Reaping treasures from strings in remote processes memory
COM ViewLogger — new malware keylogging technique
.NET assembly loader with patchless AMSI and ETW bypass
PXEThief is a set of tooling that can extract passwords from the Operating System Deployment functionality in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
Identify common EDR processes, directories, and services. Simple BOF of Invoke-EDRChecker.
Disconnected RSAT - A method of running Group Policy Manager, Certificate Authority and Certificate Templates MMC snap-ins from non-domain joined machies
A set of programs for analyzing common vulnerabilities in COM
BOF and Python3 implementation of technique to unbind 445/tcp on Windows via SCM interactions
Email enumerator, username generator, and context validator for,, and
The recursive internet scanner for hackers. 🧡
Bounces when a fish bites - Evilginx database monitoring with exfiltration automation
Modular cross-platform Microsoft Graph API (Entra, o365, and Intune) enumeration and exploitation toolkit
A small script that automates Entra ID persistence with Windows Hello For Business key
Writing Nimless Nim - Slides and source for BSIDESKC 2024 talk.
A C# Solution Source Obfuscator for avoiding AV signatures with minimal user interaction. Powered by the Roslyn C# library.
Initial Access and Post-Exploitation Tool for AAD and O365 with a browser-based GUI
Macro-header for compile-time C obfuscation (tcc, win x86/x64)