issues Search Results · repo:apertif/apercal language:Python
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inapertif/apercal (press backspace or delete to remove)If the reference antenna in the config file failed during observation or is missing, crosscal will fail (because there
is no backup reference antenna. Also the rest of the pipeline will fail. I suggest ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 10, 2019
- #262
If the target miriad file was not successfully created, parametric selfcal crashes because it does not check whether
miriad file exists. However, other selfcal steps do. Perhaps this is also an issue for ...
- 2
- Opened on Aug 29, 2019
- #256
Currently, the plots produced by preflag show the flags from aoflagger (and manualflag). It would be helpful to add to
produce the same plots but without flags. This needs an update of aoflagger and adding ...
- Opened on Jul 10, 2019
- #249
Update the transfer module to create UVFITS files of the self-calibrated miriad images for ingesting into ALTA. Check
that transfer can be parallelised in start_pipeline, i.e., that it works on a single-beam ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 27, 2019
- #245
In the current implementation of start_pipeline, the param files from before selfcal are deleted and selfcal (or any
other later step) would create a new one. This means that the summary functions of preflag, ...
In Progress
- 2
- Opened on Jun 17, 2019
- #243
If a beam fails preflag or crosscal for some reason, it is still being processed by subsequent steps convert, selfcal,
continuum, ... . It would make sense that this beam is excluded from further processing. ...
- Opened on Jun 17, 2019
- #242
Improve selfcal and continuum to avoid failed beams and improve calibration.
In Progress
- 1
- Opened on Jun 14, 2019
- #241
The line module did not process the full cube during the science verification period. The module will be updated for the
survey to process the full cube
In Progress
- 1
- Opened on Jun 14, 2019
- #239
Update the preflag module and start pipeline so that preflag is parallelised. Some tasks in preflag needs to be adjusted
so that they process only a sinlge beam
In Progress
- 2
- Opened on Jun 14, 2019
- #238

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