To use on Mamp, you must re-configure the BDD Conifugration on .env ()
Atcually DB_PORT=8889 Because on my mamp MySQL port is 8889
# To start Laravel Server
php artisan serve
# To aliment Database with demonstration Data
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
After you can launch
To connect to the app with the User 1 use:
password: azerty123
To connect to the app with the User 2 use:
password: password123
- Usage of Laravel to facilitate the MVC organisation of the project
Models are created to represent entities of the BDD
Views are created to display data and interfaces for users (AI used to improve the visuals of views
Controllers are created to contains logical and to control interaction between model and view
Authentication (AuthController.php) → Manages login, registration and logout.
Middleware (RedirectIfAuthenticated.php) → Redirects logged-in users to /tasks when they try to access /login or /register.
Protecting Routes (auth middleware) → Ensures tasks pages are accessible only to authenticated users.
To the demonstration usage of Seeder to aliment the database with 2 users and many tasks for each user
Session Handling (Auth::attempt()) → Logs users in and remembers their session.
Logout (Auth::logout()) → Destroys session data.
Eloquent ORM → Uses hasMany() and belongsTo() to define relationships between User and Task.
Seeders & Factories (php artisan db:seed) → Pre-populate the database for testing and demo purposes.
- Create a new Git repository
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main