git clone -b main https://github.com/anzhiyu-c/hexo-theme-anzhiyu.git themes/anzhiyu
npm install hexo-renderer-pug hexo-renderer-stylus --save
npm install hexo-renderer-pug hexo-renderer-stylus --save --registry=http://registry.npmmirror.com
npm install hexo-generator-feed --save
# https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-generator-feed
#Feed Atom
type: atom
path: atom.xml
limit: 20
rss: /atom.xml
npm install hexo-generator-search --save
修改 主题配置文件
enable: true
preload: false
npm install --save hexo-blog-encrypt
# Security
encrypt: # hexo-blog-encrypt
abstract: 有东西被加密了, 请输入密码查看.
message: 您好, 这里需要密码.
- {name: tagName, password: 密码A}
- {name: tagName, password: 密码B}
theme: xray
wrong_pass_message: 抱歉, 这个密码看着不太对, 请再试试.
wrong_hash_message: 抱歉, 这个文章不能被校验, 不过您还是能看看解密后的内容.
npm install hexo-wordcount --save
yarn add hexo-wordcount
配置 主题配置文件
# wordcount (字数统计)
# see https://blog.anheyu.com/posts/c27d.html#字数统计
enable: true
post_wordcount: true
min2read: true
total_wordcount: true
npm install hexo-abbrlink --save
配置 主题配置文件
# 永久链接配置
permalink: posts/:abbrlink/
alg: crc32 # 使用 crc32 算法生成简短的 ID
rep: hex # 使用十六进制表示生成的 ID
allow: ['post', 'school', 'cpp', 'java', 'blog'] # 允许的路径关键词
disallow: [] # 不允许的路径关键词(可以为空)
trailing_index: true # 是否保留末尾的 index
trailing_html: true # 是否保留末尾的 .html
npm install cheerio
文件目录 themes\anzhiyu\layout\includes\page\fcircle.pug
if theme.friends_lite.enable
link(rel="stylesheet", href=theme.friends_lite.fclite_css_url)
#random-article {
display: none!important;
#random-article:hover {
border: var(--style-border-hover)!important;
.modal-article .modal-article-title:hover,
color: var(--anzhiyu-theme)!important;
#modal-articles-container {
border-top-color: var(--anzhiyu-theme)!important;
border-bottom-color: var(--anzhiyu-theme)!important;
#load-more-btn:hover {
background: var(--anzhiyu-theme)!important;
.author-content.author-content-item.fcirclePage.single(style=`background: url(${theme.friends_lite.top_background}) center / cover no-repeat !important;`)
.author-content-item-tips 朋友圈
span.author-content-item-title 最新文章订阅
.tips= theme.friends_lite.top_tips
i.anzhiyufont.anzhiyu-icon-arrow-circle-right(style='font-size: 22px; margin-right: 0.25rem')
span.banner-button-text 关于本人
h2(style='padding-top:0;margin:.6rem 0 .6rem') 🎣 钓鱼
a.random-post-all(href='/link/') 全部友链
h2 🐟 鱼塘
if (typeof UserConfig === 'undefined') {
var UserConfig = {
private_api_url: '#{theme.friends_lite.private_api_url}',
page_turning_number: #{theme.friends_lite.page_turning_number},
error_img: '#{theme.friends_lite.error_img}',
script(defer data-pjax src=url_for(theme.asset.random_friends_post_js))
文件目录 themes\anzhiyu\source\js\anzhiyu\random_friends_post.js
var fdata = { defaultFish: 100, hungryFish: 100 };
if (typeof fdataUser !== "undefined") {
for (var key in fdataUser) {
if (fdataUser[key]) fdata[key] = fdataUser[key];
var randomPostTimes = 0;
var randomPostWorking = false;
var randomPostTips = [
var randomPostClick = 0;
function fetchRandomPost() {
if (!document.getElementById("random-post")) return;
if (randomPostWorking) return;
randomPostWorking = true;
let randomRotate = randomPostTimes * 360;
let randomPostTipsItem = randomPostTips[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomPostTips.length)];
let randomPostLevel = getRandomPostLevel(randomPostTimes);
document.getElementById("random-post").innerHTML = randomPostTimes >= 5 ?
