3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
Spectrum analyzer for multiple SDR platforms (PyQtGraph based GUI for soapy_power, hackrf_sweep, rtl_power, rx_power and other backends)
MalcolmRobb / dump1090
Forked from antirez/dump1090Dump1090 is a simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices
Program to decode radio transmissions from devices on the ISM bands (and other frequencies)
3D visualization of air traffic through RTL-SDR (dump1090) and MATLAB
Sniff and decode NRF24L01+ and Bluetooth Low Energy using RTL-SDR
Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt.
Dump1090 is a simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices
texane / librtlsdr
Forked from steve-m/librtlsdrSoftware to turn the RTL2832U into an SDR
LTE SDR cell scanner optimized to work with very low performance RF front ends (8bit A/D, 20dB noise figure)
A bucket of various work-in-progress rtl-sdr ideas.
This repository applies all Versions of the Original TrueCrypt Source Files in order
Tvheadend is the leading TV streaming server for Linux with ATSC, DVB-C/C2, DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, IPTV, SAT>IP and unix pipe input sources
Kernel source tree for Raspberry Pi-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at
PS3 Media Server is a cross-platform DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server. Originally written to support the PlayStation 3, PS3 Media Server has been expanded to support a range of other media renderer…
mutability / rtl-sdr
Forked from keenerd/rtl-sdrRTL-SDR *very* experimental branch - it's probably broken!
Ook-decoder reads On-Off Keying radio data commonly used in the 433MHz ISM bands using a software defined radio (SDR).
Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available f…
A cross platform Python frequency scanning GUI for the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr library
keenerd / rtl-sdr
Forked from pinkavaj/rtl-sdrRTL-SDR experimental branch