A performant library to get information about capitals, countries, locations (cities), states ANSI (USA) and get the timezone of a city, capital, coordinates, country, province or even state.
Terminal table for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Written in nodejs. Also works in browser console. Word wrap, padding, alignment, colors, Asian character support, per-column callbacks, and you can pas…
Spinners for use in the terminal
A collection of those pesky SDK folders: MacOSX10.1.5.sdk thru MacOSX11.3.sdk
A GPU-accelerated 2D graphics environment for Node.js
Minimal example of animating the HTML5 canvas from C++ using OpenGL through WebAssembly
Hello world qt quick application with static qt 5.14
Free and open-source Qt Media Player library based on FFmpeg, for Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.
Extracting Tabular Data from Image to Excel files
img2table is a table identification and extraction Python Library for PDF and images, based on OpenCV image processing
🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player
An opinionated toast component for Svelte. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner.
micro library for drag-n-drop scrolling style
Converts exported Notion notes to work with Obsidian.
A simple, flexible, zero-dependency modal stack manager for Svelte.
A lightweight emoji picker for the modern web
A simple, optimized JS library & node.js module for matching short, human-quality input to a list of possibilities.
Finds larger/original versions of images and videos
Sitemap generator for SvelteKit. Small helper which scans your SvelteKit routes and generates static sitemap.xml
Real-time UI Colorpicking Tool. See your favorite colors of choice for a website in real time.
Node.js file downloader with built-in parallel downloads and resume support
CLI version of EasyDl (
🌐 A DNS server where every IP address gets its own domain
A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
Add tough-cookie support to axios.