`钓鱼中... (Lv.` + randomPostTimes + ` 当前称号:` + randomPostLevel + `)` :
let randomTime = randomPostTimes == 0 ? 0 : randomNum(1000, 3000);
document.querySelector(".random-post-start").style.opacity = "0.2";
document.querySelector(".random-post-start").style.transitionDuration = "0.3s";
document.querySelector(".random-post-start").style.transform = "rotate(" + randomRotate + "deg)";
if (randomPostClick * fdata.hungryFish + fdata.defaultFish < randomPostTimes && Math.round(Math.random()) == 0) {
document.getElementById("random-post").innerHTML =
randomPostWorking = false;
} else {
fetch(UserConfig.private_api_url + 'all.json')
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => {
let randomArticle = json.article_data[Math.floor(Math.random() * json.article_data.length)];
let { title, link, author } = randomArticle;
window.setTimeout(() => {
document.getElementById("random-post").innerHTML =
randomPostTipsItem +
`来自友链 <b>` +
author +
`</b> 的文章:<a class="random-friends-post" onclick="randomClickLink()" target="_blank" href="` +
link +
`" rel="external nofollow">` +
title +
randomPostTimes += 1;
localStorage.setItem("randomPostTimes", randomPostTimes);
document.querySelector(".random-post-start").style.opacity = "1";
}, randomTime);
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
document.getElementById("random-post").innerHTML = "获取文章失败,请稍后再试。";
.finally(() => {
randomPostWorking = false;
function initRandomPost() {
if (localStorage.randomPostTimes) {
randomPostTimes = parseInt(localStorage.randomPostTimes);
randomPostClick = parseInt(localStorage.randomPostClick);
document.querySelector(".random-post-start").style.transitionDuration = "0.3s";
document.querySelector(".random-post-start").style.transform = "rotate(" + 360 * randomPostTimes + "deg)";
function randomClickLink() {
randomPostClick += 1;
localStorage.setItem("randomPostClick", randomPostClick);
function randomNum(minNum, maxNum) {
return parseInt(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1) + minNum, 10);
function getRandomPostLevel(times) {
if (times > 10000) return "愿者上钩";
if (times > 1000) return "俯览天下";
if (times > 100) return "绝世渔夫";
if (times > 75) return "钓鱼王者";
if (times > 50) return "钓鱼宗师";
if (times > 20) return "钓鱼专家";
if (times > 5) return "钓鱼高手";
return "钓鱼新手";
文件目录 themes\anzhiyu\layout\includes\page\flink.pug
搜索 #random-post
script(defer data-pjax src=url_for(theme.asset.random_friends_post_js))
+ script.
+ if (typeof UserConfig === 'undefined') {
+ var UserConfig = {
+ private_api_url: '#{theme.friends_lite.private_api_url}',
+ page_turning_number: #{theme.friends_lite.page_turning_number},
+ error_img: '#{theme.friends_lite.error_img}'
+ }
+ }
搜索 .banner-button-group
- if (theme.friends_vue.apiurl)
+ if (theme.friends_lite.private_api_url)
# Lite朋友圈配置
enable: true
fclite_css_url: https://friend.200038.xyz/main/fclite.css # 轻量朋友圈的CSS
fclite_js_url: https://friend.200038.xyz/main/fclite.js # 轻量朋友圈的js
private_api_url: https://friend.200038.xyz/ # 获取json的API URL
page_turning_number: 20 # 每页显示的文章数量
error_img: # 404图片 URL
top_background: # 顶部背景图片 URL
top_tips: 使用 轻量友链朋友圈 订阅友链最新文章 # 顶部提示文本
if theme.linkPageTop && theme.linkPageTop.enable
.banners-title-small 友情链接
.banners-title-big=theme.linkPageTop ? theme.linkPageTop.title : "与数百名博主无限进步"
if theme.linkPageTop.addFriendPlaceholder && theme.comments.use == 'Twikoo' && theme.twikoo.envId
span.banner-button-text 随机访问
if theme.linkPageTop.addFriendPlaceholder && theme.comments.use == 'Twikoo' && theme.twikoo.envId
span.banner-button-text 申请友链
- function getAvatarWithoutExclamationMark(url) {
- const index = url.indexOf('!');
- return index !== -1 ? url.substring(0, index) : url;
- }
each y in [1,2]
each i, index in site.data.link.slice(0, 15)
- const link_list = i.link_list.slice()
- const hundredSuffix = i.hundredSuffix ? i.hundredSuffix : ""
- const evenNum = link_list.filter((x, index) => index % 2 === 0);
- const oddNum = link_list.filter((x, index) => index % 2 === 1);
each item, index2 in link_list.slice(0, Math.min(evenNum.length, oddNum.length))
- const index = index2 * 2
if (index <= 15 && typeof evenNum[index] !== 'undefined' && typeof oddNum[index] !== 'undefined')
- let oddNumAvatar = getAvatarWithoutExclamationMark(oddNum[index].avatar);
