.rkub.neuvector.yml # All arguments below are not mandatory
-e domain="" # Domain use for ingress, by default take the host domain from master server
-u admin -Kk # Other Ansible Arguments (like -vvv)
- This is a custom script which imitate Execution-Environement:
make ee-container
will load an UBI-8 image and execute insidemake prerequis
make ee-exec
Run image with collection and package zst mounted inside. Launch playbook or make command as described above.
All prerequisites are set in folder meta
and meta/execution-environment.yml
. So it's possible to use ansible-builder (though not tested yet).
I favored the tarball installation since it's the most compact and install rely on a archive tar.zst which stay on all nodes. The rpm install is much straight forward and a bit faster but match only system with RPM (so mainly Redhat-like) and require a registry. So because of this point, the rpm method with the rke2 stable channel is used for the quickstart install.
build have for purpose to create a tar.zst with following content using hauler tool:
βββ airgap_hauler.yaml # yaml listing all resources
βββ hauler # hauler binary
βββ store # hauler store made from above yaml and hauler command
βββ blobs
β βββ sha256
β βββ 024f2ae6c3625583f0e10ab4d68e4b8947b55d085c88e34c0bd916944ed05add
βββ index.json
It will store and build package regarding:
- Chosen install method for rke2 (tarbal or rpm)
- Chosen components (kube-vip, longhorn, rancher, neuvector)
- Chosen channels stable or versions defined in this collection
upload push the big monster packages (around 7G) and unarchive on first node on chosen targeted path.
hauler (by default on first controller but could be on dedicated server)
- deploy a registry as systemd service and make it available on port 5000 using hauler.
- deploy a fileserver as systemd service and make it available on port 8080 using hauler.
install RKE2 (currently only one master) with:
- Install rke2 with tarball method by default or rpm method if given in argument.
- An admin user (by default
) on first master with some administation tools likek9s
. - Nerdctl as complement to containerd and allow oci-archive.
- Firewalld settings if firewalld running.
- Selinux rpm if selinux enabled.
- Fetch and add kubeconfig to ansible controller in directory ./kube (and add to kubecm if present).
deploy keeping this order, Rancher, Longhorn, Neuvector
- Those are simple playbooks which deploy with helm charts either in airgap or online mode.
- It use the default ingress from RKE2 Nginx-ingress in https (currently Self-sign certificate)
- Rancher need Certmanager, So it deploy first Certmanager
More install customization and options
HA masters with kubevip
Allow several providers (currently only DO)
- Clemenko, for the idea Clemenko/rke_airgap_install.