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My NixOS configuration

What's with all these hippy naming?

Inspired by the DMC game series.

Name Description
Nephilims My systems, real or virtual.
Devil Arms NixOS modules
Devil Breakers HomeManager modules
Devil Triggers Enhancements, utils, themes..
Nico The crafty bits :)
Morrison The Documentation
Orbs Nix overlays
Sins Encrypted secrets

Build Installer ISO

Example for vergil:

nix build -o vergil-iso
find the thumbdrive using `lsblk` and replace `/dev/sdb` below
sudo dd if=vergil-iso/iso/TAB.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress


  1. With the USB, enter boot selection with F12 (on dell).
  2. use nmtui to activate wifi.
  3. run ip a to show ip addr.
  4. now you can access via ssh (this is optional, of course).
  5. run sudo su.
  6. run party. Enter your LUKS passphrase.
  7. run flaky.
  8. go take a nap. It is gonna take awhile.
  9. reboot!

First boot

  1. run nmtui to setup your wifi.
  2. run sudo passwd $USER to change your password.
  3. run Hyprland.

Setting up a new machine

  1. update this flake according to the generated config from nixos-generate-config --root /mnt.
  2. run flaky.


I learned alot (and also copied πŸ˜…) from the community.

πŸ™‡ @fufexan

πŸ™‡ @ruixi

πŸ™‡ @hlissner