- let evenNumAvatar = getAvatarWithoutExclamationMark(evenNum[index].avatar);
a.tags-group-icon.no-text-decoration(href=url_for(evenNum[index].link), title=evenNum[index].name)
img.no-lightbox(title=evenNum[index].name, src=url_for(evenNumAvatar + hundredSuffix) onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.flink) + `'` alt=evenNum[index].name)
a.tags-group-icon.no-text-decoration(href=url_for(oddNum[index].link), title=oddNum[index].name)
img.no-lightbox(title=oddNum[index].name, src=url_for(oddNumAvatar + hundredSuffix) onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.flink) + `'` alt=oddNum[index].name)
h2(style='padding-top:0;margin:.6rem 0 .6rem') 🎣 钓鱼
a.random-post-all.no-text-decoration(href='/link/') 全部友链
script(defer data-pjax src=url_for(theme.asset.random_friends_post_js))
if site.data.link
each i in site.data.link
if i.class_name
h2!= i.class_name + "(" + i.link_list.length + ")"
if i.class_desc
if i.flink_style === 'anzhiyu'
div(class=i.lost_contact ? 'anzhiyu-flink-list cf-friends-lost-contact' : 'anzhiyu-flink-list')
if i.link_list
each item in i.link_list
- let color = item.color || ""
- let tag = item.tag || ""
if color == "vip" && tag
span.site-card-tag.vip #[=tag]
else if color == "speed" && tag
span.site-card-tag.speed #[=tag]
else if tag
span.site-card-tag(style=`background-color: ${color}`) #[=tag]
else if item.recommend
span.site-card-tag 荐
if i.lost_contact
a.cf-friends-link(href=url_for(item.link) title=item.name target="_blank")
if theme.lazyload.enable
img.no-lightbox(data-lazy-src=url_for(item.avatar) onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.flink) + `'` alt=item.name )
img.cf-friends-avatar.no-lightbox(src=url_for(item.avatar) onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.flink) + `'` alt=item.name )
.flink-item-name.cf-friends-name-lost-contact= item.name
a.cf-friends-link(href=url_for(item.link) cf-href=url_for(item.link) title=item.name target="_blank")
if theme.lazyload.enable
img.cf-friends-avatar.no-lightbox(data-lazy-src=url_for(item.avatar), cf-src=url_for(item.avatar), onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.flink) + `'` alt=item.name )
img.cf-friends-avatar.no-lightbox(src=url_for(item.avatar) cf-src=url_for(item.avatar) onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.flink) + `'` alt=item.name )
.flink-item-name.cf-friends-name= item.name
.flink-item-desc(title=item.descr)= item.descr
else if i.flink_style === 'telescopic'
each item in i.link_list
- let color = item.color || ""
- let tag = item.tag || ""
- let siteshot = item.siteshot || `https://image.thum.io/get/width/400/crop/800/allowJPG/wait/20/noanimate/${item.link}` || theme.default_img
if color == "vip" && tag
span.site-card-tag.vip #[=tag]
else if color == "speed" && tag
span.site-card-tag.speed #[=tag]
else if tag
span.site-card-tag(style=`background-color: ${color}`) #[=tag]
else if item.recommend
span.site-card-tag 荐
a.img.no-text-decoration(target='_blank', title=`${item.name}`, href=`${item.link}`, rel='external nofollow')
img.flink-avatar(data-lazy-src=siteshot, onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='${theme.default_img}'`, alt=item.name, style="pointer-events: none;", src=`${siteshot}`)
a.info.cf-friends-link.no-text-decoration(target='_blank', title=`${item.name}`, href=`${item.link}`, cf-href=url_for(item.link), rel='external nofollow')
img.flink-avatar.cf-friends-avatar.no-fancybox(data-lazy-src=item.avatar, cf-src=url_for(item.avatar), onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='${theme.default_img}'`, alt=item.name, src=item.avatar)
span.title.cf-friends-name #[=item.name]
span.desc(title=`${item.descr}`) #[=item.descr]
else if i.flink_style === 'flexcard'
each item in i.link_list
a.flink-list-card.cf-friends-link(href=url_for(item.link) cf-href=url_for(item.link) target='_blank' data-title=item.descr)
- var siteshot = item.siteshot ? url_for(item.siteshot) : 'https://image.thum.io/get/width/400/crop/800/allowJPG/wait/20/noanimate/' + item.link
if theme.lazyload.enable
img.cover.fadeIn(data-lazy-src=siteshot onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.post_page) + `'` alt='cover' )
img.cover.fadeIn(src=siteshot onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.post_page) + `'` alt='cover' )
