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Tags: nilq/ucall



Build: Released 0.5.5 [skip ci]

## [0.5.5](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.5.4...v0.5.5) (2024-04-15)

### Improve

* Lua & Go benchmarks, docs (unum-cloud#93) ([57e5795](unum-cloud@57e5795)), closes [unum-cloud#93](unum-cloud#93)


Build: Released 0.5.4 [skip ci]

## [0.5.4](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.5.3...v0.5.4) (2024-03-05)

### Fix

* Casting and formatting in CLI ([fd923d1](unum-cloud@fd923d1)), closes [unum-cloud#81](unum-cloud#81)

### Make

* Extend CPython labels for visibility ([c331893](unum-cloud@c331893))


Build: Released 0.5.3 [skip ci]

## [0.5.3](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.5.2...v0.5.3) (2024-02-19)

### Make

* Upgrade CI ([3fed7e3](unum-cloud@3fed7e3))


Build: Released 0.5.2 [skip ci]

## [0.5.2](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.5.1...v0.5.2) (2024-01-27)

### Make

* SemVer updates ([776a37f](unum-cloud@776a37f)), closes [unum-cloud#92](unum-cloud#92)
* Upgrade NodeJS version in CI ([0d351a0](unum-cloud@0d351a0))



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request unum-cloud#85 from unum-cloud/main-dev

Refactor: Code organization


Build: Released 0.7.0 [skip ci]

# [0.7.0](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.6.0...v0.7.0) (2023-09-07)

### Add

* A benchmark case with python `httpx` for non reuse ([f31a688](unum-cloud@f31a688))
* interface for callback to get raw content ([c44f050](unum-cloud@c44f050))
* Interface to retrieve header field by name. ([b3f3ca1](unum-cloud@b3f3ca1))
* TLS non reusing Case ([e62487d](unum-cloud@e62487d))
* TLS test for FastAPI ([3d6ea02](unum-cloud@3d6ea02))

### Build

* Fix mac build ([07a08cc](unum-cloud@07a08cc))

### ci

* update setup docker action to latest and fix QEMU ([c8870c1](unum-cloud@c8870c1))

### Docs

* Prepare main page for REST ([8c34bf7](unum-cloud@8c34bf7))

### Fix

* Decrypt TLS requests fully ([80cd292](unum-cloud@80cd292))
* http header count reset ([76f46f0](unum-cloud@76f46f0))
* Parted TLS requests ([92e24ea](unum-cloud@92e24ea))

### Make

* Add rebase action ([3bcfdb2](unum-cloud@3bcfdb2))


Build: Released 0.6.0 [skip ci]

# [0.6.0](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.5.1...v0.6.0) (2023-08-29)

### Add

* An example of REST usage in python ([8d3c7c9](unum-cloud@8d3c7c9))
* Automatic native resolution ([4141a52](unum-cloud@4141a52))
* Custom TCP protocol ending with `NULL` ([19e34a6](unum-cloud@19e34a6))
* debug task for epoll ([f503c12](unum-cloud@f503c12))
* debug task for epoll ([a8e9b1a](unum-cloud@a8e9b1a))
* Enable python support for epoll ([1b578a7](unum-cloud@1b578a7))
* Enable python support for epoll ([6041a64](unum-cloud@6041a64))
* Enable TLS for epoll ([94bd05a](unum-cloud@94bd05a))
* epoll backend ([d1bf2e3](unum-cloud@d1bf2e3))
* epoll backend ([bc80d60](unum-cloud@bc80d60))
* exec. for ucall with epoll ([d434e71](unum-cloud@d434e71))
* exec. for ucall with epoll ([939f26d](unum-cloud@939f26d))
* Initial adaptation of REST paths for python ([a8582b6](unum-cloud@a8582b6))
* Initial REST Implementation ([d1ac39e](unum-cloud@d1ac39e))
* Make resusing sockets ([44f6537](unum-cloud@44f6537))
* Move `Cancellation` to concrete engines ([37bad5a](unum-cloud@37bad5a))
* Posix implementation with new interface ([68be13a](unum-cloud@68be13a))
* Posix TLS support ([234f0da](unum-cloud@234f0da))
* Replace MbedTLS with LibreSSL combined with PicoTLS ([d9a338d](unum-cloud@d9a338d))
* Shuffled TLS test ([488efe1](unum-cloud@488efe1))
* Simple REST Example C++ ([e9bc346](unum-cloud@e9bc346))
* Simple test for REST ([fe6ee14](unum-cloud@fe6ee14))
* TLS for uring ([3055ab8](unum-cloud@3055ab8))

