MicroPython builds for Pimoroni Pico 2 / RP2350 boards.
Sudoku solving in python packaging
Kamaji is the Hosted Control Plane Manager for Kubernetes.
A plate solving telescope finder based around a Raspberry PI and RPI HQ Camera
Basic PS4 / Dual Shock 4 controller handling on a Pico-W
A GKE standalone auth plugin, with no dependencies on gcloud cli and python.
Some experiments I did with the Raspberry Pi Pico
Read a rotary encoder for the Raspberry Pi Pico using PIO code
A dual channel brushless motor controller based on the RP2040 microcontroller, designed in Kicad.
The xESC is an easy to use, low cost electronic speed controller (ESC) design for sensored brushless DC (BLDC) motors.
cyberark / kubesploit
Forked from Ne0nd0g/merlinKubesploit is a cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent written in Golang, focused on containerized environments.
Tools for understanding, measuring, and applying network policies effectively in kubernetes
Libraries and examples to support Pimoroni Pico add-ons in C++ and MicroPython.
Samsung Washing Machine replacing OS control unit
A collection of Kubernetes examples that I use
Faking your webcam background under GNU/Linux, now supports background blurring, animated background, colour map effect, hologram effect and on-demand processing.
Hoverboard Hack Firmware Generation 2 for the Hoverboard with the two Mainboards instead of the Sensorboards (See
Sample cloud-first application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, and gRPC.
This Kubernetes operator can monitor and scale Calico route reflector topology based on cluster size.
Bash script to tail Kubernetes logs from multiple pods at the same time
Example recipes for Kubernetes Network Policies that you can just copy paste
onedata / charts
Forked from groundnuty/onedata-chartsHelm charts for Onedata
Cloud native networking and network security
Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.