if theme.lazyload.enable
img.cf-friends-avatar.no-lightbox.flink-avatar(data-lazy-src=url_for(item.avatar) cf-src=url_for(item.avatar) onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.flink) + `'` alt='cover' )
img.cf-friends-avatar.no-lightbox(src=url_for(item.avatar) cf-src=url_for(item.avatar) onerror=`this.onerror=null;this.src='` + url_for(theme.error_img.flink) + `'` alt='cover' )
span.flink-sitename.cf-friends-name= item.name
!= page.content
hexo new page statistics
title: 文章统计
date: 2020-03-01 08:00:00
comments: true
aside: false
type: statistics
top_background: # 图片链接
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
const moment = require('moment')
hexo.extend.filter.register('after_render:html', function (locals) {
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if (category.attr('data-encode') === 'true') htmlEncode = true
if (htmlEncode) {
return $.root().html().replace(/&#/g, '&#')
} else {
return $.root().html()
} else {
return locals
}, 15)
function postsChart (startMonth) {
const startDate = moment(startMonth || '2020-01')
const endDate = moment()
const monthMap = new Map()
const dayTime = 3600 * 24 * 1000
for (let time = startDate; time <= endDate; time += dayTime) {
const month = moment(time).format('YYYY-MM')
if (!monthMap.has(month)) {
monthMap.set(month, 0)
hexo.locals.get('posts').forEach(function (post) {
const month = post.date.format('YYYY-MM')
if (monthMap.has(month)) {
monthMap.set(month, monthMap.get(month) + 1)
const monthArr = JSON.stringify([...monthMap.keys()])
const monthValueArr = JSON.stringify([...monthMap.values()])
return `
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color: color
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name: '文章篇数',
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color: color
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show: false
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show: false
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data: ${monthValueArr},
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data: [{
name: '平均值',
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color: color
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postsChart.on('click', 'series', (event) => {
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function tagsChart (len) {
const tagArr = []
hexo.locals.get('tags').map(function (tag) {
tagArr.push({ name: tag.name, value: tag.length, path: tag.path })
tagArr.sort((a, b) => { return b.value - a.value })
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const tagNameArr = []
for (let i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
const tagNameArrJson = JSON.stringify(tagNameArr)
const tagArrJson = JSON.stringify(tagArr)
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data: [{
name: '平均值',
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color: color
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function categoriesChart (dataParent) {
const categoryArr = []
let categoryParentFlag = false
hexo.locals.get('categories').map(function (category) {
if (category.parent) categoryParentFlag = true
name: category.name,
value: category.length,
path: category.path,
id: category._id,
parentId: category.parent || '0'
categoryParentFlag = categoryParentFlag && dataParent === 'true'
categoryArr.sort((a, b) => { return b.value - a.value })
function translateListToTree (data, parent) {
let tree = []
let temp
data.forEach((item, index) => {
if (data[index].parentId == parent) {
let obj = data[index];
temp = translateListToTree(data, data[index].id);
if (temp.length > 0) {
obj.children = temp
if (tree.indexOf())
return tree
const categoryNameJson = JSON.stringify(categoryArr.map(function (category) { return category.name }))
const categoryArrJson = JSON.stringify(categoryArr)
const categoryArrParentJson = JSON.stringify(translateListToTree(categoryArr, '0'))
return `
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text: '文章分类统计图',
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color: color
legend: {
top: 'bottom',
data: ${categoryNameJson},
textStyle: {
color: color
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trigger: 'item'
series: []
categoryParentFlag ?
