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HokStack - Hadoop On Kubernetes


HoK is Hadoop on Kubernetes, It helps you to deploy Hadoop stack on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is now proven technology to deploy and distribute modules quickly and efficiently. Many cloud vendors are now offering Hadoop as a service. Companies are moving towards the model where they want to provision an instance of service on the fly and use it for analytics. Usually, it takes weeks to provision a production-ready Hadoop cluster. This platform is container-native platform serves as the Backbone for all other analytical services. This provides the user to spawn Hadoop cluster using the self-serve portal, which helps them to onboard the team quickly and efficiently so their developers can start using the cluster as soon as they join the team



This Helm Chart requires Helm 2.


Depending of the version of the HoKStack, it supports the following platforms:

HoKStack Helm Chart version Kubernetes OpenShift Container Platform
v1.0.0 1.11+ 3.11+
v1.0.0 1.11+ 3.11+

Quick Start

The Hok need saperet namespace which can be team-name or value-stream anything unique. It deploys all the Hadoop components in statefulsets. To install the HokStack via Helm run the following command:

Adding Hadoop on Kubernetes repository

$ helm repo add hok

Update procedure

To update simply update your helm repositories and check the latest version

$ helm repo update

Repo search

You can then check for the latest version by searching your Helm repositories for the HokStack

$ helm search hok 

Rollout for first team with default values

You can then check for the latest version by searching your Helm repositories for the HokStack

$ helm install hok/hokstack --name hok-team1 --set teamname=team1 --namespace team1

Rollout for second team with default values

You can then check for the latest version by searching your Helm repositories for the HokStack

$ helm install hok/hokstack --name hok-team2 --set teamname=team2 --set metacontroller.crds.create=false --namespace team2

Remove hadoop-on-kubernetes

Remove OneAgent custom resources and clean-up all remaining OneAgent Operator specific objects:

$ helm remove <release name> -n <namespace>

HDP Statefulsets Detail

By default it will install following statefulsets.

  • postgres
  • ambariserver
  • masternode
  • datanode 3 replica
  • edgenode
  • dante-proxy
  • kdcserver optional
  • metacontroller

Component will be installed

  • HDFS
  • Yarn
  • Mapreduce
  • Tez
  • Hive
  • Oozie
  • ZooKeeper
  • Kafka
  • Spark
  • Spark2

Need more components?

hdfsyarn.json contains the ambari blueprints, add componenets in the host_groups to add more HDP componenets.

Accessing Cluster UI

In the stack, you will find dante-proxy pod is running its SOCKS5 proxy running in container using that you can access the Ambari UI and other Hadoop UIs.

Get the NodePort of dante-proxy using below command

$ kubectl get svc dante-proxy

Enter this port and Node IP address to the web-browser in proxy section, preferably Firefox as nowadays Chrome manages my orgnisations.

Accessing Cluster and submiting Jobs

Acces cluster using the edgenode port you can login into that using

kubectl exec -it edgenode-0 bash

Aslo SSH is enabled on the edgenode-0 it can be accessed

Helm chart Configuration

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the HELM chart and their default values.

Global values

Parameter Description Default
teamname Team name value to seprate the install team1

PostgreSQL values

Parameter Description Default
postgres.enabled Flag to enable and disable Postgres SQL install true The name used in various properties postgres
postgres.replicaCount Postgres pod replica count 1
postgres.image.repository Image repo URL It uses custom postgres image
postgres.persistentVolume.enabled The PVC enable flag to control volumes true
postgres.storageClassName The storage class to be used for PVC gp2 - In the case of EKS
postgres.persistentVolume.accessModes PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce The storage size to be allocated to pod 10Gi

Ambari Server Values

Parameter Description Default
ambariserver.enable Flag to enable and disable Ambari Server Install true The name used in various properties ambariserver
ambariserver.componentName The component name used in various properties ambari
ambariserver.image.repository Image repo URL It uses custom ambari image
ambariserver.persistentVolume.enabled The PVC enable flag to control volumes true
ambariserver.persistentVolume.storageClassName The storage class to be used for PVC gp2 In the case of EKS
ambariserver.persistentVolume.accessModes PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce The storage size to be allocated to pod 1Gi

Master Node Values

Parameter Description Default
masternode.enable Flag to enable and disable Master Node Install true The name used in various properties masternode
masternode.componentName The component name used in various properties master
masternode.image.repository Image repo URL It uses custom hdp image
masternode.persistentVolume.enabled The PVC enable flag to control volumes true
masternode.persistentVolume.storageClassName The storage class to be used for PVC gp2 In the case of EKS
masternode.persistentVolume.accessModes PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce The storage size to be allocated to pod 10Gi
masternode.persistentVolume.mountPath The storage mount path will be used by HDFS /hadoop

Data Node Values

Parameter Description Default
datanode.enable Flag to enable and disable Data Node Install true The name used in various properties datanoe
datanode.componentName The component name used in various properties data
datanode.image.repository Image repo URL It uses custom hdp image
datanode.persistentVolume.enabled The PVC enable flag to control volumes true
datanode.persistentVolume.storageClassName The storage class to be used for PVC gp2 In the case of EKS
datanode.persistentVolume.accessModes PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce The storage size to be allocated to pod 10Gi
datanode.persistentVolume.mountPath The storage mount path will be used by HDFS /hadoop

Edge Node Values

Parameter Description Default
edgenode.enable Flag to enable and disable Edge Node Install true The name used in various properties edgenode
edgenode.componentName The component name used in various properties edge
edgenode.image.repository Image repo URL It uses custom hdp image
edgenode.persistentVolume.enabled The PVC enable flag to control volumes true
edgenode.persistentVolume.storageClassName The storage class to be used for PVC gp2 In the case of EKS
edgenode.persistentVolume.accessModes PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce The storage size to be allocated to pod 10Gi
edgenode.persistentVolume.mountPath The storage mount path will be used by HDFS /hadoop

Metacontroller Values

Parameter Description Default
metacontroller.enable Flag to enable and disable Metacontroller Install true The name used in various properties metacontroller
metacontroller.image.repository Image repo URL metacontroller/metacontroller
metacontroller.rbac.create RBAC creation for metacontroller true
metacontroller.serviceAccount.create Service Account creation for metacontroller true
metacontroller.crds.create CRDs install for metacontroller truw

Kerberose Values

Parameter Description Default
kdc.enable Flag to enable and disable Edge Node Instal true The name used in various properties kdcserve
kdc.componentName The component name used in various properties kdc
kdc.realmName The kerberos REALM name DEMO.COM
kdc.image.repository Image repo URL
kdc.persistentVolume.enabled The PVC enable flag to control volumes true
kdc.persistentVolume.storageClassName The storage class to be used for PVC gp2 In the case of EKS
kdc.persistentVolume.accessModes PVC access mode ReadWriteOnce The storage size to be allocated to pod 10Gi

Full and up-to-date documentation can be found in the comments of the values.yaml file.

About Us

HokStack is maintained by:


Initially inspired from


Currently we work on the code in our free time, any assistance is highly appreciated. Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.


HoKStack is under Apache 2.0 license. See for details.