### Build

* Clean up CMake structure. ([a44d815](unum-cloud@a44d815))
* Combine TLS related libs into one variable ([46a483c](unum-cloud@46a483c))
* Compilation fixes ([5b0a844](unum-cloud@5b0a844))
* Fix debug build paths ([b2d5199](unum-cloud@b2d5199))
* Fix windows build ([ae3695c](unum-cloud@ae3695c))
* Fix Windows build for picotls ([20c8889](unum-cloud@20c8889))
* Fix Windows build for picotls ([4b2be8c](unum-cloud@4b2be8c))
* Fix wrong lib naming for python ([25198fb](unum-cloud@25198fb))
* Use OpenSSL for Debugging ([3a57360](unum-cloud@3a57360))

### Docs

* Document `drop_embedded_n` ([5cdcb21](unum-cloud@5cdcb21))
* Document protocol types ([f08ce30](unum-cloud@f08ce30))

### Fix

* `ClientTLS` closed socket detection ([d352be2](unum-cloud@d352be2))
* `is_input_complete` for http. ([b5aad05](unum-cloud@b5aad05))
* `min`, `max` macros bypass on Windows ([8c0ce95](unum-cloud@8c0ce95))
* `mmap` for windows with system paging backed memory ([abcfb2f](unum-cloud@abcfb2f))
* `socket` flags on MSVC ([6c9b9f6](unum-cloud@6c9b9f6))
* `socket` include for `Windows` ([397be3a](unum-cloud@397be3a))
* `std::from_chars` usage for MSVC ([55826a5](unum-cloud@55826a5))
* `std::string_view` construction for MSVC ([b34cbcf](unum-cloud@b34cbcf))
* `Windows` check in posix ([ba00dfc](unum-cloud@ba00dfc))
* Be more permissive on timeouts for connection ([990ff37](unum-cloud@990ff37))
* define `ssize_t` for Windows ([b0a9e61](unum-cloud@b0a9e61))
* Drop `memory_map_t.reserve` flags: always Anonymous ([c92c9c8](unum-cloud@c92c9c8))
* Drop redoundant `iovec` usage ([21faaff](unum-cloud@21faaff))
* Improve connection reservation mechanism ([c0f7098](unum-cloud@c0f7098))
* Initialize POD ([b3f1fb7](unum-cloud@b3f1fb7))
* link necessary libs ([6d7a7d1](unum-cloud@6d7a7d1))
* link necessary libs ([acee6fa](unum-cloud@acee6fa))
* missed `header` declaration ([0ad4c0a](unum-cloud@0ad4c0a))
* Performance bottleneck on select ([a2b5a7c](unum-cloud@a2b5a7c))
* Posix for TLS receive with `select` ([e6bdf89](unum-cloud@e6bdf89))
* program path ([c684574](unum-cloud@c684574))
* program path ([2dc281d](unum-cloud@2dc281d))
* Proper connection state handling in epoll ([0c91206](unum-cloud@0c91206))
* Proper connection state handling in epoll ([00dd631](unum-cloud@00dd631))
* Provide interface to python to set protocol ([6ab326a](unum-cloud@6ab326a))
* return negative errno ([a4883e7](unum-cloud@a4883e7))
* Set stage to acceptance when accepting ([27da031](unum-cloud@27da031))
* SSL may receive an artefact before the full message ([212c4c6](unum-cloud@212c4c6))
* Stability fixes: Addressing DOS ([7d16141](unum-cloud@7d16141))
* UB - used out of scope variable ([3bb19a8](unum-cloud@3bb19a8))
* UB on connection access ([21a6829](unum-cloud@21a6829))
* UB use of unmapped memory ([fa2666e](unum-cloud@fa2666e))
* Use connection protocol for error messages ([5021068](unum-cloud@5021068))
* Windows Build ([0793415](unum-cloud@0793415))

### Improve

* Make Reusing ([3871eba](unum-cloud@3871eba))

### Make

* Build only required parts from dependencies ([09af65b](unum-cloud@09af65b))
* Change LibreSSL url for Mac ([a010c6e](unum-cloud@a010c6e))
* Enable epoll only on linux ([35459a0](unum-cloud@35459a0))

