That's right, with double a. It's a backup tool written in Django framework to automate the procedure of collecting all the required backup locations from local or remote (ssh) machines.
The installation is very simple. All that is needed is a linux machine with support for SystemD. How else could it run as a service? π
Just type this on a terminal with a user that has super user privileges. The installation will take care of all dependencies that are needed and will update it if needed:
bash <(curl -s "")
With so many Backup applications out there, my application might seem obsolete Either way I could never resist on making an app on my own and to try new technologies. I haven't even checked if the features this application are already implemented on similar applications, but who cares... π
If only these features existed on the Baackup app, oh wait... They do exist! Check them out:
βοΈ Easily install and upgrade.
βοΈ Support remote SSH servers.
βοΈ Exclude files or directories using glob-style patterns.
βοΈ AES encryption of each backup.
βοΈ Decrypt and zip files for download.
βοΈ Instantly check if the desired folder exists.
β Automatic backups are only possible through a 3rd party call like a Cron Job. This might help: curl --data "password=asdf"
β Has a complete view of all files that have been backed up. Only the total size and the size of each backup location is displayed.
β Problems if the debug setting is set to False.