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Simple action to hide navbar on scroll

Simple to install

  pnpm add -D navdown

To use is even more simple

  transition: {
   transitionDuration: '250ms'
  initialHeight: '0px',
  scrolledHeight: '80px'
 <!-- some links -->

Now down is the interface of the options

export interface Options {
  * Transition option.
  * Can be string or an object.
  * @example
  * // As an object, it contains options for configuring a transition.
  * const transitionOptions: TransitionOptions = {
  *   transitionDuration: '0.3s',
  *   transitionTimingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
  *   transitionDelay: '0s',
  *   transitionProperty: 'transform',
  * };
  * // As a string, it's like the shorthand on CSS
  * 'all 300ms linear 0s'
 transition?: TransitionOptions;
  * Initial height of the navbar element.
  * Is the initial position of the element on the page.
  * Using by default `translate` shorthand
  * first number is `x` axis and second number `y` axis.
  * On the `y` axis positive numbers go down, negative go up.
  * @example
  * '-80px'
 initialHeight?: string;
  * Scrolled height of the navbar element.
  * Is the position of the element when the page
  * is scrolled down.
  * Using by default `translate` shorthand
  * first number is `x` axis and second number `y` axis.
  * On the `y` axis positive numbers go down, negative go up.
  * @example
  * '80px'
 scrolledHeight?: string;

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