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Consolidated upload, download, and record-keeping of Influenza isolates with GISAID EpiFlu.


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Consolidated upload, download, and record-keeping of Influenza isolates with GISAID EpiFlu.

epyflu assists in uploading sequences and associated metadata to the GISAID EpiFlu database from command line while accessioning GISAID IDs of uploaded samples in a local SQLite database that can be queried. The local SQLite database is updated with the release status of isolates each time the database module is run. Metadata as well as protein & DNA sequences may be downloaded from GISAID EpiFlu to xls and fasta formats, respectively. This package is a wrapper of the EpiFlu CLI executable and gisflu. It can be installed by pip or conda. epyflu has the option to be run interactively.

Table of Contents


pip install epyflu git+

import epyflu




Activate a virtual environment (ex. conda, mamba, virtualenv) with python>=3.10 installed and run the following commmand

pip install epyflu git+

Test that installation was successful with

epyflu --help

If installation was successful a message similar to the following will be displayed

usage: epyflu [-h] {upload,update,download} ...

Upload flu seqs to GISAID and accession into local SQLite database.

positional arguments:
                        epyflu subcommands.
    upload              Upload datasets to GISAID EpiFlu.
    update              Update local SQLite db with isolate availability on GISAID EpiFlu.
    download            Download metadata or DNA/protein sequences from GISAID EpiFlu.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


Run epyflu interactively and follow the prompts


Run epyflu specifying CLI options

epyflu upload --input /path/to/dataset/dir --username myname --password 6543adkg --clientid 1234id-hsaj --log /path/to/store/gisaid/logs --db /my/sqlite/flu.db

Optionally, specify username, password, and/or client ID as environmental variables

export EPYFLU_USER="myname"
export EPYFLU_PASSWORD="6543adkg"
export EPYFLU_CLIENTID="1234id"

then run interactively, noninteractively, or any combination of the two. In this example, since the environmental variables for password & client-id are set and username & log variables are entered on the command line, the user will be prompted for input & db file

epyflu upload --username myname --log /path/to/store/gisaid/logs

epyflu has three subcommands: upload, update, and download.

Each of the subcommands is run independently. update can be run periodically after an upload has occurred and a SQLite database has been created. It is recommended that the same SQLite database file be used, to centralize records


The upload module searches for pairs of metadata and sequences named the same (ex. 20240731-131521.fa & 20240731-131521.csv; 20240801-162045.fasta & 20240801-162045.csv), passes user inputs to the GISAID EpiFlu executable to upload datasets, then uses GISAID json log files of successful uploads along with associated metadata files to create 2 SQLite tables: isolate_meta & segments_seqs. A SQLite database is stored in a *.db file, which if not already present will be created at the time the upload subcommand is called or appended, otherwise. It is recommended to use the same *.db file across uploads to ensure comprehensive collation of uploaded isolates. In this context, upload is defined as sent + successfully rececived by GISAID EpiFlu (ie. an isolate that was sent but rejected will not be recorded in your SQLite database).


There is often a lag between the time an isolate is uploaded to GISAID EpiFlu and publicly released. The upload subcommand allows GISAID IDs to be recorded in a local SQLite database at the time of upload, while the update subcommand allows the user to periodically query the GISAID EpiFlu database for the GISAID isolate IDs initially uploaded & recorded to see whether they are available.

This is done by collecting GISAID IDs from the SQLite database and searching EpiFlu using gisflu's search function. Results are then converted into a temporary SQLite table, left-joining the existing isolate_meta database table, and updating the released variable/ attribute if both isolate_name & gisaid_id are matched.

The GISAID IDs (EPI_ISL_*) that are the most recent record of isolate ID groups and not yet released are collected as the query. For example, if an isolate named A/British_Columbia/PHL-124/2022 were uploaded, deleted, then re-uploaded, there would be multiple recorded uploads for the isolate with two different GISAID IDs in the SQLite database. Only the most recent GISAID ID in this example will be searched for in EpiFlu. This assumes 1) a unique relationship between the isolate and isolate ID, regardless of how many times it is uploaded 2) only one instance of isolate ID may be present on GISAID EpiFlu at a time (ie. it would need to be deleted prior to being accepted under the same name and assigned a new GISAID ID) 3) the most recent submission is the GISAID ID that will be publicly released. It is possible to have multiple of the same isolate IDs, each with different GISAID IDs, and for the released column to be 'Yes' depending on when GISAID EpiFlu was queried. In the case of multiple identical isolate IDs that have been released, the most recently submitted record will be what is currently available on GISAID EpiFlu.


This subcommand allows variables to be interactively passed to the download function of gisflu. The user specifies which combination of segments and what type of data (metadata, dna, or protein seqs) to download for given isolate IDs (EPI_ISL_*). The file that data is written to can be either *.xls for metadata or *.fa for sequences. The user must enter a list of segments and GISAID isolate IDs separated only by commas (ex. HA,NA,NP,PB1).


