Starred repositories
🤖 可 DIY 的 多模态 AI 聊天机器人 | 🚀 快速接入 微信、 QQ、Telegram、等聊天平台 | 🦈支持DeepSeek、Grok、Claude、Ollama、Gemini、OpenAI | 工作流系统、网页搜索、AI画图、人设调教、虚拟女仆、语音对话 |
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.
firebase / php-jwt
Forked from luciferous/jwtPHP package for JWT
The Best Airplay SDK supports Airplay Mirroring and AirPlay Casting to a receiver device.
Cross-platform emulator collection distributed with Docker images.
RecordRTC is WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows.
V2rayU,基于v2ray核心的mac版客户端,用于科学上网,使用swift编写,支持trojan,vmess,shadowsocks,socks5等服务协议,支持订阅, 支持二维码,剪贴板导入,手动配置,二维码分享等
A Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Cron-Style Job System.
uprofiler UI,xhprof UI,tideways UI , PHP Non-intrusive performance monitoring platform.
🔥🔥🔥AidLearning is a powerful AIOT development platform, AidLearning builds a linux env supporting GUI, deep learning and visual IDE on Android...Now Aid supports CPU+GPU+NPU for inference with high…
An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
🚀 PHP Extension for creating and reader XLSX files.
A distributed task scheduling framework.(分布式任务调度平台XXL-JOB)
微信HOOK、微信机器人 wxhook,数据库解密 微信公众号采集 微信公众号爬虫,企业微信HOOK
【Xposed Hook 企业微信 微信】企业微信机器人 微信机器人 自动抢回复 会话 自动通过 好友列表 群管理 SDK
Enjoy hooking wechat by Xposed....Accessibility...and so on...
Java Wechaty is a Conversational SDK for Chatbot Makers Written in Kotlin
Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/7q8NBZbQzt
Tool kit for building PHP under Windows