Yasp and its companion yasp-client is proxy that does TCP over HTTP(S), encoded as JSON. It can also do mutual TLS termination.
Yasp requires that your Clojure web server can receive a HTTP POST JSON
request and produce a JSON response.
The server component otherwise only has a single dependency: clojure.tools.logging
local PC / e.g. nrepl->>yasp-client: TCP
yasp-client->>yasp-client-tls: mTLS connection (optional)
yasp-client-tls->web server (yasp): HTTP POST JSON
web server (yasp)->>yasp-server-mTLS-termination (optional): mTLS TCP
yasp-server-mTLS-termination (optional)->>remote destination (e.g. nREPL server): TCP
{:deps {com.github.ivarref/yasp {:...}}
:aliases {:generate-keys {:deps {com.github.ivarref/locksmith {:mvn/version "0.1.6"}}
:exec-fn com.github.ivarref.locksmith/write-certs!
:exec-args {:duration-days 365}}
:proxy {:deps {com.github.ivarref/yasp-client {:git/sha "..."}}
:exec-fn com.github.ivarref.yasp-client/start-server!
:exec-args {:endpoint "http://localhost:8080/proxy"
:remote-host ""
:remote-port 7777
:local-port 8888
:tls-file "client.keys"}}
to your deps.edn
Add an endpoint to your exposed web server that forwards the data to yasp: