a mobile friendly website showcasing my code and work history
https://zacharynemeroff.com || http://zanemeroff.github.io/portfolio
A mobile friendly website built with ReactJS to showcase some of my personal projects. I’ve included information about my experience, a profile picture, and a built-in Mr. Simon game. I built the template and all components from scratch (including mobile menu animations) without the use of component libraries. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, feel free to contact me using the info found on this site. Thanks for looking!
- A navigation bar at the top of the site allows a user to quickly scroll to each of the six sections (Home, About, Simon, Experience, Projects, Contact)
- There is a built-in Mr. Simon game located below the About section. To learn the rules for the game, select the 'VIEW RULES' button. Try making it to round 10 to win —Good luck!
- Each featured project has a link to its GitHub repo as well as a link to a live page or video
- Please feel free to contact me using any of the linked social media accounts or email
- React
- Particles.js
- Jest
- Enzyme
- shut down any live servers you currently have running (on mac use
) - clone down this repo to desired location
into the new repo directory- run
npm install
- run
npm start
- you should now be able to run the app within your browser from the url:
Zachary Nemeroff https://github.com/ZaneMeroff