An improved JavaScript Date object that allows you to change the current datetime and control the tick speed.
GNU Typist lessons with the "two spaces after a sentence" garbage removed. You're welcome.
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
a BOSH release for the Grafana metrics dashboard
Seed creates orgs, spaces, and pushes applications to a new Cloud Foundry
holgero / openhab
Forked from openhab/openhab1-addonsSource code of the open Home Automation Bus (openHAB)
Html Content / Article Extractor in Scala - open sourced from Gravity Labs
jiminoc / goose
Forked from GravityLabs/gooseHtml Content / Article Extractor in Scala - open sourced from Gravity Labs -
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
holgero / RepRapProSlicer
Forked from reprappro/hostRepRapPro Slicer software
Flickering LEDs driven by a PIC12F508 microcontroller
Use a Cleware USB-TischAmpel to Monitor your Jenkins Build
holgero / Software
Forked from reprappro/SoftwareRepRapPro Software to run our 3D printers