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A toolkit for visualizations in materials informatics.

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If you use pymatviz in your research, see how to cite. Check out 23 existing papers using pymatviz for inspiration!


pip install pymatviz

Available extras include:

pip install 'pymatviz[pdf-export]' # save figures to PDF
pip install 'pymatviz[brillouin]' # render 3d Brillouin zones

API Docs

See the /api page.


See the Jupyter notebooks under examples/ for how to use pymatviz. PRs with additional examples are welcome! 🙏

mlff_phonons.ipynb Open in Google Colab Launch Codespace
matbench_dielectric_eda.ipynb Open in Google Colab Launch Codespace
mp_bimodal_e_form.ipynb Open in Google Colab Launch Codespace
matbench_perovskites_eda.ipynb Open in Google Colab Launch Codespace
mprester_ptable.ipynb Open in Google Colab Launch Codespace

Periodic Table

See pymatviz/ptable/ The module supports heatmaps, heatmap splits (multiple values per element), histograms, scatter plots and line plots. All visualizations are interactive through Plotly and support displaying additional data on hover.


Version 0.16.0 of pymatviz dropped the matplotlib-based functions in in #270. Please use the plotly-based functions shown below instead which have feature parity, interactivity and better test coverage.

ptable_heatmap_plotly(atomic_masses) ptable_heatmap_plotly(compositions, log=True)
ptable-heatmap-plotly-more-hover-data ptable-heatmap-plotly-log
ptable_hists_plotly(data) ptable_scatter_plotly(data, mode="markers")
ptable-hists-plotly ptable-scatter-plotly-markers
ptable_heatmap_splits_plotly(2_vals_per_elem) ptable_heatmap_splits_plotly(3_vals_per_elem)
ptable-heatmap-splits-plotly-2 ptable-heatmap-splits-plotly-3

Dash app using ptable_heatmap_plotly()

See examples/mprester_ptable.ipynb.



See examples/mlff_phonons.ipynb for usage example.

phonon_bands(bands_dict) phonon_dos(doses_dict)
phonon-bands phonon-dos
phonon_bands_and_dos(bands_dict, doses_dict) phonon_bands_and_dos(single_bands, single_dos)
phonon-bands-and-dos-mp-2758 phonon-bands-and-dos-mp-23907


See pymatviz/structure_viz/

structure_3d_plotly(hea_structure) structure_3d_plotly(lco_supercell)
hea-structure-3d-plotly lco-structure-3d-plotly
structure_2d_plotly(six_structs) structure_3d_plotly(six_structs)
matbench-phonons-structures-2d-plotly matbench-phonons-structures-3d-plotly

Brillouin Zone

See pymatviz/

brillouin_zone_3d(cubic_struct) brillouin_zone_3d(hexagonal_struct)
brillouin-cubic-mp-10018 brillouin-hexagonal-mp-862690
brillouin_zone_3d(monoclinic_struct) brillouin_zone_3d(orthorhombic_struct)
brillouin-monoclinic-mp-1183089 brillouin-volumes-3-cols

X-Ray Diffraction

See pymatviz/

xrd_pattern(pattern) xrd_pattern({key1: patt1, key2: patt2})
xrd-pattern xrd-pattern-multiple
xrd_pattern(struct_dict, stack="horizontal") xrd_pattern(struct_dict, stack="vertical")
xrd-pattern-horizontal-stack xrd-pattern-vertical-stack

Radial Distribution Functions

See pymatviz/rdf/

element_pair_rdfs(pmg_struct) element_pair_rdfs({"A": struct1, "B": struct2})
element-pair-rdfs-Na8Nb8O24 element-pair-rdfs-crystal-vs-amorphous


See pymatviz/coordination/

coordination_hist(struct_dict) coordination_hist(struct_dict, by_element=True)
coordination-hist-single coordination-hist-by-structure-and-element
coordination_vs_cutoff_line(struct_dict, strategy=None) coordination_vs_cutoff_line(struct_dict, strategy=None)
coordination-vs-cutoff-single coordination-vs-cutoff-multiple


See pymatviz/

spacegroup_sunburst([65, 134, 225, ...]) chem_sys_sunburst(["FeO", "Fe2O3", "LiPO4", ...])
spg-num-sunburst chem-sys-sunburst-ward-bmg


See pymatviz/

chem_sys_treemap(["FeO", "Fe2O3", "LiPO4", ...]) chem_sys_treemap(["FeO", "Fe2O3", "LiPO4", ...], group_by="formula")
chem-sys-treemap-formula chem-sys-treemap-ward-bmg


See pymatviz/

rainclouds(two_key_dict) rainclouds(three_key_dict)
rainclouds-bimodal rainclouds-trimodal


See pymatviz/

sankey_from_2_df_cols(df_perovskites) sankey_from_2_df_cols(df_space_groups)
sankey-spglib-vs-aflow-spacegroups sankey-crystal-sys-to-spg-symbol

Bar Plots

See pymatviz/

spacegroup_bar([65, 134, 225, ...], backend="plotly") spacegroup_bar(["C2/m", "P-43m", "Fm-3m", ...], backend="plotly")
spg-num-hist-plotly spg-symbol-hist-plotly


See pymatviz/

elements_hist(compositions, log=True, bar_values='count') histogram({'key1': values1, 'key2': values2})
elements-hist histogram-ecdf

