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Solve A x = b by least squares.

It supports multiple right-hand-sides.

The method is based off the TNT paper by J. M. Myre et al.

  • Speed. Best when these apply:

    • rows cols 1 .
    • Data columns 10 . But it's worth trying in any case.
  • Accuracy: it's frequently as accurate as QR or PseudoInverse but it will have larger error (normally still acceptable) with tricky matrices.

For speed, see comparison here.

For calculations with non-zero intercept, remember to push a 1 to each row. The coefficient will be the last item in XBest.

A more thorough webpage to compare speed/accuracy will hopefully be included soon.

Install and Use

npm i fit-tnt
import { TNT } from 'fit-tnt';

const A = [
  [1, 2, 3],
  [4, 5, 6],
]; // 2x3
const b = [6, 12]; // or [[6],[12]]

try {
  const { XBest, metadata } = new TNT(A, b);
} catch (e) {

A related method is Ridge Regression.


Comparison: TNT vs Pseudo-Inverse

  • Matrix Shape: rows 500, columns 200
  • Speed Up: 5.20
  • Inverting the shape below, TNT is slower.
│ (index)       │       Avg Exec Time │           Avg Error │
│ TNT           │ 0.09470919929999999 │ 0.04945702797110891 │
│ PseudoInverse │ 0.49272041820000007 │ 0.04945702797110894 │


Theoretical Background

Linear systems appear everywhere: A , x = b . Unique solutions ( x ) rarely exist. Least-Squares is one way to select the best:

G ( x ) = min x A , x b 2 2

Searching the gradient-vector G ( x ) = 0 we get the normal equation A T , A x = A T b

This is also a linear system! S x = y . If the symmetric matrix S is positive definite (hence A has l.i. cols.) then it is invertible and can be solved using Cho ( S ) = L L T and solving two triangular systems, which is fast and simple.

When computed directly (as done here), S = A T , A has a condition number κ ( A T A ) = κ ( A ) 2 . So it will fail for near-singular S . Preconditioning tries to reduce this problem. Larger condition number also tends to slow the convergence of iterative methods.


The Conjugate Gradient for Normal Residual (CGNR) is a popular method for solving Sparse Least-Squares problems, where the design matrix has many zeros.

For wide-$A$, where n m > 1 calculating and factoring A T A becomes computationally demanding, given its n 2 separate elements. Here pseudo-inverse will be faster. TNT tends to be faster when m n .

TNT preconditions A T , A so that it has an inverse and a smaller condition number, then iteratively solves using CGNR.

Positive definite means that x T M x > 0 . In our case: x T , ( A T A ) , x > 0 , and ( A , x ) T ( A x ) > 0

The ( ) are non-zero when the columns are linearly independent. If the columns of A are linearly independent then it's invertible/non-singular, and A T A is invertible.

So we want to pre-condition A T A so that it is invertible, we also want to avoid tiny numbers in the diagonal of the decomposition.

Algorithm Description
  1. Carry out product: N = A T , A (N is Symmetric.)
  2. Cholesky Decomposition and factor: R, p = Cho(N)
  3. if !p: N = N + e\*I, ϵ being a tiny number.
  4. Residual r 0 = A , x 0 b
  5. Gradient per coefficient ( r ), g 0 = A T r 0
  6. Error in the coefficients z 0 = R 1 , g 0
  7. Get α as a = dot(z,g)/dot (r,r)
  8. Update x as x i + 1 = x i + a i × p i
  9. Next residual r i + 1 = r i a i × r i
  10. New gradient g i + 1 = A T r i + 1
  11. New error in coefficients: z i + 1 = R 1 , g i + 1
  12. Get β beta = dot(z_{i+1},g_{i+1})/dot (z_i,g_i)




Unconstrained Linear Least Squares using TNT







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