Parameter Description Required Subcommand
username GISAID EpiFlu username. yes upload,update,download
password GISAID EpiFlu password. yes upload,update,download
clientid GISAID EpiFlu client-id. This is the ID provided by GISAID EpiFlu after one manual upload is completed. yes upload
input The directory containing datasets to be uploaded. A dataset is defined as one multifasta file (*.fa or *.fasta) of sequences and one corresponding metadata file (*.csv). epyflu requires that each pair of metadata and sequences are named the same (ex. 20240731-131521.fa & 20240731-131521.csv). If there is a need to upload multiple datasets simultaneously, simply specify the parent directory containing datasets to be uploaded. yes upload
dateformat Format of dates in GISAID EpiFlu metadata file. no upload
log Absolute path to directory to write GISAID EpiFlu logs to. yes upload
database Absolute path to file to write SQLite database to (*.db). yes update
output Absolute path to file to write download to (*.xls for meta; *.fa for seqs). yes download
segments List of comma-separated segments to download sequences or metadata for. no download
gisaid_ids List of comma-separated GISAID IDs to download data for (EPI_ISL_1,EPI_ISL_2,EPI_ISL_45). yes download
download_type Type of data to download (metadata,dna,protein). no download
  • The metadata csv and sequence multifasta are in the same directory and named with the same, unique prefix (ex. 20240731-131521.fa & 20240731-131521.csv) so that epyflu can detect the pair.
  • Each of the fasta headers in the multifasta are named to match Seq_Id (HA), Seq_Id (NA), etc. For example, >A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_HA (see below)
  • Metadata template using influenza isolate A/Location/ISL-1234/2025 as an example:
Isolate_Id,Segment_Ids,Isolate_Name,Subtype,Lineage,Passage_History,Location,province,sub_province,Location_Additional_info,Host,Host_Additional_info,Seq_Id (HA),Seq_Id (NA),Seq_Id (PB1),Seq_Id (PB2),Seq_Id (PA),Seq_Id (MP),Seq_Id (NS),Seq_Id (NP),Seq_Id (HE),Seq_Id (P3),Submitting_Sample_Id,Authors,Originating_Lab_Id,Originating_Sample_Id,Collection_Month,Collection_Year,Collection_Date,Antigen_Character,Adamantanes_Resistance_geno,Oseltamivir_Resistance_geno,Zanamivir_Resistance_geno,Peramivir_Resistance_geno,Other_Resistance_geno,Adamantanes_Resistance_pheno,Oseltamivir_Resistance_pheno,Zanamivir_Resistance_pheno,Peramivir_Resistance_pheno,Other_Resistance_pheno,Host_Age,Host_Age_Unit,Host_Gender,Health_Status,Note,PMID
,,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025,H1N1,,Original,Canada,Province Territory,,,Human,,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_HA,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_NA,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_PB1,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_PB2,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_PA,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_M,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_NS,A/Location/ISL-1234/2025_NP,,,,"lastname,firstname; lastname,firstname; lastname,firstname; lastname,firstname",2222,,,,2025-01-09,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

SQLite Database

A local SQLite relational database management system is used to store Isolate IDs, minimal set of metadata, and GISAID IDs assigned at the time of submission. The database contains two tables (but can be expanded): isolate_meta & segments_seqs. A composite primary key of Isolate ID & submission time is used in isolate_meta and is linked to the same composite foreign key in segments_seqs. Storing data in a relational database locally is less mutable than a csv, allows GISAID IDs to be found before they are released on GISAID EpiFlu, can be expanded to add new tables with new attributes (variables), and is queried with Structured Query Language (SQL) making it a standardized and scalable way to search for records. epyflu outputs the database to a user-specified file (ex. /path/to/your/database/flu.db). The user may view this file by importing it into a SQL client like DBeaver, Beekeeper Studio, or Sqlectron. Alternatively, using the sqlite3 and pandas packages, a user may connect to their SQLite database and convert the results of a SQL query to a dataframe using the read_sql_query function from pandas (see query_sqlite_db function from epyflu.sqlite_db module). The database schema are specified below:

    isolate_meta {
        TEXT isolate_id PK
        TEXT submission_time PK
        TEXT code
        TEXT dataset_id
        TEXT gisaid_id
        TEXT submission_date
        TEXT collection_date
        TEXT subtype
        TEXT location
        TEXT host
        TEXT released

    segment_seqs {
        TEXT seg_id PK
        TEXT isolate_id FK
        TEXT submission_time FK
        TEXT code
        TEXT dataset_id
        TEXT gisaid_id
        TEXT submission_date
        TEXT segment

    isolate_meta ||--o{ segment_seqs : "contains"



Please report any issues or suggestions via GitHub.


Consolidated upload, download, and record-keeping of Influenza isolates with GISAID EpiFlu.








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