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  1. bookmark-dashboard-ui bookmark-dashboard-ui Public

    Bookmark-Dashboard which help to bookmark URL based on to group in terms of tribes, feature teams, platforms or application

    JavaScript 1 1

  2. bookmark-dashboard-widget bookmark-dashboard-widget Public

    Widgets cards which is re-usable and support for multiple browser with concept of shadow dom


  3. bookmark-dashboard-api bookmark-dashboard-api Public

    Web API solution template which is built on Clean Architecture using .Net Core for bookmark dashboard project

    C# 1

  4. documentation documentation Public

    Bookmark-Dashboard which help to bookmark URL based on to group in terms of tribes, feature teams, platforms or application


Showing 4 of 4 repositories
  • bookmark-dashboard-api Public

    Web API solution template which is built on Clean Architecture using .Net Core for bookmark dashboard project

    C# 0 MIT 1 6 0 Updated Sep 18, 2020
  • documentation Public

    Bookmark-Dashboard which help to bookmark URL based on to group in terms of tribes, feature teams, platforms or application

    0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Sep 18, 2020
  • bookmark-dashboard-widget Public

    Widgets cards which is re-usable and support for multiple browser with concept of shadow dom

    JavaScript 0 MIT 0 3 1 Updated Sep 18, 2020
  • bookmark-dashboard-ui Public

    Bookmark-Dashboard which help to bookmark URL based on to group in terms of tribes, feature teams, platforms or application

    JavaScript 1 MIT 1 5 0 Updated Sep 18, 2020

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