Scatter Plots

See pymatviz/

density_scatter_plotly(df, x=x_col, y=y_col, ...) density_scatter_plotly(df, x=x_col, y=y_col, ...)
density-scatter-plotly density-scatter-plotly-blobs
density_scatter(xs, ys, ...) density_scatter_with_hist(xs, ys, ...)
density-scatter density-scatter-with-hist
density_hexbin(xs, ys, ...) density_hexbin_with_hist(xs, ys, ...)
density-hexbin density-hexbin-with-hist


See pymatviz/

qq_gaussian(y_true, y_pred, y_std) qq_gaussian(y_true, y_pred, y_std: dict)
normal-prob-plot normal-prob-plot-multiple
error_decay_with_uncert(y_true, y_pred, y_std) error_decay_with_uncert(y_true, y_pred, y_std: dict)
error-decay-with-uncert error-decay-with-uncert-multiple


See pymatviz/classify/

confusion_matrix(conf_mat, ...) confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, ...)
stability-confusion-matrix crystal-system-confusion-matrix

See pymatviz/classify/

roc_curve_plotly(targets, probs_positive) precision_recall_curve_plotly(targets, probs_positive)
roc-curve-plotly-multiple precision-recall-curve-plotly-multiple

How to cite pymatviz

See citation.cff or cite the Zenodo record using the following BibTeX entry:

  title = {Pymatviz: visualization toolkit for materials informatics},
  author = {Riebesell, Janosh and Yang, Haoyu and Goodall, Rhys and Baird, Sterling G.},
  date = {2022-10-01},
  year = {2022},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7486816},
  url = {},
  note = {10.5281/zenodo.7486816 -},
  urldate = {2023-01-01}, % optional, replace with your date of access
  version = {0.8.2}, % replace with the version you use

Papers using pymatviz

Sorted by number of citations, then year. Last updated 2025-03-25. Auto-generated from Google Scholar. Manual additions via PR welcome.

  1. C Zeni, R Pinsler, D Zügner et al. (2023). Mattergen: a generative model for inorganic materials design (cited by 123)
  2. J Riebesell, REA Goodall, P Benner et al. (2023). Matbench Discovery--A framework to evaluate machine learning crystal stability predictions (cited by 45)
  3. C Chen, DT Nguyen, SJ Lee et al. (2024). Accelerating computational materials discovery with machine learning and cloud high-performance computing: from large-scale screening to experimental validation (cited by 36)
  4. L Barroso-Luque, M Shuaibi, X Fu et al. (2024). Open materials 2024 (omat24) inorganic materials dataset and models (cited by 31)
  5. M Giantomassi, G Materzanini (2024). Systematic assessment of various universal machine‐learning interatomic potentials (cited by 15)
  6. AA Naik, C Ertural, P Benner et al. (2023). A quantum-chemical bonding database for solid-state materials (cited by 12)
  7. K Li, AN Rubungo, X Lei et al. (2025). Probing out-of-distribution generalization in machine learning for materials (cited by 8)
  8. N Tuchinda, CA Schuh (2025). Grain Boundary Segregation and Embrittlement of Aluminum Binary Alloys from First Principles (cited by 2)
  9. A Onwuli, KT Butler, A Walsh (2024). Ionic species representations for materials informatics (cited by 2)
  10. A Kapeliukha, RA Mayo (2025). MOSAEC-DB: a comprehensive database of experimental metal–organic frameworks with verified chemical accuracy suitable for molecular simulations (cited by 1)
  11. Aaron D. Kaplan, Runze Liu, Ji Qi et al. (2025). A Foundational Potential Energy Surface Dataset for Materials
  12. Fei Shuang, Zixiong Wei, Kai Liu et al. (2025). Universal machine learning interatomic potentials poised to supplant DFT in modeling general defects in metals and random alloys
  13. Yingheng Tang, Wenbin Xu, Jie Cao et al. (2025). MatterChat: A Multi-Modal LLM for Material Science
  14. Liming Wu, Wenbing Huang, Rui Jiao et al. (2025). Siamese Foundation Models for Crystal Structure Prediction
  15. A Peng, MY Guo (2025). The OpenLAM Challenges
  16. F Therrien, JA Haibeh (2025). OBELiX: A Curated Dataset of Crystal Structures and Experimentally Measured Ionic Conductivities for Lithium Solid-State Electrolytes
  17. N Tuchinda, CA Schuh (2025). A Grain Boundary Embrittlement Genome for Substitutional Cubic Alloys
  18. K Yan, M Bohde, A Kryvenko (2025). A Materials Foundation Model via Hybrid Invariant-Equivariant Architectures
  19. Daniel W. Davies, Keith T. Butler, Adam J. Jackson et al. (2024). SMACT: Semiconducting Materials by Analogy and Chemical Theory
  20. Hui Zheng, Eric Sivonxay, Rasmus Christensen et al. (2024). The ab initio non-crystalline structure database: empowering machine learning to decode diffusivity
  21. HH Li, Q Chen, G Ceder (2024). Voltage Mining for (De) lithiation-Stabilized Cathodes and a Machine Learning Model for Li-Ion Cathode Voltage
  22. Janosh Riebesell, Ilyes Batatia, Philipp Benner et al. (2023). A foundation model for atomistic materials chemistry
  23. Jack Douglas Sundberg (2022). A New Framework for Material Informatics and Its Application Toward Electride-Halide Material Systems