nodeClick :false,
name: '文章篇数',
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center: ['50%', '55%'],
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color: color,
formatter: '{b} : {c} ({d}%)'
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- let charts_background = page.top_background
.author-content.author-content-item.album.single(style=`${charts_background ? `background: url(${charts_background}) top / cover no-repeat;` : ""}`)
.author-content-item-tips 文章统计
span.author-content-item-title 这里是我的文章统计哦😯
.tips 统计本博客文章数据
a.banner-button(onclick=`pjax.loadUrl("${url_for(album_detail_top_link ? album_detail_top_link : '/about')}")`, data-pjax-state)
i.anzhiyufont.anzhiyu-icon-arrow-circle-right(style='font-size: 1.5rem')
span.banner-button-text=album_detail_top_btn_text ? album_detail_top_btn_text : "关于我"
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block content
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include includes/page/flink.pug
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include includes/page/categories.pug
when 'essay'
include includes/page/essay.pug
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include includes/page/about.pug
when 'album'
include includes/page/album.pug
when 'fcircle'
include includes/page/fcircle.pug
when 'album_detail'
include includes/page/album_detail.pug
when 'music'
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+ when 'statistics.pug'
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include includes/page/default-page.pug
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- <script src="https://lib.baomitu.com/echarts/4.9.0-rc.1/echarts.min.js"></script>
hexo clean; hexo g; hexo s
预览如果遇到下图错误安装Hexo 项目中缺少该模块cheerio即可
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* @description 生成ui模板
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* @description 大图加载完成
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* @description 小图加载完成
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// 首页一图流加载优化
* @description 实现medium的渐进加载背景的效果
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constructor(smallSrc, largeSrc) {
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_onSmallLoaded() {
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isMobile ? config.mobileSmallSrc : config.smallSrc,
isMobile ? config.mobileLargeSrc : config.largeSrc
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/* 小图锯齿多,增加高斯模糊 */
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# The banner image of home page
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hexo clean; hexo g; hexo s
- 新建文件
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linkCom: e => {
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- 新建文件
/* 添加友链按钮 */
/* 快速填写格式 */
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- 在你的友链页面
<div class="addBtn"><button onclick="leonus.linkCom()"><i class="fa-solid fa-circle-plus"></i>快速申请 (默认样式)</button> <button onclick="leonus.linkCom("bf")"><i class="fa-solid fa-circle-plus"></i>快速申请 (Butterfly)</button></div>
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- 然后一键三连本地看效果
hexo clean; hexo g; hexo s
- 在
.twopeople(style="margin: 0;align-items: center;justify-content: center;text-align: center; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #D9A7C7, #FFFCDC);")
.container(style="height: 50px; margin: 0; align-items: center; justify-content: center; text-align: center;")
h2 学习的小白,欢迎互换
a(href="你的网站链接/link/") 友链.
canvas.illo(width="600" height="600" style="display: block;margin: 0 auto;cursor: move;max-width: 200px; max-height: 200px; touch-action: none; width: 480px; height: 480px;")
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- 在
//- post
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if showToc
include ./card_post_toc.pug
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//- page
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!=partial('includes/widget/card_announcement', {}, {cache: true})
!=partial('includes/widget/card_weixin', {}, {cache: true})
- 在
if hexo-config('aside.enable')
+ >.card-widget.card-revolve
+ text-align: left;
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+ margin-top: 20px;
+ padding: 0px 0px;
+ border-radius: 12px;
+ width: 100%;
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #D9A7C7, #FFFCDC);
+ a
+ color: #f18ed4;text-decoration: none;
- 配置正确的话然后一键三连本地看效果
hexo clean; hexo g; hexo s