### Refactor

* Abstract SSL out of specific backend ([409141d](unum-cloud@409141d))
* Abstraction, Refactoring, Organization ([c4c7cca](unum-cloud@c4c7cca))
* Allow user to choose the backend ([2b524f3](unum-cloud@2b524f3))
* Bring template limit back ([984b1ea](unum-cloud@984b1ea))
* Clean up ([72f5ef3](unum-cloud@72f5ef3))
* Clean Up ([9040d51](unum-cloud@9040d51))
* Cleanup and minor organization ([3b9a1e7](unum-cloud@3b9a1e7))
* Combine all containers into one file ([fb63450](unum-cloud@fb63450))
* Decouple, Organize, and Simplify Dependencies ([999066a](unum-cloud@999066a))
* Default non TLS server ([f8a912f](unum-cloud@f8a912f))
* Enum to snake_case_k ([64e6678](unum-cloud@64e6678))
* Fix python rest server ([240d2f3](unum-cloud@240d2f3))
* Fix some warnings ([d20fbf2](unum-cloud@d20fbf2))
* Fix some warnings ([09f4a6a](unum-cloud@09f4a6a))
* From non 0 certificate count follows TLS ([1d244ee](unum-cloud@1d244ee))
* Gather JSON-RPC Functions into `jsonrpc.hpp` ([95b9292](unum-cloud@95b9292))
* Implementing protocol decoration ([3db6d3e](unum-cloud@3db6d3e))
* Interface adjustments ([d2ecc74](unum-cloud@d2ecc74))
* Interface adjustments ([8a48fc4](unum-cloud@8a48fc4))
* Make network functions `noexcept` ([0ef9900](unum-cloud@0ef9900))
* Migrate from std::any to std::variant ([458ead6](unum-cloud@458ead6))
* Move protocol to connection ([b8c4047](unum-cloud@b8c4047))
* no reason to keep `descriptor_t` as an int ([0c8a208](unum-cloud@0c8a208))
* Organize functions in epoll ([eb84bce](unum-cloud@eb84bce))
* Organizing and Separating Interfaces ([d02d9cd](unum-cloud@d02d9cd))
* Protocol fills response with callback engine ([fe5e33a](unum-cloud@fe5e33a))
* Remove deleted copy-move semantic for `span_gt` ([dc8e4cc](unum-cloud@dc8e4cc))
* Remove unused ([e4beb57](unum-cloud@e4beb57))
* Remove unused file ([b7d85ea](unum-cloud@b7d85ea))
* Remove unused file ([665d993](unum-cloud@665d993))
* Removed unused variable ([f21b580](unum-cloud@f21b580))
* Rename `posix` to `synced` ([5236768](unum-cloud@5236768))
* Rename `synced` back to `posix` ([cd68815](unum-cloud@cd68815))
* Replace `ctime` with `chrono` ([f87908c](unum-cloud@f87908c))
* Replace designated initializers ([0b674f0](unum-cloud@0b674f0))
* Runtime config of communication protocol ([cb9e5ce](unum-cloud@cb9e5ce))
* Simple organization to simplify automata ([9a4e35f](unum-cloud@9a4e35f))
* Simplify code ([fbacbfc](unum-cloud@fbacbfc))
* Simplify code ([3b16265](unum-cloud@3b16265))
* use pool ([784e164](unum-cloud@784e164))
* use pool ([ff75203](unum-cloud@ff75203))
* Wrap network interfaces under namespace ([bba30a6](unum-cloud@bba30a6))


Build: Released 0.5.1 [skip ci]

## [0.5.1](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.5.0...v0.5.1) (2023-06-08)

### Build

* Always refresh docs ([911c860](unum-cloud@911c860))

### Docs

* CITATION.cff ([63bc10d](unum-cloud@63bc10d))
* Mention company in CITATION.cff ([c7423c0](unum-cloud@c7423c0))

### Fix

* `interface` is a macro in MSVC. ([bed3f79](unum-cloud@bed3f79))
* Add `winsock` includes to support windows. ([d0314b1](unum-cloud@d0314b1))
* Currently `iovecs` are required only for `uring`. ([9d850be](unum-cloud@9d850be))
* MSVC by default makes Debug build. ([0a6c40d](unum-cloud@0a6c40d))
* Redundant `;` is a problem on MSVC ([578e741](unum-cloud@578e741))
* Workflows ([61e8968](unum-cloud@61e8968))

