A software engineer engineers software systems. I love being a intermediate level ME, it makes al subdomains/branches of hard science and engineering simpler and approachable for me. ME engineers x systems. X is ?
I would like to be an expert software engineer unconstrained by programming languages by the end of Q3 of this year, focusing on Shadow IT which is the branch of IT that actually meets human needs while balancing security and safety at the risk of sometimes breaking compliance with literal interpretations of company IT policy.
[WARNING] - My personal and professional websites are don't exist, to explain, they are not owned/managed by me. You have been warned twice. Do not get scammed.
What could possibly go wrong?
MoTD - Ensured fake theses of students and professors get the attention required. If you lost your shot at a PhD in CS twice after completing the work just stop. Multidisciplnary research is not for you.
Stay a PhD candiadate forever.
PSP or MP or SAS that is, Vaikunthapali (in Andhra Pradesh). The original source of the Victorian England Snakes and Ladders. The Victorian version is more like a regression rather than evolution, an important lesson in relentless march of history. The Victorian version was way more forgiving as it contained equal numbers of each, removing the most important connection to the real world empirical insight of walking the right path being more difficult than the other one.
Location - aW4gb3IgbmVhcmJ5IHlvdXIgbG9jYWwgVFQgcHV