### Make

* Add `MSVC` specific flags. ([18a8276](unum-cloud@18a8276))
* Enable windows build on pipelines ([7210d02](unum-cloud@7210d02))
* Refactor `pyproject` and `` for Windows ([2f23d56](unum-cloud@2f23d56))

### Refactor

* `engine_posix` for Windows compatibility ([c3d40a5](unum-cloud@c3d40a5))
* Remove unused include ([07ae160](unum-cloud@07ae160))
* Use `fileno` for cross-compatibility. ([0a72a71](unum-cloud@0a72a71))


Build: Released 0.5.0 [skip ci]

# [0.5.0](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.4.0...v0.5.0) (2023-05-19)

### Add

* Type-checking safeguards ([1b866ae](unum-cloud@1b866ae))

### Build

* Temporarily disable automated versioning ([019ab19](unum-cloud@019ab19))
* Trusted publishing to PyPi ([7663cf3](unum-cloud@7663cf3))
* Use Trusted Publishing for PyPi ([ca18d8c](unum-cloud@ca18d8c))

### Docs

* Cleanup CLI `help` and type annotations ([83cabd1](unum-cloud@83cabd1))

### Refactor

* Macros names ([dd02645](unum-cloud@dd02645))


Build: Released 0.4.0 [skip ci]

# [0.4.0](unum-cloud/ucall@v0.3.0...v0.4.0) (2023-04-21)

### Add

* Config file and disable Renegotiation. ([0f39720](unum-cloud@0f39720))
* Posix TLS draft. ([865217b](unum-cloud@865217b))
* Session Resumption ([5bfb78a](unum-cloud@5bfb78a))
* ssl support to python ([c9f5e28](unum-cloud@c9f5e28))
* TLS tests. ([3d5529c](unum-cloud@3d5529c))
* TLSClient ([e61fcb4](unum-cloud@e61fcb4))

### Build

* Remove test apps. ([e853ef4](unum-cloud@e853ef4))

### Chore

* Enable A64 for SHA512/256. ([a18ff14](unum-cloud@a18ff14))

### Docs

* New title ([4f02d31](unum-cloud@4f02d31))

### Fix

* `ujrpc_ssl_context_t` corruption on move. ([50ec686](unum-cloud@50ec686))
* Check `malloc`. ([3ee198d](unum-cloud@3ee198d))
* Check crts path too. ([faf92a6](unum-cloud@faf92a6))
* Comparing with `std::error_code` produced an UB. ([aded2a9](unum-cloud@aded2a9))
* Comparing with `std::error_code` produced an UB. ([0c72246](unum-cloud@0c72246))
* More stable way to send and recieve packets. ([eec88cd](unum-cloud@eec88cd))
* Raise Exception in Python if Server Init Failed. ([37b924b](unum-cloud@37b924b))
* Recieve full packet, both with and without tls. ([bc0dd92](unum-cloud@bc0dd92))
* TLS socket `closed` check. ([8e92515](unum-cloud@8e92515))
* Wrong Content-Length for tls. ([5e6a7b8](unum-cloud@5e6a7b8))

### Improve

* Drop `iovecs` from posix engine. ([4ccb182](unum-cloud@4ccb182))

### Refactor

* Add ssl placeholders ([34b54bc](unum-cloud@34b54bc))
* Dropped `batch_response_t`. ([824fb5c](unum-cloud@824fb5c))
* Formatting, variable names ([1416141](unum-cloud@1416141))
* independent `_make_socket` ([421df2e](unum-cloud@421df2e))
* Initialize all members the same way. ([e2671d3](unum-cloud@e2671d3))
* Remove redundant `send_reply` ([3a56ba1](unum-cloud@3a56ba1))
* Removed redundant check. ([2cb8b11](unum-cloud@2cb8b11))
* Rename `sum` to `login` in lunch.json ([22564cf](unum-cloud@22564cf))
* Rename UJRPC into UCall ([7c15d49](unum-cloud@7c15d49))
* Rename UJRPC into UCall ([1bcb43e](unum-cloud@1bcb43e))
* wrapped to rich ([c0ccfee](unum-cloud@c0ccfee))